
Tuesdays Food Diary

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I wasn't very hungry after dinner as it was a lot of protein so I didn't have a bedtime snack. Also I had great intentions of going out for a walk after DD went to bed but it was lashing rain all evening so I ended up not doing any exercise.

[B]Tuesday Calories Protein Fruit & veg[/B]
8.3 Protein Bar & Green tea & strawberries 350 15 1
11 hummus & multiseed ryevita 298 9.5 0
1 Carrot & lentil soup with wholemeal roll 405 18.2 1
3 40g hazelnuts& orange 300 8.64 1
6.3 tofu satay skewers & noodle salad 550 28 3
7 Fruit salad & yogurt 200 5.6 3

Total 2103 84.94 9
