
The deed has been done!

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I havnt been adding to this blog recently. Mainly because I didn't want to stress myself out thinking over and over about the details of my sway. The deed has been done now so I suppose an update would not do any harm.

Today I am 4DPO. I am feeling a bit down as My best friend has made it clear today that she thinks I will have another boy. Up until today I have been feeling really good about the prospect of another boy but now I feel like I have to have a girl just to prove her and everyone else who thinks it that they are wrong wrong wrong!! LOL.

I am pleased with my Sway this month. I have tried everything I can. If it doesn't work then I will not feel it's something I did wrong just what was intended for me. I feel strangely at peace with how it went.


  1. shouldihope?'s Avatar
    My friends say stuff like that too. It can be very defeating. I think they just don't get it.
  2. 3boys's Avatar
    I know, it's hard for people to understand that just because you have all of one sex doesn't mean that the next one will definitely be the same sex! My friend has told me numerous times that she thinks I could have a million kids and they would all be boys. She doesn't mean to upset me she just doesn't understand that this would be an upsetting comment to anyone with a single gender family.
  3. Layla's Avatar
    Congrats on your BFP and sending u loads of pink dust!
    Updated July 5th, 2011 at 08:21 PM by Layla