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    Swaying for twin boys?!

    Hey everyone, I'm new here and I have always had an obsession with twins/multiples. Maybe that's because I am one myself (fraternal b/g twins). I've always had such great memories of being a twin and I would love to experience being a mother to twins. I'm 30 with no children and probably won't be ttc for another 1.5 years, but wanted to get as much info and head start as possible to sway for twin boys! Right now I'm just collecting information and reading up on diets, but I wanted to introduce myself and see if there were others in the same position of ttc multiples. The only thing I've really done so far is get on prenatal vitamins.

    A little bit of background. My mom had us when she was 25 and conceived easily. She didn't start getting her period until she was 16 years old. She was 5'1 and about 110 lbs when she conceived, so neither older or overweight like a lot of info suggests. We were her first children, she tried to have another child at 32 but had trouble and eventually conceived 2 years later with the help of fertility drugs that was administered by shot (not sure what it was exactly) because of PCOS. I have read online that having PCOS might make you release more than one egg at once when you do ovulate, so I am curious as to whether this might be why she hyperovulated and had twins or if it runs in the family and in the genes. I don't have PCOS that I know of, and get my period regularly every month. At one checkup over 5 years ago, a doctor did find a small cyst on my ovaries, but it went away on its own.

    My best friends mom growing up had fraternal boy twins when she was 31 yeas old. Don't know much about her history, but I dont believe she had any problems conceiving and was not taking any fertility meds. She was about 5'7 and very very thin. On the otherhand, my other friends mom who had had fraternal girl twins was very tall and a bit overweight. I also know someone who had identical female girls who basically had the same body frame, tall and overweight too.

    I guess the things going for me right now is that I am 30+ years old, have a bmi of 30+ and am a twin myself. Things not going for me is that I am short - 5'4, and have had no other children in the past. Any ideas on what I can do to improve my chances of twins, especially twin boys??

    I think one of my main concern is finding out whether I hyperovulate naturally and figuring out how to tell when that is happening and finding ways to increase chances of hyperovulating while ttc. I don't think I would be a good candidate for clomid or soy iso's so I'm looking for more natural ways.
    Last edited by bluedreamz; December 9th, 2015 at 01:36 PM.

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  3. #2
    Dream Vet
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    Folic acid is said to sway twins by increasing odds of hyperovulation I tried swaying for twins too. Boy sway too! If I somehow managed to get twin boys I would be on cloud 9!! I'm in my 2WW now. Besides all the regular boy swaying, I took extra folic acid with my prenatals and took cassava root. Cassava is said to cause hyperovulation but there not s ton of studies to support it. I figured what could it hurt. So we'll see soon if it worked or not I suppose (:
    Rowan Mesler - 3/15
    TTC - since 10/15
    Clomid and IUI #1 - 12/16 was unsuccessful
    Clomid and IUI #2 - 1/10/17 SUCCESS! Currently carrying baby#2!!!
    Jeremiah 17:7 "But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him."

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  5. #3

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    I swayed boy and am having twins, not sure on genders yet. No twins on either side of the family and I'm 31. Not sure what it was but I wonder if some aspect of my boy sway contributed towards it?
    05 07 09 11


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  7. #4
    Dream Vet
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    Ah so fun! I hope you have at least one little boy in there. Part of he reason I want twins is cuz then at least I get TWO chances at a boy and twins are just so fun!
    Rowan Mesler - 3/15
    TTC - since 10/15
    Clomid and IUI #1 - 12/16 was unsuccessful
    Clomid and IUI #2 - 1/10/17 SUCCESS! Currently carrying baby#2!!!
    Jeremiah 17:7 "But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him."

  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nann3r View Post
    Folic acid is said to sway twins by increasing odds of hyperovulation I tried swaying for twins too. Boy sway too! If I somehow managed to get twin boys I would be on cloud 9!! I'm in my 2WW now. Besides all the regular boy swaying, I took extra folic acid with my prenatals and took cassava root. Cassava is said to cause hyperovulation but there not s ton of studies to support it. I figured what could it hurt. So we'll see soon if it worked or not I suppose (:
    Thank you so much for responding! I'm definitely going to be taking extra folic acid though I'm not sure when to start taking more since I wont be ttc for another year or so. Right now I am taking 1000 mcg with my prenatal a day, but I am definitely going to increase that at some point so two babies have a better chance at sticking and growing.

    I'm still looking into the Cassava. I am fascinated by what I've read about this plant, though I don't really know what to make of it at the moment. I'm not sure if I will be taking it yet, but there doesn't seem to be any harm in taking it if you can afford it, so why not? I was thinking about eating TONS of tapioca pudding, but I don't know if will have the same effect.

    From what I understand, Cassava is a phytoestrogen plant, same with soy. If you look at a list of plants/foods that contain phytoestrogens, soy is at the top of the list, along with flax seed. I think this is why some people take soy iso's the same was as clomid to ttc twins. I was really looking into that for a bit, but I have read a couple of first hand accounts of women taking soy iso's and developing a large cyst of the first round of it, and there really isnt much research on it. I'm thinking that if I eat something that contains as much phytoestrogens or more than the cassava at least everyday, it may have a similar effect. Then again, there doesn't seem to be a much higher twin population in Asia or places where they have lots of soy regularly in their diet, so who knows!

    I would like to try more than this to increase my chances of twins, but I guess I am mostly worried about OHSS and cysts. I believe I am pretty fertile, because the only time I ever had unprotected sex, I conceived, but lost the baby after the first ultrasound. There are no studies about fertile women using clomid, so I have no idea what the risks would be. I also might be less fertile a year from now, so who knows.

    Sending you lots of sticky thoughts for your 2ww!
    Last edited by bluedreamz; December 10th, 2015 at 11:22 AM.

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThreeLittleStars View Post
    I swayed boy and am having twins, not sure on genders yet. No twins on either side of the family and I'm 31. Not sure what it was but I wonder if some aspect of my boy sway contributed towards it?
    That is truly amazing! Do you know if they are fraternal or identical? I will have to check out your sway in more detail. Do you fit any of the other criteria like a higher BMI or height? They say the more children you have, the more likely you will conceive twins, so that might be a contributing factor in your case too. Do you have PCOS? They say high amounts of dairy and red meat might also contribute to twins. It really could be so many things, but it seems likely that you somehow hyperovulated if they are fraternal.

    I am so excited for you. I hope there is at least one little boy in there for you!

  10. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by bluedreamz View Post
    That is truly amazing! Do you know if they are fraternal or identical? I will have to check out your sway in more detail. Do you fit any of the other criteria like a higher BMI or height? They say the more children you have, the more likely you will conceive twins, so that might be a contributing factor in your case too. Do you have PCOS? They say high amounts of dairy and red meat might also contribute to twins. It really could be so many things, but it seems likely that you somehow hyperovulated if they are fraternal.

    I am so excited for you. I hope there is at least one little boy in there for you!
    Most likely fraternal. I have very low bmi, wasn't taking very high dose of folic acid, although it was the first time I had taken folate before pregnancy (as opposed to folic acid). Biggest factor I guess would be number of children, or that I'm in my 30s (by a year, hehe). No pcos, average height, hadn't been on hormonal bc in about a year a half. Was quite the shock . Doctor said at 13 weeks that one is a boy, and couldn't tell on the second baby, but I'm hesitant to believe it until my next ultrasound shows a penis. Ha! I haven't posted my sway yet. Will do it after my next ultrasound maybe (next week). There was nothing too out of the ordinary and I definitely wouldn't say it was the strongest boy sway I've seen. I was taking new chapter one a day multi which is a food based multi. Maybe that had something in it which helped with the twins factor? I'm finally coming around to the idea of twins but let's just say I was definitely NOT trying for twins . Anyway, thanks for your lovely wishes and hope you get your dream of twins!
    05 07 09 11


  11. #8
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes, PCOS may make a person more likely to conceive twins. We will never know why your mom conceived twins of course, it's def. believed to be partly genetic.

    YOu need to look at the overall trends and not just at one person here or there. The overall trends are that being taller, and being overweight, are both more likely to end up in twinning, but of course neither of those things you can control for. I assure you that I am 5-4 and conceived twins once (one didn't make it). Being 31 doesn't raise your odds much if at all, your being a twin is by far and away the thing you have going for you.

    You do not need to know if you hyperovulate naturally. Most people do now and then but not every month. It woudn't matter if you hyperovulate 80% of the time, if you get preggo in a month you only release one egg. Additionally, we have people on this site who know they released 2,3 or even 4 eggs and either don't conceive at all or have a singleton so hyperovulation does not necessarily mean twins.

    The best things you can do now are to follow HE Diet in the form that will have you hold steady on weight (or even lose some for a healthier pregnancy, but this may cut down your chances of twins and boys), but do use full fat dairy, and add in weight training. You need to understand that twin pregnancies are not a walk in the park (we have a lot of very sad endings on here with twin pregnancies under ideal circumstances) and BMI of over 30 can also make for a riskier pregnancy.

    Full fat dairy

    Folate up to 2000 mcg a day

    Cassava supplements (tapioca is not concentrated enough) I am wary of this because I've seen tons of people take it and not get twins, and plus we do not know if it's safe or how it truly sways. I would have you eat yams and sweet potatoes instead.

    I am wary of the phytoestrogens in general. Soy and flax have been linked to actually causing harm to boy babies, they may sway pink when not used very carefully, and they can really mess up your cycle as well. I think your family history and weight are by far and away much more strong factors that might cause you to conceive twins and I would hate to see you taking things that could cause issues when you already have a lot going for you.

    Best way to get twins bar none is Clomid. You would not get OHSS at 50 mg. WE have tons of fertile women taking Clomid and while it does sway slightly pink, when you use it with an otherwise bluefriendly diet, exercise pattern, and some other tricks we have, it's still very possible to get boys, even twin boys while using it.
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  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThreeLittleStars View Post
    Most likely fraternal. I have very low bmi, wasn't taking very high dose of folic acid, although it was the first time I had taken folate before pregnancy (as opposed to folic acid). Biggest factor I guess would be number of children, or that I'm in my 30s (by a year, hehe). No pcos, average height, hadn't been on hormonal bc in about a year a half. Was quite the shock . Doctor said at 13 weeks that one is a boy, and couldn't tell on the second baby, but I'm hesitant to believe it until my next ultrasound shows a penis. Ha! I haven't posted my sway yet. Will do it after my next ultrasound maybe (next week). There was nothing too out of the ordinary and I definitely wouldn't say it was the strongest boy sway I've seen. I was taking new chapter one a day multi which is a food based multi. Maybe that had something in it which helped with the twins factor? I'm finally coming around to the idea of twins but let's just say I was definitely NOT trying for twins . Anyway, thanks for your lovely wishes and hope you get your dream of twins!
    Thanks for the lovely wishes as well! your story is so exciting and inspirational! It seems like you were at the right place at the right time so to speak, or the stars were just aligned Thanks so much for sharing. It's so interesting to hear individual stories about conceiving twins, I love reading about it and the circumstances. It's interesting that the thing that stands out is the food based vitamin. I will be checking your progress and definitely hope you will post your sway. I think you definitely have a baby boy in there!

  14. Thanks ThreeLittleStars thanked for this post
  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Yes, PCOS may make a person more likely to conceive twins. We will never know why your mom conceived twins of course, it's def. believed to be partly genetic.

    YOu need to look at the overall trends and not just at one person here or there. The overall trends are that being taller, and being overweight, are both more likely to end up in twinning, but of course neither of those things you can control for. I assure you that I am 5-4 and conceived twins once (one didn't make it). Being 31 doesn't raise your odds much if at all, your being a twin is by far and away the thing you have going for you.

    You do not need to know if you hyperovulate naturally. Most people do now and then but not every month. It woudn't matter if you hyperovulate 80% of the time, if you get preggo in a month you only release one egg. Additionally, we have people on this site who know they released 2,3 or even 4 eggs and either don't conceive at all or have a singleton so hyperovulation does not necessarily mean twins.

    The best things you can do now are to follow HE Diet in the form that will have you hold steady on weight (or even lose some for a healthier pregnancy, but this may cut down your chances of twins and boys), but do use full fat dairy, and add in weight training. You need to understand that twin pregnancies are not a walk in the park (we have a lot of very sad endings on here with twin pregnancies under ideal circumstances) and BMI of over 30 can also make for a riskier pregnancy.

    Full fat dairy

    Folate up to 2000 mcg a day

    Cassava supplements (tapioca is not concentrated enough) I am wary of this because I've seen tons of people take it and not get twins, and plus we do not know if it's safe or how it truly sways. I would have you eat yams and sweet potatoes instead.

    I am wary of the phytoestrogens in general. Soy and flax have been linked to actually causing harm to boy babies, they may sway pink when not used very carefully, and they can really mess up your cycle as well. I think your family history and weight are by far and away much more strong factors that might cause you to conceive twins and I would hate to see you taking things that could cause issues when you already have a lot going for you.

    Best way to get twins bar none is Clomid. You would not get OHSS at 50 mg. WE have tons of fertile women taking Clomid and while it does sway slightly pink, when you use it with an otherwise bluefriendly diet, exercise pattern, and some other tricks we have, it's still very possible to get boys, even twin boys while using it.
    So much helpful info and thoughts here, thanks for replying.

    I think you're right. I definitely think less is more. I have been researching all these natural ways, but it kinda makes more sense to take one medication that you know works instead of taking a bunch of stuff that hasn't been researched much and might work. I thought taking clomid might be a bit much for me since I don't seem to have fertility problems that I know of, but I've been reading up on it and it seems relatively safe for the most part. I'm still researching though and trying to figure out what all these natural remedies and supplements are supposed to do. Some of them seem pretty interesting like Black Cohosh and Evening Primrose Oil, but I really need to research more. Do you think the clomid would be enough or would I also need something like maybe a trigger?

    My first choice would be B/B twins but I would be extremely happy and grateful for either gender! My plan right now is to increase my folic acid and begin to buy foods that are only HE friendly. Right now my BMI is 30 and has been 30-31 usually. I will follow the HE plan as much as I can without gaining more weight and might even try to lose a bit, but not too much since that is one of the only things I have going for me. I'll be buying all full fat dairy from now on and yams just in case there is something behind that theory, plus they are delicious and healthy anyways. Not sure if the 9-11 servings of fruit and veggies will be too much this early, but I guess I can try it and adjust. I also need to come up with an exercise routine, but I need to research that a bit more to figure out what would work best for me. But that is the plan so far!

    Oh, about the hyperovulation... I was thinking that if you hyper ovulated regularly, and could tell when you hyperovulated, you could wait and only DTD during the months you are for sure hyper ovulating. I know that even with multiple eggs, you may not get pregnant with twins, but you would probably have a better chance. That is probably wishful thinking though cause it seems pretty impossible to tell without a scan.

    So excited about this journey! I will probably use this thread to keep track of my plan, research, questions and updates! I still have a long way to go, but I'm excited to have a starting point and plan with all this! Yay!

    I read on that on clomid you have a 1 in 10 chance of multiples and being a fraternal twin gives you a 17% chance. I'm not very good at math, so I wonder what the chance of those combined would be. I'm also curious as to whether taking clomid while already fertile would increase it to more than 10% chance. Fun to think about!
    Last edited by bluedreamz; December 11th, 2015 at 10:35 AM.

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