View Full Version : Chinagold

April 14th, 2012, 04:07 PM
This chart was correct for both my girls CHINAGOLD Personal Baby Chart (http://www.chinagold.com/babychart.php) I usually get "boy" for my DD1, but this one was correct. I used their birth dates bcos I'm not sure about conception dates.

Now the current situation is confusing...if I eneter conception date for this baby ( and I'm pretty sure it was on Dec 13) I get :biggirl2: but if I enter EDD, it says :bigboy: I enter gestation of 280 days both times :confused:

April 14th, 2012, 04:11 PM
Oops, my bad, it gives me :bigboy: with conception date as well, I've entered wrong year :oops:

April 14th, 2012, 04:31 PM
It tells me I'm having a boy!

April 14th, 2012, 05:12 PM
It tells me I'm having a boy!

Oh shoot, I thought I've finally found one that works for everybody :( No such thing. eh? :(

April 14th, 2012, 05:39 PM
I says boy for my two boys and boy for this one if I enter conception date (so it is pretty accurate for me ZB) , but girl if I give due date as birthday with 280 days of pregnancy :think: it says I conceived on October 18 but that is actually first day of the cycle, weird. Was nice to see GIRL though.

April 16th, 2012, 11:33 AM
This says boy for me. Most of these things have said boy.