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  1. #11
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    I have had ovulation pain that is at times so bad as to be almost debilitating, off and on since I was about 25. Not every month but 6-9 times a year I experience at least some O pain.

    This past month (Sept.) I started getting O pain and huge amounts of EWCM on CD 3!!! (that's right, 3 days after my period started) I ovulated CD 14. It went on until 3 days after ovulation and was so bad it woke me up several nights. It was worse on the left side but I had pain on both and also uterine cramps and back pain.

    I am actually really glad I knew about mittelschmertz because otherwise I think I would have thought I was dying or something LOL.
    Atomic, do you usually get pain on both sides or just one side? I am CD 16 and for the past two or three days I have been getting pains just on the left side...normal?
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  2. #12
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    Yes I get it ALLL over the place and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. This past month I had stabbing pains on the left for a few days and then on the right for a few days.

    THis month I noticed it was severe CD 5-10 and then went away. Oed on CD 14 and had NO O pain around ovulation!!
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  3. #13
    Dream Vet
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    I am jumping onto this very old post because I need help (and I have never started a new thread of my own so I just tag onto others).

    I never recall having O pain when I was younger/adolescent and then I was on birth control pills for most of my adult life (except one dreadful year I switched to an IUD instead of the pill). I stopped taking BC in January 2016 and I had only one day of mild cramping the first cycle off BC but I didn't know what it was. Every cycle since the pain has gotten worse and longer. Once I started using OPKs the pain has actual been a good sign because for three cycles straight I got my first +OPK the first day of cramping. Pain is lasting for about 3-4 days and is pretty intense around day 2 or 3. Intense enough to have to use a heat pad and sit on the couch doing much of nothing. It definitely gets in the way of normal everyday life. It is all over pain, not necessarily just one side although sometimes it feels more one sided for a few hours.

    This cycle is my first on clomid so I know that can increase pain, but I don't really think this month is worse than my non-clomid cycles. I am on day 4 of cramps and the pain was especially bad day 2. I hate it because I just feel so blah.

    I am just assuming that I am ovulating at some point during these O pain days since I get a +OPK typically when they start or shortly thereafter. If O pain can't be relied upon to actual pin point O then how do we pinpoint O? Is the only way to temp?
    Is O pain like this something to be concerned about? Does it mean anything about my bodies ability to spit out the egg? Is it linked to PCOS?

    Pregnant with baby GIRL #2, due August 2019
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  5. #14
    Dream Vet

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    What about nausea? Is this something any of you have experienced in relation to O?

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    Thank you everyone in this site and in particular Atomic for amazing support during my sway. I am for ever grateful.

  6. #15
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    I love to keep the old threads going. That way we have more informative threads that answer people's questions without having to loook and look thru 50 short unhelpful threads.

    Girliecat, that is how it was with me too. I never had it as a young girl/woman, and then it came on gradually over time, starting with my first memory of it when I was about 24-25ish. I suspect that it would have for you as well, but you were on the pill and it prevented it. It is not fun, my advice is to pop an ibuprofen as that can kind of quiet down the pain enough to deal with. One ibuprofen should not be enough to delay or stop O, but if you're worried about that, just don't take it on O Day. I find ibuprofen works much better than Tylenol as there may be some inflammation involved and Tylenol doesn't help inflammation. I can function through it most months but occasionally it's nice to just take the edge off of it.

    Not everyone has worse O pain on Clomid. Some people actually find it improves. The body is weird.

    So many women I have spoken with experience it somewhere on the continuum. I believe it to be totally normal (and it certainly is for me, as well) I had an ovarian cyst once and it was def. a different, more urgent kind of pain and got my attention. The thing you must be aware of, is that doctors LOVE to treat you for totally normal things, so you very well could go into your doctor, they'd test you for 9 million things and scare you terribly and then come out of it with no diagnosis anyway (and this I know because enough people have seen the doctor for it.) My pains are on the extreme end of all the people I've ever spoken with and I don't have PCOS, have extremely regular cycles, and have gotten pregnant easily 5 times (actually 6 but lost one) so I do not find it to be correlated at least for me. Now, of course some people may have a different experience and have some other problem occuring at the same time, but I see no cause and effect where Mittleschmertz, even quite severe, is indicative of anything bad or dire at all.

    You don't need to pinpoint O. I know it's a scary notion, but there is no need to do that. Just have an attempt at positive OPK. Even with temping, it's not infallible, and I just see very little point to doing that since timing doesn't sway anyway.
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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamsister View Post
    What about nausea? Is this something any of you have experienced in relation to O?

    DS1 (9) ❤️ DS2 (8) DS3 (5) ❤️ DW (41) DH (38) TTC'ing pink from May 2016
    I have experienced it a few times and it's been reported to me a few times as well. One of the most interesting experiences I had in this department was when I went onto the birth control pill and suddenly developed "morning sickness" for about a week till my body adjusted to the hormones. Not that this is O related of course, but that I do know firsthand that hormones can make you nauseous!
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  8. #17
    Dream Vet
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    Atomic, thank you for the information.

    I was thinking how lucky we are to have to deal with this pain and then I thought that I tend to have a lot of discomfort and issues down there in general and it got me to remembering about when I was younger and my appendix burst. Long and short of it is that due to a misdiagnosis from a doctor, my appendix was left in me after it was inflamed and it ruptured and I was left with sever peritonitis. I was in the hospital over a week and very sick for many weeks after that. They even had a drain in my stomach for 3 weeks because the infection had to be able to drain out (I know TMI). I knew that the peritonitis changed me. My digestion has always been a bit more delicate and I get very strong digestion pains and noises. I never thought that it could affect my reproductive system too until I stumbled across an article on peritonitis and infertility.

    I did some research and have found that most research show no link between a regular appendectomy and fertility, but there is some evidence that a perforated appendix and the infection that it causes can affect fertility. In particular it talked about scare tissue around your ovaries and tubes. I am wondering if this could be something that leads to my lengthy and intense O pains (not to mention the fact that I am not pregnant yet after all these months of TTC). I don't get bad pains at all before AF but since that is localized inside the uterus, not outside in the abdominal cavity like the ovaries and tubes are, where the infection was, maybe that would make sense.

    Have you heard of a link between a perforated appendix, or peritonitis, and issues with fertility or pain? Thanks.
    Pregnant with baby GIRL #2, due August 2019
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  10. #18
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    I have heard of it and I do think it may be reason for an HSG to be performed just to be certain that there are no blockages. Here is a reassuring study about it. Association of Perforation of the Appendix with Female Tubal Infertility

    I do not think this is the cause of the O Pains though as I believe it to be, 99 times out of 100, just something that some of us have worse than other people.
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  11. #19
    Dream Vet
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    Thank you Atomic. I will be discussing this and the HSG with my doctor. I never even thought to mention the perforated appendix but now I know.
    Pregnant with baby GIRL #2, due August 2019
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  13. #20
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    I never got it before I had my first child. Most months I get it and it comes in day 5 of ewcm. Ewcm quickly dried up after. For me it lasts exactly 45 minutes and is usually so bad I have to lie down and feel faint. I went to the Drs about it last year, had an US which showed nothing unusual....

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