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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Oct 2015
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    Gellow everyone, dreaming a boy and desperately need answers!

    Hello everyone!
    I am new here, but I've been reading the forum for a few days now, and finally decided to register, because I have a few questions and didn't find the answers... Will be grateful if you could help me here!
    So, DH and I are ttc starting from this month, we have a cute little daughter so we want a son too
    I've been on a boy diet for a while, but not too much: eating brans for breakfast, dried fruit, bananas etc. But i eat some dairy too from time to time.
    My cycle is quite irregular, from 30 to 37 days. Last month I had my opk positive on cycle day 21, but according to AF that month, ovulation was on CD20.
    This month is very confusing. I had ovulation pain on my left side on CD14, but opk was blank. Ok, I wait. On CD15 I had faint line, and on CD16 I had some spotting.
    I freaked out!! I thought it's ovulation spotting so we dtd on CD16. But then opk was totally negative.
    Today is CD18 and now my right ovary hurts! I took opk and it's faint.
    So, I honestly have no idea what to do here.
    I will take opk tonight again and tomorrow and until CD 22-23. But what if I don't have positive opk this month?

    The other, and most important question is: if opk shows positive tonight or tomorrow and we dtd, will the sperm get there before the sperm from CD16? I mean, can I "fix" my mistake, or what's done is done?
    Last edited by Maria82; October 18th, 2015 at 06:57 AM. Reason: Grammar and misspells

  2. #2

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    Sep 2014
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    Hi there! Welcome! I'm sending you lots of blue dust

    I am sure someone who will be able to help you with your concerns will pop in soon!
    Honeybug xo

    April 2012 Dreaming pink and TTC January 2015

  3. #3
    Dream Vet

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    Dairy is fine for a blue sway! Particularly full fat dairy!

    You should be DTD every 2-4 days and then if you get a positive OPK then try and DTD 3+ times. So that night, next morning, and next night. Timing doesn't sway. It's the number of attempts that sways. You have nothing to "fix". Goodluck!
    Very blessed with

    Due 24th March 2016

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  5. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Hi sorry I saw this but got interrupted and then just now coming back to it. I kinda missed the boat for this month but if BFN you can use the info for next month.

    Our diet does allow dairy and you can read about that here.

    I wonder if your LP was short last month. Sometimes the part of your cycle after ovulating can be shorter than normal so you could get a positive OPK and then if your LP was short, you could get AF 10-11 days after O and have it be very confusing about when exactly you ovulated.

    Now then, onto your question. The way you are asking, I am getting the impression you are worried about having a cutoff and this possibly swyaing pink, right?? But we have found that timing doesn't sway and have been getting 75-80% for boys for years now without timing.

    The solution to your problem is actually giving up on the timing. I would have you guys have unprotected sex every 2-4 days all through the cycle. Then, if you get a positive OPK have 3 attempts right away, the night of the positive OPK, the next morning if you can, and again the next night. IF you DON'T get positive OPK but think you are ovulating, start having sex every other day. The point is that we want to have more than one attempt in your fertile window of O-3 thru O day because that has swayed strongly blue for us.
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

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