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  1. #1
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    ovulation pain and spotting - in depth

    Update 12-22-17

    Ladies, seven years after I first wrote this and I've gone through many cycles with hundreds if not thousands of you by now and I PROMISE YOU that you cannot cannot cannot tell reliably anything about your cycle based on ovulation pains. I know you think that you can, but a bajillion other people also swore to me (and sometimes swore AT me LOL since people get a little testy over this sometimes) that they could and they were wrong. Please, please, please to infinity and beyond do not rely on ovulation pain to tell you anything reliable about when you ovulated or when to have your attempt(s) for swaying and trying to conceive.

    Mid-cycle ovulation pain is surprisingly common, affecting about twenty percent of women regularly and up to half of all women have experienced it at least once. When it becomes severe enough to interfere with life (to the point where at times it is mistaken for appendicitis) it's referred to as mittelschmerz, from the German word for “middle pain.” However, this term has kinda become the basic term for any ovulation pain, even milder cases.

    The pain may be caused by many factors. First, the ovary swells as ovulation approaches and 15-20 eggs in each ovary are racing to develop. Then, when the largest egg is released, a twinge or popping sensation may be felt, accompanied by pain as blood and follicular fluid from the ovary is released. This fluid can cause painful irritation of the abdominal wall.

    Your individual biology - the amount of space in your abdominal cavity and the amount of fluid you release along with your egg - can determine whether or not you have O pain or not. If you're on blood thinners like aspirin, cranberry, garlic, and fish oil, you may have more severe O pains than you ever have before. If you've taken fertility medication like Clomid and Femara you may also have much worse O pains than normal. Also, many doctors and researchers believe that some women may have tubal and uterine cramping as their muscles spasm to circulate the cervical mucus, bringing sperm to the egg and moving the egg down the Fallopian tubes to the uterus.

    If you've experienced a one-sided pain at mid-cycle, that begins as a sharp twinge (egg has broken free of the ovary) and diminishes into a dull ache (Fallopian tube is cramping and blood/follicular fluid is leaking into the abdominal cavity) for the next day or so, that was possibly O pain (but I doubt it LOL because I have not seen any reliable trend where people were able to tell when they ovulated based on O pains and many, many people telling me that they could only to have them be proven wrong). However, some women have mild to severe aching prior to the egg being released (ovaries are tender and swollen from the eggs it is developing) that is actually relieved when the egg breaks free.

    The pain doesn't have to be one sided, either. 15-20 eggs form in both ovaries every month and only the best one or two is released, so if you tend to experience achiness prior to ovulation, you very well could feel it on both sides. Post-ovulation, your entire uterus may cramp in order to circulate cervical mucus and bring sperm nearer to the egg. Backache is another symptom that may indicate ovulation.

    Occasionally, some women may experience nausea, diarrhea, and/or light spotting (usually a little pink EWCM) at the same time as O pain. The pantheon of ovulatory symptoms last for 6 to 8 hours but can last as long as twenty-four to forty-eight hours, particularly if you have released more than one egg. And for some of us lucky, lucky gals like me personally O pain lasts for up to a week to 10 days. We get it coming and we get it going. O pain seems to be felt more often on the right side regardless of which ovary released an egg, probably because the right side of your body has more blood flowing to it and may have more nerve endings. The pain also may be aggravated OR relieved by intercourse.

    Because it's possible to feel ovulation pain before, during, and after ovulation, it cannot be relied upon to help pinpoint ovulation. It's not even reliable to tell whether or not you ovulated. Even women who are very experienced with their cycles (ME!) have been fooled by fake O pains. However, if you experience spotting with ovulation, that may be a better indicator that ovulation has actually occurred than just pain. Unfortunately, some people experience not ovulation spotting but bleeding from the cervix at ovulation since your cervix becomes very soft and easily injured at that point of your cycle. Habitually checking your cervical position and/or pH may exacerbate this.

    Painful ovulation, even when severe, does NOT cause or indicate infertility or cancer. However, some medical conditions can cause painful ovulation, such as PCOS or fibroids on the ovaries and these things CAN be signs of a larger issue with your body. Also, if you have pain that lasts for more than two days and ANY abdominal pain that is accompanied by a fever, you should seek medical care. Pain should never be ignored, if you are in any way concerned about anything happening with your body, SEE A DOCTOR!!

    To relieve O pains, you can use a heating pad, take a warm bath or shower, or take some Tylenol (taking blood thinning pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofin will only cause more bleeding from the ovary and may aggravate the pain). Intercourse with female orgasm can help some people, but others find that the actual act of penetrative intercourse is too painful. Please note that taking more than 1-2 aspirins or ibuprofens just prior to ovulation may also cause or contribute LUFS, where your body has a harder time setting the egg free from the ovary and so may make it more difficult to ovulate if you're taking those medications. Stick to Tylenol for O pain if you need medication.

    One interesting link I stumbled across tells how to use acupressure to relieve ovulation pains - hey, it can't hurt! How to Relieve Ovulation Pain With Acupressure | LEAFtv
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 22nd, 2017 at 02:39 PM.
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  2. #2
    Big Dreamer
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    I love this. I suffer from bad O pains and have the spotting with it. Over the years, I've gotten used to it...but it's still a big time PITA!
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  3. #3
    TTC5's Avatar
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    Thankyou so this explains why I have pain/cramps 3 days after O!!!!
    I have stronger pain now than at the time of O!
    Fathers Day baby!

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  4. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    My o pain is always one sided, lasts for about 6 hours, and I think actual o is a sharp pain that happens just at the end of this time period.

  5. #5
    Dream Vet
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    You always give complete and detailed info!
    May I share my dilemma with you?

    We BDed Tuesday, March 22nd, around 23:30

    Wednesday (March 23) I felt mittelschmerz during late afternoon, 5pm and again around 6pm and maybe even later.

    Thursday (March 24 - today) in the morning 7am when I wiped (sorry TMI!) I noticed my CM pH was discretely pink and tingled with brown.

    I was supposed to O tommorow and I didn't use OPKs (my bad!) CP SHOW ( I love this term!) from Monday. Would you say I Oed and if yes, when?
    I suppose it was probably during the night between Wednesday and Thursday? ( March 23 and March 24)
    Do you agree? I'm so confused, timing is the most difficult part IMHO....Thank God it's not crucial! ( for example, my brother and SIL are expecting boy # 2 with 3-4 days cut-off )
    My plan was to BD tonight, but is this a bad idea if I already Oed, I might be ending with O+something?
    Or shall I BD tonight to increase my odds for getting pg?
    I'm doing BSF 3 times a day since Sunday ( March 20) and BSD and the whole thing.

    Last edited by Zivic-Bubac; March 24th, 2011 at 01:56 PM.
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  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes, probably on Wed. night but sometimes you just can't tell. You may have more than one egg this month too. It does happen.

    Is there any way that the blood could be from irritation from the BSF?? Your cervix is very soft around ovulation and can be easy to scratch! Even just checking your cervical position might make it bleed a little.

    If you're still having lots of EWCM and your cervix is still indicating ovulation, I would absolutely go ahead and BD tonight (but I don't believe in timing much really). If not much CM, then I would hold off.

    To be on the safe side, please read this - it is how to do an O+12 and you may be able to tell if you are getting into O+12 territory by your CM and CP, so you'll know what NOT to do -
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  7. #7
    Dream Vet
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    Thank you so much!!!!
    Yes, blood could be from BSF, but I think since it showed only after mittelschmerz and around O. maybe it is a sign of O? But then again who knows....Not much CM right now. Hmmm, IDK...
    If you think my questions are not appropriate for Sticky ( which in my understanding is general info, right?) feel free to delete them.
    m/c 2001
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  8. #8
    Dream Vet
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    Would you mind if I posted the same q in TTC subforum?
    I would like to get as much opinions as possible to make it easier to make my mind ( I'm Libra, so decisions aren't the easiest part lLOL!)
    You know what occured to me: if I Oed Wed night and I BD tonight, that would be O+20 or even O+24, so it means conception cannot happen? Since it takes for swimmers 4 hours to capacitate?
    So maybe I can try tonight in case I O tomorrow?
    m/c 2001
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  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    No, I like questions wherever they show up! You did phrase the Q a bit differently so I gave percentages in your other post.

    I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner, but to answer your question (and for anyone else who happens to read this) by O+20/24 there is next to no chance of conception. Sperm take 4 hours just to capacitate and only the very longest lived eggs even last that long.
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  10. #10
    Dream Newbie

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    I wanted to add that sometimes mid cycle bleeding isn't the result of direct ovulation bleeding, but can start for a couple days leading up to o, which is supposed to be the result of changing hormone levels.

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