Hello! I am a mamma to two - one baby girl in heaven whom I lost at almost 6 months to pre term labor and a rainbow boy. I am still nursing my son, so my periods have been irregular. My menses returned 4 weeks postpartum and came at exactly 26 days for 4 months. The past 4 months they have been long and irregular (35 + days). I started 800mg of Vitex a day on CD 2 (I'm on CD 4). in hopes it'll help me ovulate and to regulate my cycles. My hubs would really love his princess and we have always wanted our children close in age. Any suggestions, ladies? According to Toni Weschler from, "Taking Charge of your Fertility", I most likely didn't ovulate as I had patches of fertile cervical mucus randomly during my 38 day cycle. I have started temping since this month and I ordering some OPKs. I started Vitex so hopefully, it'll help me ovulate this month. Any other suggestions? Anyone else on Vitex/Chasteberry? I read Vitex may give you false postive ovulation test results as it raises your LH, is this true? Thanks, ladies!