
  1. Throwaway_panther Cycle #1 - CNY

    [QUOTE=Pinkmama;961369]Any news???

    Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

    None yet. I'm wondering if I should just call the clinic?!
  2. November TTC & 2ww

    [QUOTE=Pbn3;954828]Yay for flashing smiley Abc!!!

    Greydore that spike is a good sign you have indeed oed but it's still questionable as to whether it was cd13 or 16.... was that near pos opk cd12?? If so then combined with the o pain cd13 and a primary spike the following morning I'm inclined to lean towards cd13 (only because of the combination of things, none on their own are a strong factor) however when it comes to testing time you have to remember that cd16 is also a good possibility ...