
My Pink Spell

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I am a Wiccan preistess. I've been Wiccan since I was 19 and have researched the religion and spellwork most of that time. So much goes into spellcraft, (time, energy, effort, planning, visualization, timing with astrology and invoking the most complementary deities,) that it always made sense to me why I've gotten everything I've ever done a spell for... except a daughter.

I've done spells for a daughter before. They (obviously) didn't work. This made no sense to me because I have, through spells and ritual, manifested a home, a car, a husband, money at various times, my education, and lots of conflict resolution. Why would a daughter be any different?

After reading atomic's Maternal Dominance essay, it clicked for me. Spending night after night visualizing in preparation for the spell, scheduling the ritual itself for the perfect phase of the moon, researching exactly which goddess to petition would be most appropriate for what I'm requesting, agonizing over which spell components (flowers, incense, candle colors, etc.) are purely feminine without any tragic mythology related to them, writing out and memorizing the exact words and evocations before the night of the spell, and then freaking out over everything going exactly as I envisioned is the MOST MARTHA THING I COULD POSSIBLY DO!

In fact, it's pretty interesting that the majority of the Wiccans I know have boys. We left a religion we felt was controlling of us (usually patriarchal Catholicism,) for a goddess-based religion that assured us that we were in charge of our own destinies as long as we throw enough energy at what we want. Whenever we have a problem, we take charge of it and do a spell as I prescribed above, in addition to micromanaging the situation the best we can to control it. Every witch I know is (correctly!) adamant that spells alone will do nothing, and only through follow through in your daily life can you manifest what you want. For example, you can't do a money spell and not look for a job.

In other words, because of the philosophy and the way spells are crafted, most Wiccans are simply hardcore Marthas.

So, I've decided this time around to put my TTC a girl spell in the hands of our coven's high priestess. I've asked her to do a spell for me, and I'm going to trust her to do it properly. I will not spend days worrying that roses wouldn't be a good spell component because, although they are feminine, they are sterile, and that makes for a terrible fertility spell. I won't concern myself that doing the spell the day before the full moon, which is waxing and therefore best for bringing things INTO your life, is far better than doing it the day after. I know she already knows that Gaia is my matron goddess, and probably the best one to use for me, and I'll trust that if she evokes another, it's because she's done her own research and thinks She will work the best for me.

In other words, I'm trying to be very Mary about this spell. I'm going to have faith in my diet, exercise, the few supplements I'm taking, and the one attempt I'm planning as real-world efforts to complement it. I think that allowing someone else to do a spell for us pink swayers is the best way to go, and I actually wonder if this has anything to do with why the success rate for spells while swaying is so low? It may be.


  1. aidansmum's Avatar
    I really liked your post Lilith. I can't call myself a Wiccan because I don't practice, but I was part of a coven for 6 months or so, I truly enjoyed it but it was really far from home so I had to stop attending (why can't we have Wiccan places in every corner like churches? :)). If there is a philosophy/religion that I would choose to follow, Wicca would be it. I am also very careful to teach my children to respect any living being and not hurt anything or themselves, it breaks my heart when I see other kids step on a snail for example, I know it sounds silly but I do feel a pang of pain for a living being, regardless of what it is, but it conflicts with my hardcore side of, for example, capital punishment for sexual predators who murder their victims or anyone who actually hurts another human being in a sadistic fashion actually loses the right to live, I know, super hardcore, and this kind of cut my ties with the Wiccan lifestyle because I can't reconcile my love of life in every shape and form and my promptness to have someone who's done an awful deed killed! I guess I am sharing too much, but this always troubled me so I decided not to follow any religion and just go on with who I am and stop punishing myself. As for the Marthas in Wiccan, you are absolutely right, the High Priestess in our coven had 4 boys! And there were many, many boys around! I wonder if as women become more and more assertive and masters or our own destiny, we are doomed to breed more boys? Anyway, sorry about my rambling, just wanted to say I loved your post. Good luck with the Mary side of you, leaving it to someone else to do the spell is a great step forward, just try to relax and rest assured that the Mother will look after you.
  2. 1+2+3boys's Avatar
    I liked your post too. I could interpret my own view on it to counteract my Marthaness. I want to buy a personal sway plan and trust what Atomic says rather than planning it myself and obsessing over it. Goodluck at getting your girl
  3. luckyfourleafclover's Avatar
    …yes! Atomic is the High Priestess of GD swaying!
  4. maidentomother's Avatar
    Lilith, I'd never thought about Wicca and swaying like that but of course you're absolutely right. How funny/sad that so many of the qualities we admire (attention to detail, determination, will power, ambition, etc) are the very traits that may prevent us from achieving our heart's greatest desire. I think having your HP do a spell for you is a fantastic idea. When it's all done and you have your next (hopefully female) child in your arms, I'd love to hear the details of what she ended up doing for your spell.

    Aidansmum, I am the same exact way in regards to how I view & value life; I actually get sad plucking leaves from my herbs, and don't get me started on having cut down trees, but I feel no mercy for rapists or child molesters. I think our attitude makes sense; we care about innocent life so much that we are willing to defend it forcefully. Plus, it only makes sense to me that either a villain can be rehabilitated (v unlikely when it comes to the worst acts IMO) or he can't, and if he can't, what's the point of keeping him alive? This system in which we group tax fraudists and druggies with violent sociopaths together at the cost of tax payers has never made sense to me. /end political rant

    I love the Atomic, HP of Swaying concept. :D
  5. Rosie85's Avatar
    oh wow! I feel like this is the only website I find wiccans on. I am not myself but I fall much closer to your beliefs than any others I suppose. I label myself as an agnostic atheist. I am curious, do you need to know the person to do the spell??