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  1. #81
    Dream Vet
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    Finally got a bump pic for you all to see... just got ds1 to take it.

    24wk twin bumpage!! Mocha how big were u then?

    this was me at compare
    Last edited by Inglewood; January 12th, 2012 at 11:42 AM.
    2002 2006

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  2. #82
    Dream Vet
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    I was probably about your size, Inglewood - I went to look for pictures of me at that point, but I don't have them on my harddrive anymore. I can tell you that I was as big as a bus by the time they induced me at 37weeks 5 days! I'd gained 75 lbs!
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

  3. #83
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by love being a mummy View Post
    Just tell your partner to choose the boys name, you won't have to worry if it's a name you don't like.
    LOL...I've already kinda said that...but then I have that little voice in my head that says, "You might end up with a careful what you say!!".

    Quote Originally Posted by ELP View Post
    DM, I am loving your wraps!! Where they all made by you?????
    The ones in the pics were not made by me. I make one similar to the bright blue/green mei tai. I love my carriers too I'm a bit of a babywearing freak! Can you tell???

    Quote Originally Posted by Inglewood View Post
    Gosh my babies are super scanned!!! Every 2wks!! since my 16wk scan. Suppose it's for a good reason, to check for twin to twin transfusion syndrome, but it's always on my mind when I go.
    That's the thing....if there's more benefits in comparison to risks in regards to scanning- it should be done. (Especially with mo/mo twins). TTTS should be watched for closely, so to me, it's worth getting scanned a heck of a lot more than usual.

    Quote Originally Posted by tweedledeedum View Post
    DM - love the babywearing pictures. Do you think a ring sling is better than a wrap for a newborn? I have always done a fleece pouch for a few months, then the ergo. But i want something more secure for a newborn this time, I think.
    Thanks! I personally think a ring sling is better than a wrap. Most of my babywearing friends who have tried many wraps, slings, carriers would agree as well. The thing is, it takes practice to get them into a good position, you need to get the rings in the right place as well as have the body of the ring sling adjusted BEFORE you put the baby in...otherwise the frustration of using one will cause you to give up. I really recommend watching some youtube videos on it as well as find someone in your area that sells carriers/or a mom who knows what she's doing, to help you the first time you put baby into it. Once the ring sling is adjusted, you just have to loosen the top rail(rail= the top and bottom edge of the fabric of the ring sling. The top rail is by the baby's face and the bottom in underneath the bum) and slide the baby out of the top of the carrier. That way you can slide the baby back in at a later time without having to adjust anything. There are some beautiful ring slings out there too... ~drool~ If you want I'll post my faves for you to look at

    Quote Originally Posted by lobella2 View Post
    DM - I am impressed. You are very talented. I can't do anything with a sewing machine, but always envy those who can.
    Thanks Lobella!
    Quote Originally Posted by Glittergirl View Post
    DM thanks so much for the carrier advice. I'm going to do some searches and look at the wraps you recommend. I love the pic you added with the forward wrap..those are they types I see moms with and they look so comfortable! the one I had was a cloth sling and baby did not look comfortable. I was always afraid he got no air and his chin was always on his chest which is not good for breathing. I'm ok spending $70, I'm reusing most of the big ticket items I have like crib, pakcnplay, baby furniture and swing so I don't mind buying some expensive necessities. A good carrier seems SO worth the money.
    No problem! My pleasure! I feel the same way about carriers. I need a good one that will last and also be able to be sold or used again by a friend, so I pick the pricier ones. I've owned about 20 carriers throughout 3 babies now and have researched about 100 over the years so if you have any questions, just ask!! xo

    Quote Originally Posted by zanacal View Post
    DM - I cringe whenever I see a baby dangling from a Bjorn type carrier! Me too....The first sling I bought was a ring sling and I couldn't get on with it at all! Perhaps I'd have more luck now I'm more experience but I don't really want to buy a load of different ones. I have a good woven wrap which I use when baby is older and for longer walks, a Connecta which is easy to get on and off for school runs and I'll replace my Moby which I sold with a new wrap for the newborn stage. I'm off to look at the quilt links!
    The first ring sling I had was awful...I gave up and totally hated them for my first child. It wasn't until I became friends with the babywearing teacher in my town and she showed me exactly how to wear it, that I was sold on a ring sling again!
    The most important parts of a ring sling- the fabric: nothing slippery or shiny. You want the sling to stay put after you've tightened it. The shoulder: you want a wide shoulder that will not bunch and has some "cush" to it. The rings: metal is the only way to go. They are sturdy and to me....look way nicer The length: You want the extra fabric of the sling to come down to at least your waist. The width: you want to be able to make a pouch of the carrier for when the little one will be froggied that first month.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mochagirl View Post
    I got really into baby wearing when I had ds3 too - I didn't do it much with my twins because it never occurred to me I could wear BOTH of them, and I always felt guilty wearing one and not the other. I had a SleepyWrap for when ds was a newborn, and both a Beco Butterfly and a Babyhawk when he was older.

    As long as this baby sticks , I'll have to go to my BIL's wedding about 2 weeks after I've given birth. I'll be all swollen and lumpy still by then, so my plan is to get a simple black dress, then invest in one of those fancy print wraps I've seen in a bright colour, and wear my baby as part of my outfit . I figure it will keep the attention off my post-baby body.
    That sounds awesome, Mocha! There are so many beautiful wraps out there! OMG I could go crazy showing you all the ones I have on my "want" list! LOL I would hands down, go for a woven wrap They are sturdier, cushier, don't stretch AT ALL, and the colours are WAY nicer than the stretchy wraps. Plus, with a woven wrap, you can wear them until 40+ lbs if you want unlike a stretchy wrap that only lasts for the first few months before it gets stretched out.
    Look at Home - Storchenwiege I the Ulli wrap. I have the Turq. made into a ring sling(the one of Harry and I the day he was born).
    Z A R A - E l l e v i l l - carry with pride I these wraps... I have the Tri-pink
    Plus there's Didymos, Girasol, Neobulle, Ellaroo.....The colours are incredible!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dannikins View Post
    ok im back.

    the scan went well everything looks perfect.
    bub was being very lazy, and slept through the whole thing.
    which also meant we had trouble getting pics of some things, i had to lay on my side to get a proper view of the heart etc.

    anyway, good news, no obvious boy bits, so we are still team green....
    Yay for a healthy baby and yay for being team green!!!! So excited that you didn't see any obvious boy bits! Fingers crossed!!! Tons of PINK dust for you~~~~~
    Quote Originally Posted by Inglewood View Post
    Finally got a bump pic for you all to see... just got ds1 to take it.

    24wk twin bumpage!! Mocha how big were u then?

    this was me at compare
    You look amazing!!! Not long now before you meet your beautiful girlies!!! xoxoxo
    Crunchy Mama to 3 rambunctious boys~ '06 :bike: '08 '10

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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaMama View Post
    That's the thing....if there's more benefits in comparison to risks in regards to scanning- it should be done. (Especially with mo/mo twins). TTTS should be watched for closely, so to me, it's worth getting scanned a heck of a lot more than usual.
    Inglewood - I had scans every 2 weeks too, then every week after 30 weeks I think. It's definitely worth it when you're having identical twins. I knew someone who had to deal with TTTS, and believe me, you want to know about it if things are starting to develop that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaMama View Post
    That sounds awesome, Mocha! There are so many beautiful wraps out there! OMG I could go crazy showing you all the ones I have on my "want" list! LOL I would hands down, go for a woven wrap They are sturdier, cushier, don't stretch AT ALL, and the colours are WAY nicer than the stretchy wraps. Plus, with a woven wrap, you can wear them until 40+ lbs if you want unlike a stretchy wrap that only lasts for the first few months before it gets stretched out.
    Look at Home - Storchenwiege I the Ulli wrap. I have the Turq. made into a ring sling(the one of Harry and I the day he was born).
    Z A R A - E l l e v i l l - carry with pride I these wraps... I have the Tri-pink
    Plus there's Didymos, Girasol, Neobulle, Ellaroo.....The colours are incredible!!

    What gorgeous wraps on those sites - that's EXACTLY the kind of thing I was thinking of. Are woven wraps as easy to tie as stretchy ones? It will be many, many months before I can look into actually buying any of those...but I'll hope I can get one of the pink ones .
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

  5. #85
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mochagirl View Post
    Inglewood - I had scans every 2 weeks too, then every week after 30 weeks I think. It's definitely worth it when you're having identical twins. I knew someone who had to deal with TTTS, and believe me, you want to know about it if things are starting to develop that way.

    What gorgeous wraps on those sites - that's EXACTLY the kind of thing I was thinking of. Are woven wraps as easy to tie as stretchy ones? It will be many, many months before I can look into actually buying any of those...but I'll hope I can get one of the pink ones .
    I find that the knots are larger but just as easy to tie and stay put way better than a stretchy wrap. After having both a stretchy and a few woven ones...I would never get a stretchy wrap ever again. The wovens are just so much more sturdy and the colourways are just so incredible. Plus, you can tie them onto your back without having to worry about the wrap stretching out and letting baby fall.
    Video: Reinforced rucksack tied tibetan with a newborn in a woven wrap - YouTube It may look REALLy complicated but I can say after doing this wrap technique a few times, it's as easy as a front carry Plus it's really easy for me to do stuff without a baby on the front of me. There are SOOOO many wrapping's CRAZY!
    About the colour...I bought myself a pink/purple one with my last pregnancy because I love the colours so much....I didn't care if it was going to be a boy I figured it was more of an accessory for me(like a purse or a diaper bag) so I went with what I loved the most BUT...I truly hope you get your GIRLIE!!! I've got a good feeling it is! xoxoxo
    Crunchy Mama to 3 rambunctious boys~ '06 :bike: '08 '10

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  6. #86
    Dream Vet
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    I've never been fond of the ring sling style, but how gorgeous are these???

    Artisan Silk Collection: Reversible, Uniquely Detailed Baby Slings

    Would they work for newborns, do you think?

    Ack! I just noticed the price - $340!!! I think I'll start trolling the babywearing FSOT sites to look for a used sling once I'm ready to think of buying. Surely lots of women have been in my position and needed a fancy sling for a one-time occasion then try to sell it afterwards....
    Last edited by Mochagirl; January 12th, 2012 at 03:47 PM.
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

  7. #87
    Dream Vet
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    Great idea! FSOT on babywearer is awesome especially if you mention that you're looking for a certain brand. And yes, Sakura Bloom's are gorgeous.......
    Crunchy Mama to 3 rambunctious boys~ '06 :bike: '08 '10

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  8. #88
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    And yes they'd work for newborns They tend to mark up easily though. That and they aren't as cushy and soft to the touch. Otherwise you can totally use them...from birth even.
    Crunchy Mama to 3 rambunctious boys~ '06 :bike: '08 '10

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    Felina Lilyanne was born at home ~ 4/12!

  9. #89
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    not planning on any more scans, though my placenta was very low, so i guess we will just have to see what they say at my OB appointment on monday.
    im happy to go through the rest of the pregnancy not knowing.
    'no obvious boy bits' is much better than 'really obvious, in your face, boy bits' like i had with my youngest....
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  10. #90
    Dream Vet
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    Mocha, I have gained about 21lbs already at 24wks and I feel it EVERYWHERE!! Goodness knows what kinna weight I will be soon.

    The slings/wraps look great, but I couldn't carry 2! after a c-section and a dodgy back it would prob be too difficult!!

    dannikins, you should ask if ur placenta is low lying will u be scanned nearer ur due date, for ur peace of mind too.
    2002 2006

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