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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Love Hello! Help for TTC girl sway

    Hi there girls! Please can I have some help with my girl sway. We are trying in a few weeks!!
    Before I posted a mammoth essay and realised that no one would be willing to answer it because I wasn't being very specific.
    So here goes:
    The things I'm unsure about the most on the girl diet are:Calcium! I ate a moderate amount before DS such as milk in tea, cereal, yoghurt, quite a bit of cheese, coffee but not glasses of milk. I've cut way back on cheese and have started taking straight calcium citrate 250mg (low dose) but I'm unsure about drinking glasses of milk because of the protein in it. I have read the calcium conundrum but I wanted to know what has worked for you gals swaying pink? Did you consume much dairy / supps? And yes I have looked through countless posts but am still unsure! I do realise it raises my protein levels and that's my main concern! Also how does one stay below 40-50grams protein a day!? I'm finding it difficult ( I track what I eat in an app). Any advice would be much appreciated!!
    Last edited by Rosequartz; June 8th, 2017 at 05:40 AM. Reason: Too long before

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi again Rosequartz!

    I got my 4 boys having tons of dairy (I love dairy foods) and then my 3rd boy I was taking cal-mag in supplement form in my daily vitamins, and my 4th boy I was taking a HUGE dose of cal-mag since I was swaying (also limited sodium with him). Then I gave it all up, and both my husband and I had the least amount of dairy ever (me on purpose, him just because we were really busy that summer and traveling a lot and milk doesn't really lend itself to that) and we got our girl.

    I never had any real trouble sticking in the protein limits (if anything I had trouble getting enough sometimes) What you do need to understand is that fruits and vegetables are FREE for protein and fat. You don't count any protein and fat in them at all and since the apps DO track that, you have to compensate by eating more. Low carb veg are TOTALLY free, you don't even count calories in them. High carb veg and fruit you do count cals. The apps can really steer you wrong on this.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks for replying Atomic, I appreciate it. It's very confusing really. Why then, are there studies like these purporting a link between higher calcium intakes and resulting baby girls?

    Thanks for your info about vegetable and fruit / I think I'll increase those and not worry too much about tracking those - just for protein and fats.

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Because they are based on FOODS not actual difference in minerals and foods that are different in mineral content, are different in everything-else-content. Nutrients DO sway, more nutrients overall = more boys (particularly fat, protein, calories), fewer = girls. Did you read the 3rd Calcium Conundrum article too?? That one has more in depth explanation.

    People who have done the Noorlander program are sworn to secrecy but several have told me it's very similar to LE Diet. They have to limit their dairy foods as well since they are limiting sodium and potassium and since dairy is loaded with both, they actually do not eat a massive amount of dairy contrary to popular belief.

    Also, please look at the number of people who started the program vs. the number who finished. A swaying method that most people cannot stick to is useless and we get great results with a method everyone can do and an average 3 months to conception (unlike many of the sway sites where people have gone 2 years not conceiving only to get opposites!)
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks for your reply Atomic, it's difficult when the media takes hold of something like "dairy makes more girls!" To let go of that idea because so many women are desperate and will do anything! Anyway, I'm not fussed by dairy anymore - I think I'm a bit lactose intolerant actually! So I'm going to drink rice milk instead which I have never done! Just doing something different makes me feel good anout my sway. It'll also help keep my protein limits lower becaus most days they're around 60grams and that's mainly from dairy foods!

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Well you don't want to go much lower than that in protein - you do need to stick to the overall limits of the LE Diet (including the minimums) since it is still a healthy prepregnancy diet. It's not an "eat as little as you can" diet, it's not meant to have people starving themselves, it's just the lower levels of what the World Health Organization recommends for a healthy diet prior to pregnancy.
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  7. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    Many thanks Atomic!

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