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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    TTC first timers - PINK

    Hi everyone

    I joined this site a couple of weeks ago to get into prep of TTC next year. Bit of background - I have been with DH for 9 years and we got married in January this year. Surrounded by lots of pregnancies and babies at the moment and we have decided it’s time for our own.

    We have a couple of big holidays booked at the start of year so are hoping to crack on spring 2018 onwards. I have been reading though forums making notes of what the best girl way is and just want to check I am not using out of date information if there’s proven to be more effective ways. I can see there’s lots of people like me asking similar questions, I promise I've tried researching. We have both discussed at length the desire for a DD, DH would make the most amazing girl daddy (the type of guy I'd want my DD marrying!). My plan of action so far is:

    (Me): LE diet - I have a lot to lose, no diagnosed PCOS or insulin resistance etc just a content gal who loves too much cake.
    (DH): Attempts to cut down on red meats and dairy? not sure what else, he’s very happy to sway so any suggestions?

    (me): Folic acid, zyrtec (no on O day), saw palmetto, baby aspirin, calcium & magnesium
    (DH): Liquorice root (AF - O), cranberry, calcium & magnesium


    BD: Missionary with no 'O' for me
    Timings: BD every 4 days. I'm not sure I’m in sync enough with my body to know exactly when O+12 is, is the days before and days after enough with avoiding actual O day?
    Use of rephresh gel to lower pH (although if anyone knows a British alternative it seems quite difficult to get hold of - is KY jelly similar?)

    I know a girl sway is ultimately a lowering your chances of a BFP but we are happy to wait (if we get a DS then we won’t be upset, in fact I have been told by 2 psychics I'll be having a DS at some point!). Also how long should be 'foundations' be put in place...4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks? I am happy to start taking supplements or dieting etc even before we TTC to get myself in optimum condition.

    Also I am so glad I found this site, lovely, kind and supportive which is very rare on the internet these days!

  2. #2
    ksmom's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome! Congrats on getting married!

    I would skip the saw palmetto as it doesn't sway plus it just messes with cycles too much. Skip the aspirin as it increases bleeding risks and cal/mag may actually sway blue. Definitely take folic acid or folate though. DH doesn't have to do anything to sway but going vegetarian probably wouldn't hurt. Atomic can advise you on supplements for him since she's the expert here.

    O+12 isn't recommended for TTC because it lowers odds of conception way too much plus it's impossible to know exactly how many hours it's been since ovulation. That method doesn't sway anyway since timing doesn't sway. It's best to have your one attempt either when you get your first pos OPK or just DTD every four or five days. Worrying about pH is unnecessary since that doesn't sway either.

    Here's what we've found that works best for swaying pink: 12+ weeks on LE diet (1500-1800 cals, 50-60g protein, 30-60g fat), 60 min cardio 4+ days per week, fiber, alcohol, one attempt, and clomid or femara if you can get them. A little more about LE diet since I see so many people get confused, all foods are allowed within limits. Most of us found it easier to go vegetarian to keep within protein limits. It's best to avoid fortified foods like breakfast cereal, red meat, and oats but it's not like if you eat it one time your whole sway is ruined. lol
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

  3. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  4. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks ksmom thats the exact reason i decided to make a post... just when you think you understand the information on others you are actually going in the wrong direction. May start the LE diet after xmas is over that will give a few weeks to settle in and get a routine started (plus no one will suspect post xmas dieting) I can't tell you how increased the 'whens the vaby coming' now ive got married and turned 30 this year!

    I guess the most suscessful sways go by diet but whatever the top 1 or 2 supplements are ill be willing to give them a go too.

    Never really thought about temperature monitoring I'm fairly regular when it comes to cycles. Currently logging in AF in the flo app just to get an idea of where I am. Looks like ill have to start bulk buying the OPKs x

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  6. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Anyone with some weight to spare (even without PCO) should be on the alternate diet and you can read about that here:

    If hubby will reduce red meat and saturated fat intake, great!

    I feel like saw palmetto and especially baby aspirin have had risks and side effects far beyond what we originally thought and what's worse, they didn't work anyway. so I'd tend to have you leave those out.

    Timing doesn't sway. It doesn't work and so the BD every 4 days is just an easy way to be in with one attempt in the fertile window. (for reasons we do not understand, one attempt has been pink friendly regardless of the day you BD on.)
    E4d has NOTHING to do with timing and the two methods cannot be used together.

    KY also sways pink, it's fine if you prefer to use that. RepHresh has been pretty disappointing (same number of people getting girls with and without it) so it's not worth shelling out a bunch of effort to get.

    Diet is 12 weeks or more. Please be careful starting too far in advance though as people often end up losing way too much weight doing that.

    We are glad you found us too! I love for people to sway with their first and that way there's no pressure, if it doesn't work the first time we try, try again the next!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  7. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks atomic you are so patient with us newbies, its just so overwhelming and I'm trying get my head around it and be one of those no stress types so increase the chances more! Thanks for the diet link soo detailed x

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  9. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    my pleasure! couldn't do it without a lot of help (thanks ks)
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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