Bunnywabbit's Blog...

Aaaand.... Maternity Leave!

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36 weeks today and last day at work. At last! So incredibly exhausted - I'm not sleeping very well at all (which, ok, I see more as getting me ready for the sleep deprivation to come - please be good for mummy and daddy, little guy!) and the commutes were getting to be too much. It'll be nice to have a bit of a breather and potter about (for the most part). Only need to get the last few bits ordered online and delivered and go to the odd appointment. Oh, and a nursing bra fitting.

... Still isn't really sinking in!


  1. ocean's Avatar
    Enjoy your time before the babe arrives! Commutes can be the hardest when really pregnant. I loved taking walks with just me and my little guy, in those last days before he arrived in person!!
  2. bunnywabbit's Avatar
    I'm still getting the walking in, even if I'm not really feeling like it (obviously I won't push it if I can't) while the weather is nice. Even if it's just round the block for fresh air. I do feel better for it if a lot more out of puff after the event - we live on a hill!