
Gender Nightmare

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I woke up sweating this morning. I had dreamt that I found out I was carrying another boy through the most bizarre means possible. DH and I had accidentally time traveled to a future about 7 months from now, and I saw a boy. It was SO weird! I was 7 weeks pregnant, just like I am now, but I was looking at my son. I alternated between devastation and denial. I told DH that maybe it was an alternative future, and that the baby I'm carrying wasn't the one we were looking at. Then, a moment later, I told DH I needed some time to really mourn and not to expect me to be myself for a while. I ended the dream in tears, thinking about how I wasn't going to have a baby girl in my arms this holiday season, how I wasn't going to be able to tell my mother in law to expect a granddaughter, and how disappointed I was not to be able to tell my boys they were finally getting a sister.

I woke up, grateful that it had been a dream. But it made me really think about how, despite the fact that I've been trying so desperately to "guard my heart" and not plan or daydream about this baby being my daughter, I clearly have been doing just that. It made me realize that I'm not totally convinced to my core that this baby has to be a boy, and that at least a little part of my subconscious is hopeful. Sigh. No matter how hard I try, I just can't win in this Gender Disappointment battlefield.

I know this was all sparked by a recent thread about the accuracy of pregnancy dreams of gender. Most of the women on that thread volunteered that their dreams had been wrong, and it made me panic a bit. You see, the night before my first squinty, maybe-that's-a-BFP test, I dreamt of holding my newborn daughter. It was so VIVID! I was showing her off, carrying her around, and just in an unimaginable state of contentment at having gotten what I've wanted for so long. I had wondered if that was a sign, and part of me really wanted to believe it was. Then a bunch of you lovely ladies had to go and say your gender dreams were wrong!

Well, I guess now, no matter what, I'll have had one correct dream, and an incorrect one.


  1. Houseofblue's Avatar
    Lilith BIG HUGS!! That was my thread lol. I have been Googling like MAD about the accuracy of gender dreams and I've found that they are truly 50/50. Same with intuition- 50/50. Seriously, if you Google it about half of the moms will say they were right and half wrong.
    I'm with you, everything you said. My MIL has been dying for a granddaughter for years (dh's sister has a son who is 14 she's always been a single mom and prob won't have anymore) mom has a granddaughter (my bro's dd) so she doesn't care, but it would mean heaven and earth for my MIL and FIL. Mine is gonna be a Christmas baby too, and my birthday is a couple weeks before Christmas so I am praying this is my Christmas baby girl!!!
    Hang in there Lilith, I REALLY hope you hear girl!! The coin has gotta land on heads once in a while right??
  2. MatildaMai's Avatar
    I think your dreams are just a reflection of where your subconscious is at. Dreams are the minds way of processing the stuff you are too scared to think of or push away when you are awake. That's why I dream about spiders (at least once a week) and my kids getting hurt (morbid or what)?

    At the time you dreamt of holding your DD that's what was foremost in your mind - 'please let me be pregnant and let this be my girl'. Now you are 7wks along and getting closer to being able to find out, 'what if its a boy' is the reality your subconscious is pushing away.

    I hear you about the gender disappointment. It feels like an unwinnable battle - particularly when you have pregnancy hormones on board and you feel like you are carrying everyone's hope and dreams on your shoulders. But, think of it this way, you have time to prepare. To plan for 'what if' this is a boy. How will you deal with it, what will you do to get through the rest of the pregnancy? And that's a blessing to have the opportunity to prepare yourself.

    I found out at 15wks that my twins were both boys. Until that point I honestly had NO IDEA what a strong preference I had to have a DD. The thing was that all the sets of twins I knew were girls and given we'd put 2 eggs back I just ASSUMED at least one would be a girl. How DUMB is that? And I'm a lawyer! I'm supposed to have brains! At the U/S I literally felt crushed and couldn't breathe. It wasn't till I got home I realised why I was upset. I was so blindsided and that made me angry at myself.

    At least you won't be in that position. Really hope you get to hear girl. But either way I know you'll have the grace and strength to deal with it.
  3. LilithWiser1979's Avatar
    Thank MM. I agree, it's probably what's going on in my subconscious. I'm just such a wreck right now with all this waiting. I also had my tarot cards read last night by a friend of mine, and she pulled the Death card in my three card spread. I know that means change, not death, but it was still jarring to see. Then, when I asked for clarification, she pulled three cards with one male and one female depicted on each. Sigh, I just feel like I need to be put out of my misery because spinning my wheels in limbo like this is making me psychotic.
  4. Mulberry Smurf's Avatar
    What were the other cards Lilith? And was death the right way or upside down? Xx
  5. LilithWiser1979's Avatar
    They were actually faery oracle cards, so there was no upside down. The others were fear and uncertainty.
  6. aidansmum's Avatar
    My gender dreams were all RIGHT! All of them! But dreams, most of the time, are our way to deal with fears and strong emotions, changes and conflicts, and it is just a dream. I would hold on to the first dream, that's the one that counts! When are you doing your Panorama test? Are you still doing it?
  7. Mulberry Smurf's Avatar
    Sounds like you put a lot of energy into those cards. Maybe try doing them again but try to blot out as much of your feeling a as possible to get a reading from other sources. Hope you're ok xx