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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Loking for support. Melb to Bangkok for IVF/PGD

    Hi all,

    I am new to this forum. I'm from Melbourne, have two beautiful boys and I am seriously considering going to Superior Art to have my third and final child a girl (fingers crossed).

    I am looking for some sort of support from others in Melbourne that have gone through this. I'm keen to know which IVF doctors you used in Melbourne to help support the process?

    Have lots of other questions, looking for someone that is willing to share there experiences with me and provide a little support.

    I should mention that I do have fertility issues low AMH have previously done cycles if IVF in Melbourne with no success and fell pregnant naturally with my two boys. So I do realise this could be a challenge for me

    just looking for some support x

  2. #2
    IVF Advice Coach
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    Welcome. We haven't had many that have traveled to Superior Art lately. How old are you? Have you thought about using DHEA? How did you get to do IVF in Melbourne? Was it for GS?
    Mom to

    and my IVF/PGD

    It's better to look back on life and say: "I can't believe I did that" than to look back and say "I wish I did that".

    New to IVF/PGD for Family Balancing? Read this- Understanding IVF/PGD- a HT Guide for those New to the IVF/PGD Process

    Need a Natural Swaying Plan? Naturally sway for a boy or a girl- Personalized Swaying Plans

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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi! Thanks for your reply. Yes, I didn’t think many travelled to superior art, from what I could see. Are there more popular clinics or locations? Or generally not many people are travelling overseas for the purpose of gender selection? I’m 35, turning 36 this year. I did Ivf in Melbourne in 2014 due to having very low amh levels however didn’t have any success. I then changed Ivf doctors and she put me on melatonin which I think worked as both my sons were conceived when on melatonin. If I do end up doing Ivf overseas to try to get a girl should I take any supplements to help sway or should my hubby? I have considered dhea but will ask my fertility doctor first. Thanks so much x

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by deardaughter View Post
    Hi! Thanks for your reply. Yes, I didn’t think many travelled to superior art, from what I could see. Are there more popular clinics or locations? Or generally not many people are travelling overseas for the purpose of gender selection? I’m 35, turning 36 this year. I did Ivf in Melbourne in 2014 due to having very low amh levels however didn’t have any success. I then changed Ivf doctors and she put me on melatonin which I think worked as both my sons were conceived when on melatonin. If I do end up doing Ivf overseas to try to get a girl should I take any supplements to help sway or should my hubby? I have considered dhea but will ask my fertility doctor first. Thanks so much x
    Hi hun, just wondering if you did go overseas for ivf? Did you push through with Bangkok?

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