June 18th, 2012, 04:42 AM #11
I skimmed my sister's copy and I thought it sounded okay at first... but when I actually read the book, I changed my mind.
To be honest, I didn't like it much at all. The writing was terrible; but then again, the whole novel was originally meant to be a fanfic of Twilight and I thought Stephanie Meyer wasn't so great at writing either...
As for the plot? Well, there wasn't much of an interesting plot. It was all sex really. I found it to be really crass and I didn't like the way Christian Grey treated Ana (who I thought was annoying and rather whiny). He kind of creeped me out at times. Definitely not my cup of tea.
So yeah, I'm not interested in reading anymore of her books...'04
After ages of praying for a sister for DD, I am proud to announce the birth of my twin baby GIRLS born Oct 31st.
June 18th, 2012, 04:49 AM #12
Interesting thread. My friend just recommended them to me 2 days ago and I was wondering whether to bother getting them. Apparently you can pick them up at Kmart at the moment for 10bucks so I might just yet.
Although I have just started the first Songs of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) and there are a pile of them so by the time I finish that lot....could be a year away....8
6 wishing for a
Cycle 1 HRC in June 2011- cancelled cycle, no response at all.
Cycle 2 at SART start stims Oct 10thAnother cancelled cycle. No response.
Cycle 3 at SART, started stims Dec 31st, cancelled AGAIN.
Cycle 4 Donor eggs in South Africa May 2012, freezing and shipping to USA for PGD
FET- 19th July- NT (only 2 normals, both boys)
Cycle 5 Last shot- donor eggs at Genesis- Cyprus using his sperm sort, Jan 2013 BFN
FET Feb 2013BFP
Miscarriage @ 6 wks.
FET June 2013. On metaformin now for Insulin resistance. Mental health starting to border on insanity now. BFN
FET July 2013. Last embieBFN
Cycle 6 Really truly last shot- Donor eggs HRC, planned all freeze Feb, 7XX frozenimmune treatment for me
FET May 2014 BFP Miscarriage @ 8 weeks
FET Nov 2014 BFPMiscarriage @ 12 weeks
FET Oct 2015 BFP Blighted ovum confirmed @ 8 weeks. Miscarriage.
SURROGACY!!!!! FET 1xx Feb 4th BFP, HB seen
My precious baby girl arrived Oct 19th 2016
June 18th, 2012, 05:07 AM #13Moderator
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I have almost finished part II can't say it really appeals to me. Don't know what all the hype was about :/
June 18th, 2012, 05:18 AM #14
i was intrigued by all the hype! I ordered the trilogy from Free delivery worldwide on all books from The Book Depository (my all time favourite online bookstore!) so am waiting for it to arrive.
Im currently engrossed in Pillars of The Earth so don't know when i will get to it....but am very curious!Mummy to DS10 who is the light of our world
Swayedtook us 8 cycle's and I'm finally
Please be a sticky little bean, we have wished and hoped for you for so long xo
Our family welcomed ain May 2013 and thats ok, we're head over heels in love with him and feel blessed to be honoured with 2 sons
January 2014 - A little surprise that went to heaven before we could meet
October 2014 - Officially swaying for one last little bundle and wishing and hoping its a pink one
April 2015- All our dreams have miraculously come true, our sway worked and our family will be complete with the little girl joining us in October this year
June 18th, 2012, 12:04 PM #15
I keep hearing about this book on Facebook and read the first 10 pages for free on Amazon, and am undecided if I want to pursue it any further.....
I think the steamy plot lines is up my alley (yeah, hate admitting that..) but the writing is very dull and lacks a clever edge. I also typically try to avod reading anything that's been hyped to death. I read 80 pages in the 'help' and it just did not appeal to me; it wasn't my kind of story I'd read, so I tried, but gave up and loaned it to a co worker who never returned it.
I just don't know about this book or even if I will read it, though how curious I am about it, I will surely eventually try to secure a copy of the 1st book and see how it goes. Kroger was even selling it the other day but I couldn't justify the 10 bucks on it atm. I would have rather ordered something new for the baby or got a steak.
June 18th, 2012, 05:10 PM #16
I really enjoyed it. It is far from a literary masterpiece, but I doubt you will find any erotic fiction that is! It is something fun and steamy to read that has a sweet ending.
Dom/sub has been covered in quite a few novels, like The Beauty Trilogy and Exit to Eden....all extremely graphic and erotic.Our 6-pack of girlies
June 21st, 2012, 01:50 PM #17Dream Vet
I read all three! I loved them. Such a fantasy land while you are reading them. I agree, the writing isnt good. The british slang w the characters who were supposedly living in Portland drove me nuts. I am so surprised how many of you didnt like them. Everyone I know can NOT put them down! The first book is really slow til about 1/2 way through and the 2nd book was my favorite.
two, going for the
cycling with Dr. Lin @ RFC in Irvine!
12 eggs retrieved, 8 mature eggies, 8 fertilized!my baby girl is in there
7/9 - Transferred two girls!! 7/18 - 1st beta @ 9dpt = 2077/20 - 2nd beta @ 11dpt = 504
8/1 - ONE baby, one hearbeart!8/12 u/s w Dr. Lin 160
She's here! Born March 2012!
June 21st, 2012, 02:01 PM #18
Such mixed reviews! Im going to read them again i liked them that much
Everyone i know also cant put them down and love them.Mummy to 6 beautiful boysand expecting our
June 21st, 2012, 02:57 PM #19
I'm loving the first book but I do agree it is repetitive and I want Ana to grow a back bone and tell him where to go most of the time. Plus it doesn't make me want to leap into the sack.... which is a shame
June 22nd, 2012, 01:51 AM #20
OMG finally! I have to say this is the first place that I have ever heard anyone with any other opinion about them and I have to say I am releived. I have read all three and really don't get what all the hype is about.
I know the sex scenes were a little shocking, this didn't bother me, but I just think that the whole concept was way off base. It was poorly written and had so many holes in it. Really how many times can you have sex in a 3 week period!
I just wish he had loved her a little bit more, I know he 'changed' but he didn't really, he was still overpossesive and not someone I could live with. In the end, he got his way and she was basically everything he wanted. Though she thinks she enjoys it, how does she know any different? I saw her as a bit of a batterred woman. She is bullied and belittled at every step.
OK off my soapbox nowI didn't hate it so much I couldn't read it, I suppose I just didn't get what was so captivating about it.
13 years
11 years
6 years & our HT miracle 2 years
6 IVF Cycles(3 SART & 3 Genea), 4 FET cycles, 4 transfers, 3 Chemicals.
Sep 11 2012: Genea, FET, 1 day 5, CGH HB transferred.
4dp5dt POAS BFP, 9dp5dt 67, 11 dp5dt 183, 17dp5dt 3832
Full Cycle Details here Cycle Summary
Finally our beautiful baby girl was born 20th May, 2013
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Hi ladies 💗 Got our BFP at 10dpo! Swayed girl & ate the LH diet for 4+ months! Just wanted to get some opinions on my line progression from 10-12dpo. It’s getting darker right? For some reason my...
Line Progression