
Ht gs how many attempts did it take to get pregnant??

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Ok, so I'm a bit worried now. Hubby and I have just decided to got to hrc in August for gs but reading some more posts it's scared me off a bit. For all that have done ht gs how many times did you have to cycle before getting pregnant? I understand it doesn't matter if your fertile or not but I've seen that there are some lady's that have done a few attempts with no outcome. Has anyone got pregnant on their first or second cycle? If I went over for 5 weeks and it didn't take the first cycle, would I be able to do a second while I'm over there or would I have to wait longer? My hubby said we only have one attempt so I'm really worried we may be waisting heaps of $$ with no baby...
How many have done gender swaying and got the results they wanted? Is this just diet and vitamins?


  1. glory's Avatar
    Hey hun, you have posted this in the blog section, so I don't know how many replies you will get.

    With the full testing, I would say most girls get their dg after 2 attempts, of course there are lots of who it first try and others who take a bit, the thing is you just don't know till you cycle how you are going to respond.

    For me, I would definitely forgo the 5 week holiday and do most of the prep here and save a ton of money in case you have to go back and if you don't, you can always go on a holiday later and enjoy it. Cycling is quite stressful. And no with HRC you probably would not be able to cycle again straight away, he generally likes one cycle between, plus it would longer than 5 weeks to do 2 cycles.