My husband and I went for our NT scan yesterday and the good news is that our baby is healthy but the upsetting news is that the nub looks boyish and was clearly sticking up and the tech was pretty positive that it would be another boy. I had tried to prepare myself for this as much as possible and was convinced that I was having another boy and was happy that my DS would get a brother, but even with all that mental preparation I was devastated when it was actually confirmed. I was really hoping to be wrong and that somehow my sway had worked. I made it to the car and burst into tears and haven't really stopped since I just wish I could avoid everyone right now because all I want to do is cry, I guess I am really emotional this pregnancy and should rather have not found out now and waited until later in the pregnancy. I am really happy that the little one is healthy but the shock is still so fresh. I am taking this much harder than I thought I would and I have no one to talk to as everyone I know has a girl or a pp. We originally only really wanted to have two children but now I'm considering trying for a third but not leaving as large age gap as there is between my current two. I'm just looking for hope that maybe it was too early maybe they were swollen girly bits instead.