Natural Gender Swaying Blogs

  1. DH is taking creatine and I'm freaking out!

    I am so nervous and worried, and I NEED to quiet my inner Martha who just wants to compensate for DH sabotaging my sway! He started creatine supplements this week to help with his Olympic-style weightlifting goals. He takes protein powder, works out hard lifting weights 5 days a week with almost NO cardio, and eats meat or eggs with every meal.

    I know that pushing him to alter anything might mean ending my sway and my possibility for a third child he doesn't want. I know better ...
  2. Break from my Gender Disappointment!

    I have wanted a daughter from pregnancy #1. I was okay with the first being a boy because I know there are certain advantages to being a firstborn that might cancel out some of the disadvantages (developmentally, not socially) of being male. I also knew I wanted one of each, so there was a second chance. DH wanted two, for sure.

    I tried Shettles for a year, while crossfitting, eating paleo, and continuing my very boy-friendly lifestyle. Looking back now, it's obvious why I got ...
  3. Overtraining, and the weight loss plateau has been broken!

    This must be what overtraining feels like. I am sore and exhausted. Not the kind of sore and exhausted I was before when working out actually made me feel healthy, this is a tired to the bone and soreness that doesn't go away. Today I even broke out into a cold sweat on the treadmill after the first 20 minutes. I've worked out everyday except for 4 days between January 31st and today, an hour of cardio each time.

    So hopefully this is working! I would LOVE the super quick weight ...
  4. My Shaky Start

    After WAY too much time on IG, and fully indoctrinating myself in the ultra-strict IG sway diet and methods, I've really come to reject those ideas and come to embrace the LE sway for my daughter. When I looked at so many of the successful pink sways on IG, a lot of them had used the LE diet, or at least major elements of it. They'd thrown out the cal/mag supplementation, they were restricting meat (even the chicken, fish and shrimp,) and they were restricting calories (sometimes SEVERELY!) ...
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