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It's now my third (and last) month of Vitex. It's messed up my cycle somehow, last one was only 24 days when my normal is 27. I also started Saw Palmetto and I don't know what exactly it's doing to my hormones but I am feeling blaaaa. I feel tired, sleepy, craving sweets and have no stamina, so I ended up slowing down my exercise regime, have no sex drive (and I am usually very keen around O) and just want to lie down and sleep! I've been temping for 7 months, it's now day 8 of my cycle and my temp has NEVER been so high! I don't know if it is the Saw Palmetto, but my only hope is that feeling out of sorts will at least result in a baby girl. No pain, no gain? Not long to go now!

Updated August 11th, 2013 at 07:36 AM by aidansmum



  1. BabyGirl4Me's Avatar
    Sounds like things are working. Vitex is supposed to make your cycle weird (which sways pink) and SP mellows you out. Sounds like it's really mellowing you out, but that's what you want for pink. Good luck!
  2. aidansmum's Avatar
    Thanks BabyGirl4Me! I'm now 4 weeks away from TTC and getting pretty excited, but maybe because of all the hormone messing up I am not obsessing at all, which is good. SP effects haven't been as bad in the last 3 days so I guess my body is adapting to it, but it certainly mellowed me :) Thanks for reading.
  3. crazyladyneedsababy's Avatar
    ah good luck, 4 weeks will fly past xxx
  4. aidansmum's Avatar
    I know you are already there crazyladyneedsababy ! Fingers crossed for a Pink BFP very soon to you.