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Thread: New girl swayer

  1. #31
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi again Atomic.
    Month three of trying has turned up negative again. Getting a little disappointed and hoping it won't take too much longer!
    Do you have any recommendations to help me get pregnant sooner without compromising the sway too much?
    I have been nursing my two year old and I was worried that it might be part of the reason I'm not getting pregnant. I am getting my period and ovulating though (it is a little irregular- some months longer, some shorter). My two year old nurses once in the afternoon, then once at night to go to sleep but around midnight we bed share and he nurses off and on as needed. Do you think this is the reason?

    I will likely make a doctor appointment soon to see if I can get Clomid. Will that help get me pregnant as well as sway for a girl?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prayingpinkgirl View Post
    I have been reading a lot of the sway pink forums over the past couple months. I finally made an account. I wanted to know if I could have some assistance in a last minute sway. I have been tracking my Ovulation. I have a 26 day cycle for the most part. I just started my cycle Dec. 3rd and I am due for ovulation Dec. 15th. This is 2nd month ttc. Last month my cut off was 4-5 days cut off with one shot bd with a finger of aci jel inserted 2 hrs prior. Ended with bfn....The vitamins my husband has been taking is Lic Root, Acidohilus, Cranberry pills, vit. c and baby asprin every other day for the past 4/5 months. He also has been drinking about half a gallon of crystal light a day. I have been taking cranberry pills, vit c, folic acid and Benadryl nightly. I also drink crystal light. I also drink about 1 cup of coffee daily with 2 packets of equal. We eat chicken and ground turkey almost daily. Low on the red meat. I have been trying to keep track of PH...mine is usually low 4-4.5 and husband is around 8. Do you have any advice. I am 31 and husband is 29 and we have an 8 year old boy and really just want to complete our family with a baby girl [/
    Well, this is a much stricter sway than I generally recommend so I'm going to suggest a few things to drop. You can drop one of them or all of them or however you want to do it, I just find it very unlikely that you are going to fall pregnant easily doing all that stuff and much of it doesn't work anyway.

    4-5 day cutoff is very very low odds of conception. Most of us have given up timing all together since it's been totally debunked but it's fine if you feel like you need to use it, just be sure that you are doing no more than a 2-3 day cutoff. And keep one attempt as long as you can. One attempt actually does work for reasons we don't know. So resist the temptation to keep the long cutoff but add attempts!

    The acijel probably doesn't work and does cut odds of conception but nowhere near as much as that long cutoff. Fine to kee p that in the mix another couple months.

    Benadryl has not been effective for us and has cut odds of conception but again, nothing like a 4-5 day cutoff does. My thinking would be for you to try ditching the cutoff and keeping Acijel and Benadryl if you want them for another month or three.

    No one should take both cranberry and baby aspirin. Not safe. I would have your hubby wean off of one or the other.

    I can't recommend cran and Vit. C for you either but up to you

    So you're not doing a diet, just skipping red meat?

    After 6 months men need to give up licorice anyway. It hasn't worked for us, like seriously at all!! I am all but giving up on it so I would personally ditch that as well.
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillhardie View Post
    Hi again Atomic.
    Month three of trying has turned up negative again. Getting a little disappointed and hoping it won't take too much longer!
    Do you have any recommendations to help me get pregnant sooner without compromising the sway too much?
    I have been nursing my two year old and I was worried that it might be part of the reason I'm not getting pregnant. I am getting my period and ovulating though (it is a little irregular- some months longer, some shorter). My two year old nurses once in the afternoon, then once at night to go to sleep but around midnight we bed share and he nurses off and on as needed. Do you think this is the reason?

    I will likely make a doctor appointment soon to see if I can get Clomid. Will that help get me pregnant as well as sway for a girl?

    Thanks for your help!
    No, I don't think your nursing is the reason you have not conceived. Even if he's nursing a lot and co sleeping, if you're getting your period (even with a slightly irregular cycle) you should be able to fall pregnant. Do be aware that doctors will always seize upon this as the reason so if you do go in, I'd probably not mention that you're still nursing. But yes Clomid will both help you conceive and also boost odds of a girl.

    Can you please give me a rundown of everything you did this last month and I can tell you what to tweak
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  4. #34
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    never mind, I posted in the wrong thread
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 8th, 2017 at 01:28 PM.
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  5. #35
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    I was thinking doing 2 day cut off this month. Do you suggest rephresh over aci-jel? Do you have any last minute sway suggestions to add. Should I do zyrtec rather than Benadryl? Thank you!

  6. #36
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    Our experience has been that RepHresh, Acijel, Zyrtec, and Benadryl aren't effective for swaying. You can use them if you want to but I don't think any of them really work and all do cut odds of conception. Totally at your discretion.
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  7. #37
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    Thanks for the reassurance with the breastfeeding! I'd hate to cut him off cold turkey but I also really want to get pregnant. I've made an appointment for Dec. 19th so if I do get Clomid it will be for the next cycle. Is clomid what is most likely to be prescribed? I figured I should still tell the doctor I'm breastfeeding to make sure she doesnt prescribe something that I can't nurse with. Femara is a no go for breastfeeding, right? I will down play the frequency of it though.
    My sway so far has been: drinking one coffee a day and cut out tea (never drank coffee before the sway), drinking a glass of wine most nights (rarely drank before), LE diet with higher end for calories. My protein has been mostly eggs or brown beans. Not skipping breakfast but eating dinner around 530pm and not eating breakfast until 730am. We did use a tiny amount of sylk because we needed something and both my boys were conceived with preseed so I was hestiant to use it now. I get exercise at work as I'm an educational assistant so I'm on my feet and walking all day. We did E4D this month and last month. Is the next step E4D plus additional attempt at positive ovulation test? I've lost a lot of weight that I didn't need to lose. I'm trying to maintain and not lose any more now as family has been commenting that I'm "too thin". I'm not taking any supplements other than folic acid.
    I think that's it. Does it matter when we start the E4D? One month the test showed surge at day 9 another month was day 18.

    Thanks again so much.

  8. #38
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    I personally would take Femara while nursing a 2 year old. But here is a thread where the risks are talked about. They would probably give you Clomid anyway since (I think) you're in the US and that's what most docs will prescribe first.

    All I can tell you is that I strongly suggest accidentally forgetting to mention that you are nursing because otherwise they'll simply take that as "the reason" and tell you to wean which you may or may not even want to do. Up to you of course.

    NO more weight loss, instead of the Sylk try using just the barest minimum of Preseed. Very small amounts are neutral, it's larger amounts that may sway blue.

    Yes, the next step is e4d plus one more attempt at pos OPK. Are you doing shallow release? J and D??

    Start e4d the day after AF ends just because it is a good jumping off point.

    Full fat dairy 1 serving every day, 4-6 eggs a week, and 1 serving salmon if you like it, red meat if you don't.
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  9. #39

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    Thanks atomic, is using a vape (those electric flavoured cigarette things) or nicotine patches ok for DH, when swaying pink, instead of smoking normal cigarettes? Thanks

  10. #40
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    Yes but we don't have the same body of evidence that indicates that vaping and nicotine patch sway pink as we do with the cigarettes.
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