
  1. Chemical pregnancy...swaying, shortish LP or just bad luck?

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Firstly, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Sometimes I think the early HPTs are more a curse than a blessing because we know about things we never would have before. Huge (((hugs))) to you.

    What you say is absolutely correct, it is entirely possible to have a short 10-11 day LP and both get pg and also have a chemical because your lining has already begun to deteriorate. 10-11 days is borderline and can go either way so if you had a late implanter that scenario is entirely possible.
  2. My FET experience for my DS- 1 1/2 Men

    We had 2 blasts left. The embryo that we left behind at my fresh transfer who was a good looking blast and the 50/50 guy that took a little longer to become a blast and make it to freeze. So 1 1/2 men!

    I schedule a meeting with my RE to talk about the Big Fat Failure of the fresh cycle- what happened, why did it not work, was I kidding myself for the FET- I use "I" because DH was MIA- I didn't even ask him to come because his part was really over and he didn't understand ...
    Tags: fet
    High Tech Gender Selection
  3. Elective IVF Cycle Attempt for my DS- my PM's from that timeframe to a fellow cycle buddy

    I found this and thought it might help with e2, follicles sizes, etc. It was a PM correspondence I had with a fellow cycle budy at the time.

    7-25- after 5 days of stims

    Well, mine was 460 today, day 5. I go tomorrow morning for an u/s. My AFC was 12. I cycled before and my numbers are double what they were last time. I am posting on the August HRC girls thread since if I have ET, it will be in August. I am on a flare protocol with lupron, follistim(225iu twice ...

    Updated October 19th, 2011 at 08:51 PM by nuthinbutpink

    High Tech Gender Selection
  4. aCGH accuracy

    Quote Originally Posted by nuthinbutpink View Post
    I and I am sure a lot of you have been thinking about the accuracy of the testing in light of CT's outcome. I have been doing some reading and I have no answers yet but I want to share bits that I am finding in cyber space- so you know what googling can do and please do your own research and form your own opinion.

    Michaela, one of my google searches landed on a post you made on Saleh's board- this is what he said in 2010 about mCGH when you asked why it CANNOT be used for GS-
  5. Superior A.R.T.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wanting a daughter View Post
    Capricon- the thai clinic is called Superior A.R.T. It's in Bangkok. You can go through Genea (formerly Sydney IVF) as they are affiliated with SART. The cost including accomodation in 4/5 star near the clinic is Au$11,000. That doesn't include meds. If you are very lucky you may be able to get some of your meds on the PBS. Ask on the international forum for advice on the city you live in for that one. Some ladies have gotten a GP to write the scrpits and tick PBS others (like myslef) had info on