
Entries with no category

  1. Going Private

    I have decided to discontinue publishing my blog for the whole forum to see. If you want to follow me and my story send me a friend request and you'll be able to see my blog updates. Thanks.
  2. Wonky Cycles and Attempts

    Uggggh, DS is driving me up a wall! I know this isn't good for my T levels at all so now that he's down for a nap I'll have a mini therapy session by posting in my blog and hopefully I can turn the day around!

    So, I want to talk now about my cycle and how totally messed up it is right now, and my "window" for TTC during a new moon.

    I think I'm on day 33 of my cycle and AF isn't here yet. I think this is because I'm taking saw palmetto and vitex though. ...