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  1. #1
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    Trying for Twin Girls

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the site as a member but I've been lurking for a while and reading tons of posts. I have to say every time I get online and read more I get more confused. So here's my story.

    I have 4 beautiful children. 3 boys and a girl. After my last son was born 2 years ago, I had my tubes tied. I spent 2 years regretting that decision and not being able to reconcile it in my head. After many discussions with my husband, extensive research on IVF, adoption and lots of other options, we've decided to reverse my tubal ligation. My surgery is scheduled for next week. We seriously considered IVF/PGD so we could ensure we had a girl or two, but we just couldn't afford to do it even once, and if it didn't work the first time, then that was it. So reversing the tubal is the most cost effective way to try again.

    My doctor doesn't want us to try for a month after my surgery, so I'm trying to get everything lined up in advance. I wanted the doctor to prescribe me clomid because I read it sways twins and girl, but he won't prescribe it until we've been trying for a year even though I'll be 38 in January. I considered buying it online, but I can't find a pharmacy I feel comfortable using and reading pharmacy reviews, there's such a mix of experiences I'm not sure which ones to believe.

    Then I started looking at soy isoflavones because it's supposed to be "natural" clomid, but I'm not sure I've seen anyone actually get twins out of it.

    I was encouraged by the spreadsheet with the sway statistics because aspirin, cranberry, calcium and magnesium all seemed to have great pink sway results. But then I read a follow up post that those numbers weren't complete because those with opposites didn't go back and fill in their information and that those things don't really work.

    So here I am. A week away from surgery and no real plan to sway twin or pink. I know myself well enough to know that any huge complicated plan isn't going to work because I'm not going to stick to it. I'd like just a couple of those most effective methods to try to get twin girls. Thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    ksmom's Avatar
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    Welcome! None of those things like cranberry, aspirin, or cal/mag are good pink sways. The first two tend to thin the blood too much, increasing bleeding risks. Calcium/mag are no good either since we've found that higher amounts of nutrients sway blue. Soy isoflavones aren't effective for twin sways either...don't recall seeing them suggested these days. Our most effective tactics for a pink sway are LE diet for 12+ weeks (1500-1800cals, 50-60g protein, 30-60g fat), 60 min cardio 4+ days per week, alcohol, fiber, one attempt at pos OPK or E4D, and Clomid/femara. Definitely take folic acid or folate while TTC. Clomid is probably your best shot at increasing the chance of twins. If you wanted to just pick a few things to sway, you could do LE diet or just go vegetarian or even do the Atomic Fertility Diet, Clomid (if you can get it), and one attempt. Really though, the only way to guarantee twin girls or even just one girl is IVF. Our stats for pink sways are pretty good right now though, around 68% success. We seem to be in a pink upswing at the moment!

    Atomic I'm sure has more suggestions for you and can give you her advice on swaying for twins. Best of luck to you! Hope you get your girls!
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

  3. #3
    Dream Newbie
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    Thanks for the information and advice. My husband and I are both going to do the diet, or a version of it. He used to be really strict with his diet, but married life, kids, and work stuff got in the way. He's using my wanting girls as his excuse to force himself back on the diet, and since he does most of the cooking, I'll be on the diet too. Hopefully, that will help our sway.

    I really wish we could afford IVF/PGD. That was our original plan. We could choose the gender, determine how many embryos to transfer, and hope they stuck. But after evaluating the cost and the potential it wouldn't work, we just couldn't spend the money. Today I started looking at spinning to sort the swimmer and IUI. That's more than a sway, I suppose. Does anyone have any experience with IUI for family balancing?

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    What I do when I look at the stats is compare the number of people who got girls with and without those things and then compare to the overall success rates of the site. For cranberry and aspirin, the same number of people are getting girls with and without them and it is identical to the success rates of the site so that indicates that they are adding nothing at all whatsoever. Additionally they had risks and side effects that were much, much greater than anyone realized and we are only using them now for those who have diagnosed clotting disorders and not for swaying and our results have only gone up and our miscarriage rates declined.

    It is IMPERATIVE that you not take either cranberry or aspirin. The reason is because you will have just had surgery and they both are very strong blood thinners and may make you bleed a lot after your surgery.

    Cal-mag is at your discretion. Many of us, myself included, got boys while taking them and dropped them to get our girls. The best study ever done on maternal diet and gender of baby conceived showed that moms who went on to get boys actually had a higher intake of calcium and magnesium than those who conceived girls. I think the only reason they seem high in the stats is that they don't cut odds of conception and people continue taking them, oftentimes in rather miniscule doses that probably don't even do anything, while having been on diet for 12 or more weeks. I suspect that it's a quirk of stats where the calmag piggybacks on the success of 12 weeks or more on diet. But if you want to take them, that's fine, just be sure you get the kind without Vit. D as that sways strongly blue and do NOT NOT NOT do the very high intake of dairy foods since there are so many nutrients in milk and nutrients overall sway blue.

    I agree with you about the soy iso. I find that it messes up people's cycles hugely and then people don't even get twins anyway. I would skip it. A fair number of gals do order online here, while I can't advocate that, I can answer your questions when to take and safe dosing if you do end up getting them.
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  5. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    No, sadly, the IUI is actually NOT more than a sway. They get the same or worse results we get with Clomid (or at least they claim they do, since no other independent researcher not selling anything is ever able to get the same results that the spinning places claim) and since they use Clomid, it's pretty darn likely that any claims they make in the pink sway department are entirely down to the Clomid and not their spinning methods. And IUI may even sway blue! We have a few people who have come and gone who got opposites with the spinning and I know a woman who used a method that is much, much better than spinning called "Microsort" which is no longer available in the United States and has 92% X sperm but STILL got a boy. So it's a lot of expense for something that may not work anyway (and will make it much lower chances that you'll get pregnant)

    What diet are you guys planning to follow?
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  6. #6
    Dream Newbie
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    It's so funny you mentioned MicroSort because I was just on their website and they still claim to be apart of GIVF in VA, which isn't terribly far from me. I was momentarily excited that I could use them for a sort and then have the IUI. But their phone number just hangs up on you, and when i click the link to GIVF, nothing on that site mentioned MicroSort, like they aren't even affiliated. Seemed pretty fishy. The tubal reversal is costing us enough, I don't really want to spend a lot of money on maybes. We'd be happy with another boy (my daughter might not ). I seriously considered buying clomid online, but I couldn't find a pharmacy I was comfortable with. I'd love recommendations if any of the ladies here went that route and were successful. I'm sure my doctor would check me out to make sure I'm safe, but he won't prescribe it for a year.
    2000 2005 2011 2012 2015
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  7. #7
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    Have a look at the TTC Twins forum - it's a very slow board, but they have lots of suggestions for options and you can do what level you feel comfortable with.

    You need to be careful swaying girl as well as twins since most suggestions for twinsare general fertility improvement, but read this board and theirs and pick what level of intervention you are happy about.

  8. #8
    Dream Newbie
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    Sorry Atomic, I forgot to answer your question about the diet. I'm honestly not sure how to describe it. My husband does most of the cooking. He has cut out carbs and all sauce. I'm not quite as strict in some ways and more strict in others. We eat a lot of skinless chicken and steamed veggies for dinner. I have meal shakes for breakfast and lunch. They have nutrients, but I only have 2 a day and they aren't big so I think it's pretty low. If I want something solid, I have raisin bran for breakfast and salad for lunch. I haven't figured out how to find time to workout and after surgery I'm going to be restricted on that for a bit. I'm not if this qualifies as a good girl sway diet, but it's just what we started with. Thoughts appreciated.
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  9. #9
    Dream Newbie
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    Thanks for this. I've been lurking in ttctwins for a while too. I've been reading a lot about their twin recommendations. Clomid really seems to be the best option if I can manage to get it. That site seems to be sponsored by the cassava shop, and I considered those supplements but I can't find any kind of real numbers to indicate what kind of effect they have. They're only $40 or so per bottle but you have to take a lot of them and I can't figure out if they work at all. I keep reading though and have learned a lot.
    2000 2005 2011 2012 2015
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  10. #10
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    Yeah, I'm not comfortable with the injectablea and I agree about the cassava, just clomid and hitting a lot of the other "natural" causes for me!

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