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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Happy New/Introduction

    Hi - I am a mom of two precious boys and want to sway pink this summer/fall. I bought the gold standard plan and 21 day diet plan. I reviewed the spreadsheet with stats and the success rates weren't as high as I would like them to be (especially considering some of the blue sways did everything on the spreadsheet). Did anyone else have any thoughts on this piece of information?

    I made an appointment with a fertility doctor to speak about PGD; however, I don't think my husband and I will be able to go through with it. We think it will be good to have more knowledge on the topic either way.

    I look forward to getting to know you ladies! Best of luck with your sways!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I'm happy to give you a refund.

    Our blue spreadsheet got messed up and my volunteer had a baby so we're in the process of upgrading that. The blue spreadsheet is not accurate, the pink one is.

    The reason why our stats are "low" compared to some other sites is that we are honest. We include everyone in our stats, even if I could find some reason to exclude them. I cannot force people to do things or not do things, and I prefer to include everyone in our results because it makes for a happier, more inclusive community. What happen s on some other sites is that they will exclude anyone who got an opposite for ~some~ reason (there is ALWAYS a reason you can find to explain an opposite) and then include everyone who has a successful sway even if they didn't do that many things, or did all the wrong things. This ends up being an artificially inflated success rate that misleads people into thinking that their sways have a higher chance of success than they actually do. And since they cherry pick their data, it ends up with a weird competitive environment where people end up with unbelievably complicated sways that cut odds of conception to nothing, people who are actually lying in the sways that they post (and I have this verified as fact that several people have done this) to make them look better so they'll be included, people being very critical of each other's sways and tearing each other down all the time, and it's just not the kind of environment I want to provide for you guys.

    For blue sways we had some great years with 70 +% success rates - with quite a few swayers those years so the sample size is bigger and more reliable - and then two "bad" years in 2015-2016. (we were above 50-50 every year anyway and when I averaged out the years we had about 66% success for blue This skews the results because we have much fewer blue swayers, those two years in particular, so even a handful of people whose husbands kept smoking (this is the #1 reason we believe blue sways make opposites) or who did not comply in other areas, or who simply had bad luck, drop a 70% down to 60% quickly.

    For pink sways, we've had great results that have improved by the year. Additionally our pink swayers are much, much more numerous and so our success rates are a lot more reliable. Again, when we average this out it ends up being about 66%. Some sway tactics have gotten better than this but again, I do not want anyone decidiing to sway based on anything but reasonable, realistic, real world data based on what real people are actually getting.

    If you can't be satisfied with about 2/3 or 66% success rate then you need to go HT. People will promise you the moon and stars and claim 80% success rates or higher, but when something sounds too good to be true, it is.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; May 3rd, 2017 at 01:43 PM.
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  4. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Atomic Sagebrush- thanks for all the info. I hope you didn't take offense to my comment. No need for a refund. I plan on following the plan I purchased this fall in hopes of my devoted daughter. I understand nothing is guaranteed except PGD/IVF. I already have so much anxiety over TTC a girl and my chances - it consumes me almost every day. I am trying to remain realistic and take a good look at all the data and statistics so if it doesn't go the way I want I have prepared myself with statistical data. Again, I appreciate your response!

  5. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    No, I just don't like people buying plans based on a falsely high expectation (which comes from other sites, not this one) and so if you're not happy with 2/3 success rates I'd much rather give you your money back than to try and talk you into doing something you are not comfortable with. Only IVF/PGD is a guarantee of gender.
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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