Bunnywabbit's Blog...

[CENTER]:HH: [COLOR="#6633FF"]- Bunnywabbit's journey - TTC, bump and beyond... -[/COLOR] :HH:


  1. Anomaly Recan (22+0)

    by , February 18th, 2014 at 01:24 PM (Bunnywabbit's Blog...)
    Had a rescan again today at 22+0. Scanned previously at 20+0 but LO was curled up in a little ball fast asleep with his hand in front of his face as well as been snuggled up to the cord down his face so couldn't check for cleft lip. No, couldn't wake or get him to change position him either...

    Did so much better this time round and all looked well, but again was a complete fidget - the sonographer laughed as she had difficulties trying to take measurements because he wouldn't stop ...
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