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  1. PMS ruining the start of my LE diet

    I was so excited to start my diet and even went grocery shopping but as AF approaches I feel like poo :drama: and crave all kinds of sweet. I was doing very well with my sugar cravings until my boy asked for cake and I baked one, and of course I had 2 slices today!!! None of them as a meal, just as snacks....not very LE I suppose!
    Hope to wake up feeling better tomorrow and stick to the plan.:gloomy:
  2. Forgot to mention CRAMPS

    I also spent the whole pm cramping like hell! I usually have a mild discomfort to day before and during O, but these cramps were pretty constant for 2-3 hours.
  3. Weird thing this Vitex!

    The differences in my cycle and ovulation since starting Vitex (1st Cycle). After producing lots more CM earlier than usual I get a + OPK on day 13. I tested on day 12 in the evening and it was VERY close to being a positive, there was like one shade missing for a full blown +.
    When I get + OPK's I usually ovulate on the day after. I was pretty surprised when I checked my temp on day 14 and found out I had already ovulated on day 13, same day as my positive OPK.
    This is unusual for ...
  4. Started taking VITEX

    Ok. I have recently started Vitex which I will take for about 3 months before TTC and then stop (you should NEVER have Vitex during your 2WW). So far I noticed a huge increase in CM (gross, I know!). It's only day 10 of my cycle and I don't ovulate until day 14 or 15 but I feel that Vitex is bringing my Ovulation forward! OPK will tell soon. Other than the CM I feel a bit calmer and more patient, which is a very good side effect! :)

    Had a slip up with hubby on day 7, so hopefully ...
  5. FSH out of the way!

    Did one of those FSH POAS home test on day 3, 4 and 5. Day 3 was very faint, day 4 even fainter, day 5 a real squinter, which apparently means my ovarian reserves are still normal. Very HAPPY with the results, being on the older side of motherhood and all :)
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