
Well ladies, say your prayers, i may just have a little miracle happening :)

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Ok so its a bit confusing but I did another test today and it was still positive 8 days after an early mc. Its left me so confused and I have a drs appointment tomorrow but going to try and get seen in the epu as im going a little crazy.

I did a cbd with indicator about 10 mins ago and its reading 2-3 so im not out yet. Im thinking perhaps ive miscarried a twin due to the clomid but still maybe just maybe I have a baby in there still. It could also be an ectopic or something similar but only time will tell. Prayers for my little dot.



  1. aidansmum's Avatar
    What a roller coaster! You poor thing! I am praying for you and your little bean. Hope all turns out fine for the both of you. x
  2. Kristykos's Avatar
    I had a partial molar pregnancy 4 years ago which left my levels high. It means that the baby stopped growing but the hormones can remain high for up to 3 months. I had to have a D&C to clear the lining and have bloods tests for 3 months until my levels were in normal range before I could try again. May be something to ask about?
    I am hoping you just have a slow growing bub and sadly only lost one baby. Prayers for you and your miracle bub xxx
  3. GT77's Avatar
    Oh wow let me kow what happens!! Pray!!
  4. crazyladyneedsababy's Avatar
    thanks ladies, my levels are definitely dropping, no baby but still not low enough to be discharged, I have more bloods on Friday xxx