Bunnywabbit's Blog...

Aaaand... IT'S A BOY!

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Mummy is well, baby is well. Caught baby at the end of naptime. Such a fidget - I'm not surprised I'm feeling basic movement early! 15+4 and baby is 10.6cm CTR. 156 heartrate. Love his little nose...


Oh, and the sonographer asked if we wanted to find out which we were having. We never thought she'd ask so thought we'd have a peek:


[B]IT'S A BOY![/B] Very sure that potty shot isn't going to change! We didn't hear pink, but still couldn't be happier! DH is over the moon - baby now has an identity. He's not so happy that my gut instinct was right and his wasn't. :wink:

Has been a very easy pregnancy so far, I have a feeling he's going to be a very easy, happy baby. :HH:
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Updated February 19th, 2014 at 01:18 PM by bunnywabbit



  1. crazyladyneedsababy's Avatar
    hey hun, sorry ive been awol for so long. I just had to break away for a while. Im still not ttc but wanted to check up on everyone. huge congratulations on your little boy xxx
  2. bunnywabbit's Avatar
    Thanks, crazylady. I can completely understand you needing a break. Missing you and hoping you're well. x