Bunnywabbit's Blog...

Dating Scan (13+6 weeks)

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This morning's ultrasound went well, albeit fast. Because I had the NT scan and blood tests done privately, they decided to make this the dating scan. Note to self: another 11am scan, another uneventful scan. Baby's naptime again, pick another time, mummy!

My due date has been skipped ahead a couple of days to 24th June, so 14 weeks tomorrow (which is also step brother-in-law's birthday). Measuring at 8.4cm CTR. Strange how much baby's forehead shape has changed so much in a week!

Couldn't see anything of gender during the ultrasound. Scanned in one of the photos in which I think I might just see something gender related but not too sure:


Updated December 23rd, 2013 at 11:15 AM by bunnywabbit

