Opening up to GD

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I must admit, I have never actually sat down with DH and spoken to him the slightest about gender disappointment.

So I did today.

I began by asking him would he be upset if this is another girl and he sat down next to me and said "I will be disappointed that I don't have a son, but it doesn't mean I won't love my baby!"

Made me feel heaps better

I told him that I will probably have a big cry and what not and that for this reason I want to have a suprise.

I think, that finding out the gender at birth will make it a bit easier. Rather than be upset for the rest of my pregnancy. We will ask for the gender to be written in an envelope and take it home.

We don't want the tech telling us again. It has always been so.. boring I guess you could say? There you are laying on the bed and the tech just says so flatly, it is a girl/boy. It means nothing to them, but everything to us!

Should we decide to peek, we can do it together, alone in our home

Plus, just imagine the excitement in the labour IF it is a boy! Boy oh BOY!!!!

And, another girl how could I feel so sad like I would at a scan, holding my new born baby I just could not

DH told me this is another reason why he agreed to one more, because he wants a son so much. I know he does! We all want a little boy so much!!!


  1. jane's Avatar
    i think that's a lovely idea, i do hope if you look together in that envelope,that it says boy!and if you decide to wait till birth and they hold the baby up you see "boy bits!" all,the best for you both.:fx:
  2. Tink18's Avatar
    I love you husbands positive outlook. I like your style.
  3. begonia's Avatar
    TTC5 I am with you on the not finding out til birth! I like the envelope idea too ... at least that way you two can have a private moment. But personally I know if I hear girl at 20 weeks (from an envelope or a tech) I will not enjoy the next 20 so much, but if I hear "GIRL!" in delivery and then hold her in my arms ... I'll fall in love immediately :-) FX you get your blue bundle love!
  4. ELP's Avatar
    Mine have all been surprises It's so hard to be disapointed with a wriggling little piece of beauty in your arms Just buy yourself some white babygrows and imagine the little bald person filling them!!
  5. TTC5's Avatar
    That's right Begonia and ELP my thoughts exactly!