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  1. #11
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    I do not recommend ASG or BSF. if you used BSF last month this is very likely why you're not getting pregnant as it's really cut odds of conception for us.

    Preseed as a lube with attempts. you don't need the whole tube, just use it as a lube for comfy BD.

    Guanefesin starting 5 days before you expect O and going thru O day. Others suggest starting it after AF ends and going thru 3 days past ovulation but I"ve not seen any difference with doing it this way.

    No L-arg. It's really messed up menstrual cycles for people and I felt like most of the people who insisted on taking it got girls anyway. You can give to your husband.

    Please pick either EPO or pumpkin seeds. NOT both. You're going to be getting way more vegetable fats that way and getting too many veg. based fats in comparison to animal fats may sway pink.

    Are you not eating meat? Eggs? I am kind of worried about your diet as you're describing it. The acid-alkaline diet has never been proven to sway and in fact it is biologically impossible that it works the way people say it does since your body's pH cannot go out of a very narrow range, or else you die (literally)

    Taking multivitamins too?

    I would not worry about the moon or the CGC. I know it's hard to let go of, but it just makes no sense that something having to do with the moon could possibly be swaying gender. If that was the case, we'd know it by now as all the babies conceived/born at a certain point would be overwhelmingly boys or girls.

    Don't BD O+1, I want your attempts to be the night of positive OPK, again the next morning (of O Day) and then again that night (also O day) O+1 will probably be too late and would not count as an attempt. Then BD every other day for a few days after that in case your O is delayed.
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  2. #12
    Dream Newbie

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    Hey Atomic, first of all, a heartfelt thanks for your concern! Appreciated always!!
    Yes I am taking egg-whites. But not meat to be honest. (I used to have it years before but then turned to vegetarian) Yes I am taking multivitamins too,also Vit-D, Folic Acid, FishOil, EPO (will avoid pumpkin seeds, if that counts to veg-fat).

    Atomic, how can I increase the intake of more animal fat as compared to veg fat? (esp now when I can not count of eating meat).

    My attempts would be the way you suggested for sure. Only concern is how can I mould my diet more to be in a boy-safe zone. As I told you I am already in love of lots of bananas, watermelon, coconut water,fruits and vegetables juice, potatoes in meals, raw tomatoes,cereal for breakfast, moderate amount of calcium, (not sure of magnesium though), protein from pulses, using olive oil for salad dressing, and lotzz of nuts (Ahhh...again plant based fat).

    Okay, can a mix a li'l bit of Baking soda with Pressed before applying ? (Oops again comes BS). Also, does pressed can be used before those three attempts near O date?
    I would be using Pressed in all the three attempts surely.

    Again, if I take more plant-based fat as compared to animal-based fat, would it sway pink?? Hmm...I am worried now.
    Last edited by ps17; May 7th, 2017 at 03:37 AM.

  3. #13
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Just egg whites and not whole eggs? I would eat whole eggs.

    Do you have any dairy foods? They have fat in them. Butter or ghee are animal fat. Coconut oil, we ~believe~ acts more like animal fat so I'd switch out the olive oil for coconut oil (olive oil is usually fine for blue swayers but in this case it may be a good thing to switch.)

    The fish oil also counts as animal fat.

    People do still get boys on vegetarian diets.

    I would rather you didn't mix BS with Preseed but that's your decision to make. Preseed should be used with every attempt in the fertile window.

    We have animal studies that indicate more animal fat vs. vegetable fats = more girls conceived. It's not 110% proven (especially not in humans) but it is just something I like to include for people when possible.
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  4. #14
    Dream Newbie

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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post

    We have animal studies that indicate more animal fat vs. vegetable fats = more girls conceived. It's not 110% proven (especially not in humans) but it is just something I like to include for people when possible.
    Atomic, this confuses me. Do you mean to say that vegetable fats > animals fats = more girls conceived?

  5. #15
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yep, that is what several studies done in animals over the last few years seem to show. All other things being equal in the diet, animals that had more veg. based fats than animal had more female offspring, animals that had more animal based fats had more male offspring.

    I would have you switch from olive oil to coconut oil since coconut oil is saturated, one of the few saturated veg. fats and it may be more forgiving than olive oil.
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  6. #16
    Dream Newbie

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    Cool !! Will include that in my diet now. Thanks again Atomic.

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  8. #17
    Dream Vet
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    Atomic, I just saw where you said, "most blue swayers should aim for 6 weeks max on the diet before trying to concieve" I was under the impression I should wait a minimum of 6 weeks. Does this mean I am in a good zone to ttc now (after only 2 weeks) since I have already gained 4 pounds? Or would it be better to wait for next O and try to slow the weight gain?
    Last edited by TtcBlue18; May 17th, 2017 at 10:54 PM.
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  9. #18
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    Yes, 6 weeks minimum AND maximum LOL. What I meant is that I do not want blue swayers on the HE Diet for several months, gaining weight the whole time, before they TTC. We have no evidence that indicates longer on HE Diet is better - 6 weeks has gotten good results, so I am fine with anyone starting TTC at the 6 week point.

    PINK swayers have had better results with 12 weeks or more, but I have not seen this translate to blue. 6 weeks has seemed to be enough for blue.

    I would prefer you slow down weight gain by cutting back on grains and fruit juices and TTC at 6 week mark.
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  11. #19
    Dream Vet
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    Atomic, I started he diet at af, cycle before planning ttc (thinking af-af would be 4 weeks and then O approximately 2 weeks later would make 6 weeks total) but then my cycles decided to cut 3 days short, two months in a row (maybe it was due to such a drastic diet change so quickly?). Now I'm looking at only 5 weeks on he diet before ttc. Is this okay? I have been very strict on myself with the HE diet, and started eating much more than usual a few weeks before that (but not following any diet plan) if that makes any difference.
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  12. #20
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    I wouldn't worry about that, I'd proceed. If you'll live 1000 lifetimes of regret, though, if you TTC and get an opposite, then you may want to wait but personally I wouldn't.
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