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  1. #11
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    2 weeks on any diet is not enough time for hair to fall out. It has to do with the amount of time you're on diet, how restrictive you are being, and the amount of weight you've lost overall. It generally takes 2-5 months of crash dieting (far more restrictive than LE Diet) with a 25-55 pound weight loss to trigger hair loss. According to the American College of Dermatology, you will lose hair starting around 2 months after a "shock to the system" (whatever that may be - doesn't even need to be related to diet) and not immediately. Anything that happens immediately upon starting LE Diet literally cannot be caused by LE Diet because of the way your hair cycle works. It takes 2 months or so to kick in because that's how hair grows.

    Now, I know that no one believes this, and it's your prerogative not to believe this no matter what doctors say or I say. But LE Diet is NOT a restrictive diet when done properly and should not be causing hair loss no matter how long you're on it. You can be on it indefinitely and should not experience hair loss unless you've lost a LOT of weight. If you are, something else is coming into play.

    I frequently get people telling me "I was on LE Diet for 17 minutes and I was losing gobs of hair" and that is just not supported by the facts. It also scares people off LE Diet, which is based on World Health Organization and reproductive endocrinologists' recommendation for a safe and healthy pre-pregnancy diet with slow and safe levels of weight loss. It's literally the safest sway diet available so I really do urge you guys to ask yourself, does it super duper make sense that diet could possibly make you lose 'clumps of hair' after such a short amount of time on it? 99 times out of 100 when I question people about this I find that they are postpartum, have just come off BCP, just stopped or started hormonal herbal supplements like vitex, SP, soy iso, RRLT, peppermint tea etc. just stopped nursing, recently did IVF rounds or fertility medication, or were previously on a much more restrictive diet before switching to LE Diet. And the other 1 out of 100 times the person has a thyroid problem (which is why I mention it, so people can get checked if they need to).
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  2. #12
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    I do believe you. I trust what you say. I'm just giving my experience. I can't say it's not from something else. However, my thyroid levels came back fine and I have not been on BC for years. My son is almost 3 and I stopped nursing him a little after one years old. I only lost 7 pounds on the LE diet and I started May 28th. So nothing really. I have been exercising now for the first time in my life, so maybe that is the shock. Or the aspartame and coffee that I'm having for the first time as well. If I felt that anything was unsafe, I would not be doing it. I'm not blaming your diet, I'm just saying my experiences. I have shed hair after childbirth so I know what it's like. This is exactly like then, minus the childbirth. Again, not concerned. Just stating a fact to relate to someone else. On the bright side, my acne is practically gone. That's a first for me.

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  3. #13
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    Of course you are always welcome to give your experience. And as you would probably agree it's my job to then chime in with the explanation of why it's not too likely that after 2 weeks on diet anyone is losing hair caused by the diet. The reason why I do this is because we have people show up and read only one thread and now they are scared because they think the LE Diet is dangerous or bad when it isn't. They think they'll go bald after 2 weeks (or more often even 2-3 days which I have people asking me all the time, believe it or not - I get this question regularly) And then the newbie who has only read one post panics and off they go back onto the IG Diet which is by far and away much more dangerous and restrictive then LE is - because LE Diet is, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, a perfectly normal and safe prepregnancy diet for women of childbearing age, it is simply the lower level of normal. And according to reproductive endocrinologists whose very job it is to make sure women conceive, the calorie/protein/fat intake of LE Diet is fine and safe for their clients pursuing IVF who have weight to lose. Done properly, the LE Diet should not make ANYONE lose hair even if you are on it for years (and increase cal intake as needed when your BMI drops below 21).

    There is enough misinformation already out there about LE Diet being harmful or that people should starve themselves on it, when I come across anything that seems misleading - even though I do of course absolutely know that was never your intent in any way - I have to speak up. That's all. It's just a thing I have to do as the situation arises, which I know is annoying to people but I really don't have much of a choice in the matter, it's my job to be annoying, basically! LOL.

    So a couple quick questions:
    Were you not taking saw palmetto fairly recently?
    Did you not say you're eating better now than ever before?

    I'm not trying to be irritating, just that in my experience, and according to biological reality, when telogen effluvium occurs (that's the fancy term for sudden hormonal hair loss) and I've pressed further, there has always been a non-diet reason, or the person was on a stricter diet in the past and switched over to LE Diet so the dietary stress was actually already well underway - and stress from exercise works the same, it also requires 2 months and usually more like 3-6 to kick in. It is just not biologically likely that 2 weeks (or like I say, the question I usually get is 2-3-4 days) on LE Diet could possibly cause hair loss. In fact, many nutritionists believe that in first world countries there are NO actual cases of dietary TE (excepting people with eating disorders and those who have malabsoprtion due to other disease) because we are, if anything, overnourished and all have lots of stores built up. In fact it may very well be that people are getting more cases of TE because they are ODing on vitamins (which is a real thing!) than from not eating enough.

    So, anyone who is concerned about this, I just want to reassure you that I've done my due diligence in research in this department and it's all available for the Googling at places like Web MD which you can find here:
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; January 30th, 2020 at 12:42 PM.
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  4. #14
    Big Dreamer

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    Lol. You make me laugh. I took SP for maybe 4-5 days. I noticed the hair loss about a week ago, so in truth, it's closer to a month. Food wise I am eating better in a sense. I make sure I sit down and set three meals. Normally I'm quite the snacker because when I'm hungry for too long I feel sick and dizzy. To help that I just eat random times every 2 or so hours. But significantly healthier foods, like whole grain and spelt, no food colors, and little processed food. Now I'm eating more white and some dyes and not as nutritious foods as before. And aspartame. But more food as well as more potassium. I'm actually making sure I have appropriate amount of fat and protein making it a more balanced diet. So I know its confusing, but its healthier and less healthy at the same time. And exercising, which like I said, is probably the first time in my life. Regular 6 days a week. And coffee is really new to me as well. The less dairy is probably solving the acne crisis.

    I don't believe it's a dangerous diet and I don't believe it is necessarily anything to do with the diet. Its just happening. And I think that no matter what science and research there is, we are all different. Each and every one of us will react differently to different things. And for me it could be this is a huge change, which it is. And my body may not react like even 200 or 5000 studied people. But experiences can be interesting to share.

    I'm not blaming you, or concerned. Nor do I think the diet can kill anyone. I just want a baby girl. And I will do anything in my power, aside from dangerous, to try my best. Last time I had 2 MC from sways I did weird stuff. Aspartame ODs and douches and vitamins. No more. Thanks for helping and responding to everything. However this turns out, I know you do your best. And I know you are trying to help. I also know you are human, lol. So human help is all I can expect. Although more than that would be totally awesome

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  5. #15
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    Laugh all you would like. I'm glad my efforts to assist you have been amusing.

    Look - I am trying to help you determine the reason why you are losing hair and I took time out of my day to go over your old posts and look for reasons why that might have happened to help you better understand why it might have occurred. I was asking about anything that jumped out at me to try to determine a cause we could fix and not because I was trying to prove you wrong. I did this on a holiday BTW, with my family outside having fun and myself stuck indoors answering your question, trying to see if there was anything we could easily change, or something that I could reassure you that now that you're eating better that the hair loss would stop. I don't have to do this; as you know, on the other site they would not have bothered to answer your question at all let alone waste time trying to hunt down a possible answer for you, but I really do want to help you because I know it's both scary and irritating to have your hair fall out.

    I am not saying it was this, that, or the other thing. You can argue me down on every point. It's still impossible and thus has to have another explanation. Most cases of TE, the cause is never known. I am listing off potential causes we can easily eliminate from your life/diet/body so we can fix this issue for you.

    As I said, you can believe what you want, but it is literally the way that hair works that you cannot immediately lose hair from anything other than poisoning (like chemotherapy, some strong medications, etc - those can make your hair fall out right away but diet - even a famine where a person is starving to death - just can't). It's biologically the way hair works and anyone can Google it to verify if they'd like. It is impossible that one person's hair works differently than other people's any more than one person's lungs breathe maple syrup. And even if it was possible, let's say if one person had a genetic anomaly that made their hair fall out super easily, it would make NO SENSE for me to extrapolate that to the experiences of everyone else whose bodies work differently and give advice on diet based on what the 1 in a million person experiences rather than what will work for everyone else.

    And that's really the crux of the matter. It's not only about you. You are more than welcome to believe whatever you believe to be true but I have a responsibility to every person who reads this thread from now till forever to explain to them what is really happening. If you reread this thread you can see that at least one person was frightened by your reply in this so my concern is not unwarranted. So again, hey, by all means you can believe what you want and say what you want in any thread, but it is my job to explain to everyone else including newbies who read only this one post, and lurkers who will take what you say to heart but never ask follow up questions, what science indicates.

    So, I'll try one more time for those who are still unconvinced and then I'm going to lock this thread because while it's a helpful thread and I'm glad for the opportunity to go over it in such detail for everyone (I added it to the Complete Index since it was such a good thread) I've reached the point now where I would just rather step away from it and focus on other things.

    Human hair grows in stages. It has a growth stage (most of your hair is in this phase) a transition stage, and a resting phase. Normally about 5-10% of your hair is in this resting phase and that's the hair that gets shed - about 100 hairs a day. But with TE something happens, a shock to your body, and more hair starts to enter the resting phase - about 30% instead of the 5-10% that were resting before. When that happens, you will go from losing 100 hairs a day on average to losing about 300 hairs a day. But your hair can't suddenly all go into the resting phase. It has to complete its growth phase and the transition phase and then into the resting phase. Your hair will be in the growing phase for 2-4 years, then in the transition phase for about 3 months, and then and only then will it enter the resting phase, fall out and be replaced by a new hair. It is not an immediate process because your hair cannot go from the growing phase to falling out without being in that transition phase for around 3 months. Scientists have determined it takes somewhere from 2-6 months after the shock for your hair to start falling out.

    It is just not possible that anyone is having any kind of massive hair loss from LE Diet or exercise 2 days (because again, that is the version of this question I most commonly get) or 2 weeks after starting the diet because it is not the way that hair works.

    And even setting that aside, let's say we have mutant hair that only transitions for a a week or something, it still can't work that way because the body does not get depleted enough to cause hair loss in such a short time. Many nutritionists believe in first world countries most people are so well nourished that there are likely few or even no cases of TE that are being caused by diet (except in those who have lost 25-55 lbs or more rapidly on a crash diet, those with serious eating disorders, or other illnesses that are occurring at the same time that prevent nutrient absorption). For your body to deplete its nutrient stores, that doesn't happen in 2 days or even 2 weeks' time. And again, LE Diet done properly should not EVER cause you to be eating anything other than the lower range of a normal, healthy, pre-pregnancy diet. Given that, it's even more unlikely that anyone's diet could be causing their nutrients to be shockingly depleted in 2 days or 2 weeks even IF hair loss could happen instantaneously (which it doesn't.)

    Long story short:

    Your hair can't fall out that fast.
    Your body can't get depleted that fast even IF hair could fall out that fast.
    Thus if you're experiencing hair loss on LE Diet after a very short time period it's not LE Diet but is likely some event or series of events that happened 2-6 months ago.
    Causes include but are not limited to - hormonal supplements (including the benign-seeming peppermint tea) medications, losses, pregnancy, stopping nursing, thyroid problems, illnesses especially with fevers, surgery/injury, rapid and significant weight loss that happened 2+ months prior and most causes are never known.

    Locking this thread now.
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  6. #16
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    Just wanted to mention that while this seems like me being overly cranky, this was one of several threads by this poster in which they seemed to be picking a fight with me in a very short time period and by that point I was rather fed up.
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  8. #17
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    Bumping this as I've had a lot of questions about this.

    I'd just like to point out another reason for hair loss that I didn't mention in the above replies, which is seasonal hair loss. Since it's July in the N. Hemi right now I'm wondering if many of us may be having some seasonal hair loss due to the warmer weather.
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  9. #18
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    bumping again, because once again it's July and I'm getting questions on this! I had totally forgot this was a "July Thing" but once again, I'm seeing questions on hair loss in early summer.

    Hard not to suspect that some of us may be having seasonal hair loss patterns.
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