View Full Version : swaying pink by eating acidic food, but I feel the way I eat might sway blue?

February 20th, 2012, 12:39 AM
I am a petite girl with lots of appetite in general. Since I hit puberty I developed an intense love with food and cuisines. Even when before I had my son, I was obsessed with healthy food and the world of culinary. Life wasn't complete with a variety of food shoved into my mouth. Not till I found the IG site and GenderDreaming site, I learned that pink swayers shouldn't eat much at all, and if can avoid 'nutritious' food that sways blue.

I am now shoving myself eating acidic food such as pasta, rice, bread, diet coke, chicken, fish, and avoid vegies/fruits, or anything that's alkaline, but I am a big eater in general and cannot have meals just for the sake of 'filling in my tummy', in other words, I am a keen eater and must eat big portions, enjoy desserts, drinks (now mostly milk and cranberry juice), and won't let myself starving throughout the day, i need to have a balance meal time everyday... and that sounds like I'm too well nourished!

So by eating off acidic food alone despite your eating style, would that still favour for pink conception even if you're a foodie?

February 20th, 2012, 07:57 AM
You sound like me! I am struggling too and totally changed my diet. I am small too but a huge eater and snacker. It all depends on what you want/are willing to do. Any change is a little bit of a change I think, it all depends on how "hard" you want to sway. I changed completely to the LE diet, but have stopped quite a few times to gain weight or cheat. And I am not happy on it so I don't know how long it will last. I also eat quite a lot more veggies and fruits on it than a lot of others do. But I have stopped snacking and I have stopped things like chicken, fish, spelt products, nuts, greek yogurts, really most of the yummy foods I want to be eating. I eat things I normally wouldn't be eating like white mini bagels, white matzo, lots of plain foods. I will give it a go for a few more months. good luck with what you choose!

February 20th, 2012, 10:21 AM
you'll be eating acidifying foods, not acidic ones. Pasta and rice are considered to be quite neutral and blue swayers can eat those too, so you have to watch your portion size sometimes as eating too much might take you over your limits.

I do think what you eat sways, but I also think it's how you eat it too. I do think it's important not to constantly eat because the blood glucose will then favour blue (skipping breakfast and not snacking means your insulin levels can drop during the day), and I did still eat quite a bit of veg but limited it to the allowed ones (green beans, mushrooms, courgettes, leek, cooked tomatoes, etc) and had other more nutritious veg just occasionally.

the diet isn't easy if you enjoy your food (as most blue-mums do!), but I found I reminded myself that I might want XYZ, but I want a little girl more! it made it easier to say no to food and even to go hungry at times.

any change will change your odds a little bit, it just depends on what you can live with (both now, and long-term... i.e. if you got a BFP would you wish you'd tried harder?)

February 20th, 2012, 11:00 AM
It sounds like you are eating a lot. That does not sway pink. You are eating lots of calories and lots of carbs that simply turn into sugar. Not good for swaying pink.

February 20th, 2012, 12:23 PM
I actually don't think eating a lot of acidifying foods is necessary as we can create an acidic environment artificially with acid gels and baby aspirin and by adding some aspartame to the diet (I think the diet coke is good!).

If you're eating a lot of those foods then your protein intake will be high and so will your blood sugar levels and you won't be losing weight - and I agree that you are likely to be swaying blue.

February 20th, 2012, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. I think you are all right that I shouldn't be eating too much as that will sway blue and that's exactly how I got DS last time (didn't know i unintentionally swayed blue). These days I have avoided a lot of salt and potassium rich foods such as condiments, sauces, chili, and even fruits/veg as they are alkalinizing, hence I have only been eating a lot of rice, pasta and bread, chicken, cheese, and anything plain taste as well as milk and yogurt, and if I need to snack i would grab some rice crackers or anything that does not indicate high sodium intake. However, the way I eat is still very "blue" as I have to nearly constantly eat to avoid myself going to bed hungry (I tend to get hungry towards night time). I am still confused how I should schedule my meal time and how much portion I should take. In other words, I feel that I should let myself eat nearly "nothing" and let myself get hungry and let the blood sugar level drop?

Would you advise what I should do and can you help me fill out the blanks in my mind? For example as at today this is what I have eaten:

7.30 am Woke up
9.30 am arrived at work. No breakfast yet.
10.30 am first meal: Skim Coffee and a blueberry muffin. Filled me up nicely.

12.30-1pm Lunch time : what should I eat? or should I avoid to eat at this hour as it's still very close form the time of last meal?

1.30 - 5.30 pm: still at work - usually have nothing for afternon tea, if i am craving for something i'd reach for a chocolate.

6.30 pm: arrive back home and dinner time: what should I eat? should I eat something little only? I am afraid my tummy would be rumbling like crazy by the time it's midninght. I sleep quite late most days!!

11.30pm above: Bed time.

and can i drink a lot of water to combat my hunger pang if it comes?

February 20th, 2012, 08:26 PM
Just wanted to pop in and say sorry you are having a hard time on the girl diet. I am the complete opposite to you, i was unknowingly swaying girl with my lifestyle and diet when my DD was concieved, i would skip meals and eat lots bad foods without much fruit or veg. Now i am struggeling on the boy diet, have put on a lot of weight eating so much, but i hope it is worth it in the end. Changing our habbits is really hard, but if i can do it, so can you.

February 21st, 2012, 01:05 PM
Most of us skip breakfast and have lunch at around 12 (first meal of the day) then have 1 or 2 more meals for the rest of the day. I used to have dinner at around 4/5pm then a smaller meal/snack at around 9pm.

These are the daily allowances on the Low Everything diet:

Calories - 1500-1800
Protein - around 40 grams
Fat - between 25-60 grams of fat depending on caloric intake
Sodium - 700-1000 mg

atomic sagebrush
February 21st, 2012, 11:10 PM
I am a petite girl with lots of appetite in general. Since I hit puberty I developed an intense love with food and cuisines. Even when before I had my son, I was obsessed with healthy food and the world of culinary. Life wasn't complete with a variety of food shoved into my mouth. Not till I found the IG site and GenderDreaming site, I learned that pink swayers shouldn't eat much at all, and if can avoid 'nutritious' food that sways blue.

I am now shoving myself eating acidic food such as pasta, rice, bread, diet coke, chicken, fish, and avoid vegies/fruits, or anything that's alkaline, but I am a big eater in general and cannot have meals just for the sake of 'filling in my tummy', in other words, I am a keen eater and must eat big portions, enjoy desserts, drinks (now mostly milk and cranberry juice), and won't let myself starving throughout the day, i need to have a balance meal time everyday... and that sounds like I'm too well nourished!

So by eating off acidic food alone despite your eating style, would that still favour for pink conception even if you're a foodie?

I think acidifying food does a big fat zero for swaying. Please read this essay from a doctor who is not selling anything (unlike all the acid-alkaline diet sites) Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense (http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/DSH/coral2.html)

If you eat a lot all day long, you're swaying BLUE. It doesn't matter what you're eating, there are no magic foods. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/science-behind-gender-swaying/466-myth-magic-foods.html

You MUST be limiting calories overall, protein, fat for your pink sway. Acid and alkaline is really irrelevant. Minerals are up to you, maybe they sway, maybe they don't. The guideline that my LE diet uses is 1500-1800 cals, 40-50 g protein, 20-30% cals from fat and you need to be losing at least some weight.

Aside from all that, blood sugar is by far the best proven aspect of swaying (researchers in a lab have actually witnessed XX and XY fertilized eggs absorbing different levels of glucose and can tell them apart based on nothing other than the amount of glucose they absorb) and by eating all day every day, you never allow your blood sugar to drop at all. Low blood sugar = less glucose in CM = more girls conceived. Skipping breakfast, not snacking, allowing yourself to get hungry between meals, and not eating super huge meals that take forever to digest are all pretty important for your pink sway.

You might be surprised how much fun you can have on the LE Diet as a foodie tho. You have a lot of leeway in the kinds of meals you can eat and it's really a fun challenge to come up with meals you can enjoy for your sway.

atomic sagebrush
February 21st, 2012, 11:54 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. I think you are all right that I shouldn't be eating too much as that will sway blue and that's exactly how I got DS last time (didn't know i unintentionally swayed blue). These days I have avoided a lot of salt and potassium rich foods such as condiments, sauces, chili, and even fruits/veg as they are alkalinizing, hence I have only been eating a lot of rice, pasta and bread, chicken, cheese, and anything plain taste as well as milk and yogurt, and if I need to snack i would grab some rice crackers or anything that does not indicate high sodium intake. However, the way I eat is still very "blue" as I have to nearly constantly eat to avoid myself going to bed hungry (I tend to get hungry towards night time). I am still confused how I should schedule my meal time and how much portion I should take. In other words, I feel that I should let myself eat nearly "nothing" and let myself get hungry and let the blood sugar level drop?

Would you advise what I should do and can you help me fill out the blanks in my mind? For example as at today this is what I have eaten:

7.30 am Woke up
9.30 am arrived at work. No breakfast yet.
10.30 am first meal: Skim Coffee and a blueberry muffin. Filled me up nicely.

12.30-1pm Lunch time : what should I eat? or should I avoid to eat at this hour as it's still very close form the time of last meal?

1.30 - 5.30 pm: still at work - usually have nothing for afternon tea, if i am craving for something i'd reach for a chocolate.

6.30 pm: arrive back home and dinner time: what should I eat? should I eat something little only? I am afraid my tummy would be rumbling like crazy by the time it's midninght. I sleep quite late most days!!

11.30pm above: Bed time.

and can i drink a lot of water to combat my hunger pang if it comes?

The downside of eating only white carbs is that you do get hungry again almost straight away (not only that but they also have very high levels of protein.). That's why I encourage people to include some fruits and veg that will help fill you up for very little calories - you can eat a lot more lettuce, even with some salad dressing, than you can blueberry muffins, wihtout getting a lot of cals, fat, and protein. Of course, you've been avoiding veg because you're worried they are alkalinizing but I agree with Zana, with supps, weight loss, and jellies, you don't NEED to worry about acid vs. alkaline.

Re potassium, please understand, you need 2500-3500 mg potassium every day just for your health. This amount of potassium does not sway blue and is the same level advised by the French Diet and IG as the minimum safe intake - if you drop below that level, you can actualy DIE. So please don't avoid foods based on their potassium content, you need some.

1st meal - coffee is fine. Instead of a blueberry muffin (unless you're craving one, in which case indulge!) how about a carton of yogurt with some blueberries or a banana or apple mixed in or on the side? You won't digest it as quickly as you would a muffin. It makes more sense to me to skip eating at 10:30 if you can, and have this at 12:30, but you have to do what you need to do to get thru the day.

When you eat the rest of your meals depends largely on how hungry you are and what you need to get thru the rest of the day. Then I would eat again at tea and postpone the third meal until after 8 or so, however late you need to push it so you can easily fall asleep. If you go light on the first meal, you'd have 1000+ calories for hte second two. It's not about depriving or torturing yourself at all, it's just that you need to find the timing that is best for you to pass the day without being miserable, but at the same time without eating every 15 minutes all day long.

In the Dream Members section there are tons of meal ideas and stuff so I won't bother listing them - you don't have to eat just one thing day in and day out anyway, it's better for you to change things up so you don't get bored and feel deprived.

February 23rd, 2012, 08:27 PM
Thanks for your detailed explanations Atomic!! It makes more sense to me now how to do the pink diet! I have not yet registered with the Dreaming Members section (which I will now) as I do not usually have much time to go online these days.

Initially I was doing a round of practice doing the IG ttc girl diet which restricted me from consuming a variety of food, but I found out that I mostly ate white carbs only (in big quantity!) and I wasn't to sure if I was doing the right thing. Sometimes I observe people who have DDs and their eating habits show that they are likely to skip meals, rather than only consume specific foods. I did not know anyone who did not eat potatoes, tomatoes, or red meat not being able to conceive girls. Many of my girlfriends who have DDs aren't so picky about ingredients they just eat whatever they fancy, whether it's chilli sauce, potato chips, etc but one thing I notice is that they hardly snack throughout the day and tend to skip breakfast. Now this eating habit is hard for me to follow! I might be able to follow it closely, but might not get my body into the "right" state to enable girls conception happening.

Also, if there's no such acidifying/alkalinizing thing for swaying, then how much does supps (vitex, calcium, cranberry tabs), gels, and baby aspirin/zyrtec help to sway pink? Aren't we supposed to lower our CM PH, which can be done by eating off acidifying food?

atomic sagebrush
February 24th, 2012, 11:58 AM
Yes, I have seen like 700 failed pink sways where people were eating massive amounts of pasta, drinking gallons of milk and yogurt and tahini, and Craisins by the truckload and then were shocked when their sways failed. I mean they were eating MORE swaying pink than they ever ate when they were swaying blue! Then you ahve someone like my mom who eats whatever she wants, certainly didn't avoid potato or tomato, and only ever drank 1/2 c of milk a day, 5 days a week, at school because she was a teacher and wanted the kids to drink THEIR milk, but only ever ate 2 meals a day, rarely snacked, not a lot of fat or protein except on holidays, and lived on black coffee and iced tea the rest of the day and chewed sugarfree gum all day long. Had mostly girls.

Re acidity/alkalinity - it's not that I don't think acidity in CM can't play at least some role, but just that it is pretty obvious to me that diet is not at all effective at changing the pH of the CM. If you have the other supps (of the supps you list, only cranberry and baby aspirin are really for acidity - Zyrtec can help with acidity but only because it dries up alkaline CM, it doesn't change the pH any). Vitex has nothing to do with pH, calcium actually RAISES pH

And aside from that, it's very probable that it is nothing to do with X sperm "loving" low pH and Y sperm "loving" high pH because ALL sperm thrive in pH that is slightly more alkaline than neutral and X and Y sperm are equally hardy and long lived. It's because less, drier CM that is more hostile to sperm, kills off ALL sperm leaving fewer to fertilize the egg, and some mechanism that we do not yet understand, sways by having fewer sperm (of BOTH genders) in the female repro tract and onhand to fertilize the egg. The jelly is a HECK of a lot more effective at lowering pH than eating certain foods could ever be because your body doesn't WANT your pH to be low at ovulation, it wants pH in the 7's to enable max. numbers of sperm of BOTH genders to survive.

February 24th, 2012, 12:12 PM
It is very hard for the boy moms to all of a sudden change everything. I found it easy to slowly push my am meal out, slowly lower the amount of protein, and watched what I ate with everything else.

I did eat pasta for awhile until this last cycle but from Jan14-AF and my bfp I hardly ate. Not by choice but because after several mths on the diet I was used to it and just went with how I felt. Also my DH was on a diet so for dinner I only ate 300 cals and maybe 800-1000 the rest of the day.

February 25th, 2012, 04:13 AM
Atomic, do you refer jellies as in lubricant gels such as sylk? It's amazing how we need to maintain low ph level in our vagina but in order to make conception happening we need to have slightly more alkaline ph in our cm so that sperms can survive and one of them make it to the egg.

If acidic ph level isn't something I should focus on, then how would my body know that I have low blood sugar level which can make the x sperms only to thrive in? ( stupid q's I knowww!!)

Actually after I found out that pink swaying diet is supposed to be a low everything diet, I'm beginning to lose appetite loll and its just something that perhaps I'll eventually get used to it like what purple poet said. At present I find that skipping morning meals is not hard but im still working on the amount of food I eat, need to cut down a lot!

atomic sagebrush
February 25th, 2012, 12:02 PM
Jellies are RepHresh, Sylk, Acijel, etc. Anything that lowers pH.

The deal with low vaginal pH vs. higher CM pH at O is that microorganisms of all kinds thrive in more alkaline pH so at any time of the month when you aren't fertile, your body likes to keep pH low to keep you from getting vaginal infections and even to protect against sexually transmitted disease.

I personally believe that for swaying, low pH helps because it kills off at least some sperm, and for reasons we don't understand, lower numbers of sperm seem to = more girls conceived.

Blood sugar has NOTHING to do with pH. Two totally different things. Your body knows your blood sugar level because there are sensitive receptors that respond to sugar levels. Your body uses glucose to manufacture CM and the levels of glucose in your CM can rise and fall, we believe at least in part due to diet. But pH has nothing to do with any of it.

Also, it's not that X sperm thrive in different glucose levels than Y do becasue we don't know that to be true. It's that after the egg is fertilized but before it implants, XX is better about getting glucose from the environment than XY can and XX may even suck up too much glucose if you have a lot in your CM. So XY needs more glucose than XX does after conception (and this is the most proven part of swaying, with researchers actually seeing this happen in the lab). We don't know how this affects swaying before the egg is fertilized but it's very likely that something can detect which gender egg has the best odds of survival and makes you more likely to conceive a baby of that gender.

February 27th, 2012, 08:28 PM
atomic, if you drink milk/cranberry juice/ plenty of water all day (not meaning to drink lots or more than recommended calories you consume), would that mean your blood sugar level will stay elevated all day? For eg. If you drink milk an hour two before dinner time would that be OK?

I think I have seen many pink sway opposites happen from the IG site stats sheet when the ladies used Jellies! Although these products are supposed to lower your vagina (not cm?) PH, but I have a feeling sometimes the opposite can happen when you insert something...lol...

February 27th, 2012, 11:55 PM
One thing I was wondering about my diet when I conceived DS back then was that I also LOST a lot of weight three months before DS was conceived. However, I went on a no/low carb zone and was mainly eating lots of vegies (salad + dressing), fish (smoked salmon), eggs, seafood, chicken and very little carbs, as well as snacking on nuts & dried nuts and freshly squeezed fruit juices. Hardly touched rice/pasta/bread. The only similar thing with i thought it could be a girl sway was the losing weight part. So do you think if i went onto that diet again would that sway more towards blue (which it did two years ago!) or pink, considering that made me lose weight fast and a lot.

~Lotus Blossom~
February 28th, 2012, 04:46 AM
atomic, if you drink milk/cranberry juice/ plenty of water all day (not meaning to drink lots or more than recommended calories you consume), would that mean your blood sugar level will stay elevated all day? For eg. If you drink milk an hour two before dinner time would that be OK?

I was just searching for an answer to this exact question - my blood sugar is crashing badly - I need to eat frequently it seems.
I have rice milk in my tea which I drink throughout the day, but was unsure if this counted as snacking between meals.

atomic sagebrush
February 28th, 2012, 11:36 AM
atomic, if you drink milk/cranberry juice/ plenty of water all day (not meaning to drink lots or more than recommended calories you consume), would that mean your blood sugar level will stay elevated all day? For eg. If you drink milk an hour two before dinner time would that be OK?

I think I have seen many pink sway opposites happen from the IG site stats sheet when the ladies used Jellies! Although these products are supposed to lower your vagina (not cm?) PH, but I have a feeling sometimes the opposite can happen when you insert something...lol...

Yes, you absolutely CAN keep your blood sugar elevated alllll day long via drinks. It's best to have your caloric drinks WITH your meals, not an hour before, and then to do only sugar free drinks between meals. That way your BS has time to drop after meals and before you eat again.

RepHresh (my preferred jelly) is not your typical jelly tho. It is designed to chemically react with stuff like semen and CM and actually brings THEIR pH down too. Whereas the other jellies, like acijel, replens, and sylk, when used alone without the RepHresh, sometimes makes people's bodies "panic" and try and wash them away by producing a lot of alkaline CM, and since the non-repHresh-type jellies are only designed to be a quick burst of low pH, they are more easily diluted/washed away than the RepHresh is. The RepHresh combines with any CM that shows up and a chemical reaction takes place that is supposed to lower the pH not only of the RepHresh, but also hte CM itself.

atomic sagebrush
February 28th, 2012, 11:42 AM
One thing I was wondering about my diet when I conceived DS back then was that I also LOST a lot of weight three months before DS was conceived. However, I went on a no/low carb zone and was mainly eating lots of vegies (salad + dressing), fish (smoked salmon), eggs, seafood, chicken and very little carbs, as well as snacking on nuts & dried nuts and freshly squeezed fruit juices. Hardly touched rice/pasta/bread. The only similar thing with i thought it could be a girl sway was the losing weight part. So do you think if i went onto that diet again would that sway more towards blue (which it did two years ago!) or pink, considering that made me lose weight fast and a lot.

Weight loss can help with pink sways, but when you're eating foods that are high in protein and healthy fats, you will lose very little muscle mass (keeps testosterone high) and the healthy fats provide your body with ample raw materials to make all the testosterone and estrogen you possibly need - even tho you are losing fat (makes estrogen) you are giving your body so many raw materials to make T and E from, that totally outweighs any possible benefit of the weight loss.

Also, meals with protein and carbs (even tho you were avoiding breads and stuff, there are carbs in vegetables and nuts and fruit juice)and then snacking on nuts, etc keeps your blood sugar nice and high (but not TOO high) for many hours after eating.

Best for pink is losing weight on at lower cal, lower protein, lower fat diet. Weight loss alone is only one piece of a much bigger puzzle.

Exception - anyone who is insulin resistant should NOT increase intake of carbs and I have a thread that can help you here:http://genderdreaming.com/forum/ttc-girl-best-practices/1865-swaying-under-special-circumstances-part-1-blood-sugar-issues.html and I am working on a more indepth one.

atomic sagebrush
February 28th, 2012, 11:43 AM
I was just searching for an answer to this exact question - my blood sugar is crashing badly - I need to eat frequently it seems.
I have rice milk in my tea which I drink throughout the day, but was unsure if this counted as snacking between meals.

It does, unfortunately. I would rather see you eat 4 meals a day (cals adjusted to stay in the 1500-1800 range) than snack all day long.

~Lotus Blossom~
March 1st, 2012, 03:58 PM
It does, unfortunately. I would rather see you eat 4 meals a day (cals adjusted to stay in the 1500-1800 range) than snack all day long. Thanks AS :happy:

March 1st, 2012, 08:14 PM
Just want to pipe in here about blood sugar... I tested my glucose (see the Blood testing before starting sway thread), had it lab-tested twice within a month. One morning I drank a little half and half in my coffee (I didn't realize that didn't count as "fasting".) My blood sugar was significantly higher that time.

March 1st, 2012, 08:50 PM
Thanks atomic and everyone!

Atomic, I didn't know rephresh could lower cm and all other stuff inside like that!
I've been trying to cut down to 2-3 meals/day, but by the time meal time arrives, I'm FAMISHED! I quickly swallowed everything into my mouth and I could feel that my body is having a hard time digesting it.... oh well need a bit of practice!

If you drink water (non-caloric drink), in between meals I supposed that's OK?

atomic sagebrush
March 2nd, 2012, 03:01 PM
Just want to pipe in here about blood sugar... I tested my glucose (see the Blood testing before starting sway thread), had it lab-tested twice within a month. One morning I drank a little half and half in my coffee (I didn't realize that didn't count as "fasting".) My blood sugar was significantly higher that time.

coffee itself can raise blood sugar, but it's a temporary boost then crash. I suspect that the half-and-half slowed down the process so your BS stayed a little higher for longer. It's still ok for LE Diet tho.

atomic sagebrush
March 2nd, 2012, 03:01 PM
Thanks atomic and everyone!

Atomic, I didn't know rephresh could lower cm and all other stuff inside like that!
I've been trying to cut down to 2-3 meals/day, but by the time meal time arrives, I'm FAMISHED! I quickly swallowed everything into my mouth and I could feel that my body is having a hard time digesting it.... oh well need a bit of practice!

If you drink water (non-caloric drink), in between meals I supposed that's OK?

Yes, non caloric drinks are fine between meals!

March 2nd, 2012, 08:17 PM
I came across this site while googling "low blood sugar level" lol... It outlines natural ways how to lower your blood sugar level. The site looks kinda dodgy though, but what caught my attention was that it said there, chia seeds and cinnamon can also help to lower blood sugar level. Hmmm... I thought I was a soy chai latte (cinammon sprinkled) drinker back then before I fell pregnant with DS , if cinnamon could help lower blood sugar level, it could have swayed me a girl bk then, but I had a boy instead. Loll
10 Ways To Naturally Lower Your Blood Sugar (http://www.squidoo.com/balancebloodsugar)

What about eating low GI food? Is it ok for pink sway although it keeps your blood sugar level steady, but it prevents you from crashing so bad that might make you end up eating more?

atomic sagebrush
March 2nd, 2012, 08:25 PM
But you understand that the presence or absence of cinnamon in one's diet, cannot cause you to conceive a child of a certain gender. As a part of an overall sway, cinnamon may help, but eating a boy-friendly diet otherwise with a tiny dusting of cinnamon isn't going to do any good.

Cinnamon DOES lower blood sugar, it's proven to do so. I am just not 100% sure that we should all take it for swaying at this point - I've actually just been writing an essay about it so I'll post the link when I'm done.

atomic sagebrush
March 2nd, 2012, 08:26 PM
Re low GI food, that's up to you, if you can fit it into your diet otherwise. I would NOT rely on it alone for a sway.

March 5th, 2013, 05:13 AM
Cinnemon reduces testosterone! I just read an article.
I am wondering if it is really true that acidifying food is unimportant. I found out that if you are taking magnesiumoxid as a supplement your urin changes its ph level. If my urin does, my cervical mucus might as well. What do you think>

atomic sagebrush
March 6th, 2013, 10:37 AM
There is a study done in rats where they were fed acidifying foods, their urine changed pH, and their gender ratio was totally unaffected.

Your CM is MEANT to be high pH at ovulation, because that's what aids in sperm survival. Women wiht pH below 6 had NO motile sperm in their cervix. Not X, not Y. Your body has its own ways of altering pH far more advanced than the foods that you eat. If your CM pH was truly easily changed by foods you eat, the entire species would have died out long ago.

I don't believe in it, if you want to try it that's fine, because the fact is that whenever you eat a restricted diet you're swaying pink.

April 17th, 2017, 02:35 PM
You sound like me! I am struggling too and totally changed my diet. I am small too but a huge eater and snacker. It all depends on what you want/are willing to do. Any change is a little bit of a change I think, it all depends on how "hard" you want to sway. I changed completely to the LE diet, but have stopped quite a few times to gain weight or cheat. And I am not happy on it so I don't know how long it will last. I also eat quite a lot more veggies and fruits on it than a lot of others do. But I have stopped snacking and I have stopped things like chicken, fish, spelt products, nuts, greek yogurts, really most of the yummy foods I want to be eating. I eat things I normally wouldn't be eating like white mini bagels, white matzo, lots of plain foods. I will give it a go for a few more months. good luck with what you choose!

Hello could you share your pink sway

April 17th, 2017, 02:52 PM
I actually don't think eating a lot of acidifying foods is necessary as we can create an acidic environment artificially with acid gels and baby aspirin and by adding some aspartame to the diet (I think the diet coke is good!).

If you're eating a lot of those foods then your protein intake will be high and so will your blood sugar levels and you won't be losing weight - and I agree that you are likely to be swaying blue.

Could you post your sway

atomic sagebrush
April 17th, 2017, 06:14 PM
Hi MWP, we have scads of sways in this forum. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/add-your-girl-sway-/

Zanacal's is definitely there and I think Amari posted one as well. Do note that this thread is many years old so you'll have to go back several pages to find them!