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    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    Hello! Newbie with PCOS & swaying pink

    Hi ladies,

    I've been lurking for a little while trying to get my head around this swaying. I have 2 sons, one was conceived right on O, the other 0-6. Both were on full moons (is this still a theory?!).

    I'm still bfing DS2 but we plan to start ttc a DD next March/April. I'd like less than 2yrs between these bubbas.

    I have slim PCOS, my cycles were usually ovulatory but long, 5-7wks. I've just started metformin again currently only on 500mg/day. DS2 was conceived 1st cycle of Met. We'd planned to sway after a couple of cycles but it shifted my O up a week earlier immediately then DH's swimmers waited nearly a whole week for the egg so we got preg right away.

    What's the priority for me for a pink sway? I don't quite know how I should do the diet with PCOS, bfing & adjusting to Met again.
    We have Sylk and Aci-jel.

    My diet had historically bn very healthy and I avoid chemicals, exercise moderately and take quite a lot of supplements. I'm realising my lifestyle is very boy friendly. I'm one of 3 girls (2 adopted brothers) and my mum is one of 3 girls. But of the 13 grandchildren in my family, 11 are boys! Any advice appreciated, would dearly like a daughter some day.
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  2. #2
    ksmom's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    Timing has been debunked and the whole moon phase gender theory just doesn't hold water. Since you have PCOS, definitely do the PCOS version of LE but since you're breastfeeding, eat the upper limits for calories, fat and protein. 1800-2000 calories, 50-60g protein, 50-60g fat. ALL foods are allowed. No snacking and while most pink swayers do 2-3 meals a day, you'll likely need to do 3-4 with breastfeeding.
    PCOS diet info here
    Metformin is great for a pink sway! In addition to the 12+ weeks on diet, cardio, fiber (not recommended for breastfeeding moms though), coffee, alcohol, one attempt at positive OPK, and clomid/femara are all great for swaying pink. Other things you may want to add to your sway are also going to depend on the age of your baby.
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    HI and welcome Kiwi!

    The odds of conceiving with BD of O-6 is something like 100,000 to one so either you Oed sooner than you think or else you are a very lucky mama!

    Timing honestly doesn't work, most of us on here have 2-3-4 or more timing opposites but it's fine to use it to start with if you want. The most important thing to remember is the one attempt - even though you got boys with this in the past we have best results with one attempt.

    I have a thread on changing your diet with PCOS here: and also here (this one is much more long and involved!)

    Can you go over your supps and I'll tell you which ones are ok. Metformin is great for pink and sways much harder than all the supps do (and I suspect some of the things you're on will sway blue anyway so we need to get a handle on those)

    I have a really in depth essay on number of attempts here:
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  4. #4
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    Thanks so much!

    Yes my sister is a shettles believer she has 3 DS and 2 DD but her DDs were 1st & last, could've bn a multitude of factors.

    My DS1 was 1 attempt but DS2 was after daily BD for a week. The last BD was 0-5 by my FF chart and 0-6 by the dating scan. I know this is accurate also cz DH flew out of town after the last BD. We were TTA using FAM while the Met shortened my cycles. Can't believe the stats on this! I have a close friend with a DS3 conceived the same way. We both experienced GD due to the shettles theory. I totally don't believe in it now. My Mum got me by insemination right on O.

    However, this whole experience has me paranoid we are too fertile to produce a DD!

    My cycle is trying to return but hasn't yet. I was going to give up night nursing for a bottle of ebm or formula. Is vitex still recommended?
    2013 2017 2018 2019 2020 2023

  5. #5
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    The supps I'm on (some nearly finished & due to preg & bfing):

    Tresos prenatal (methylated) half a caplet
    Calcium 400mg
    Magnesium 200mg
    Chromium 200mcg in AM (met in PM)
    Zinc 15mg (was low before DS2)
    Prescription iron (nearly finished)
    Vit C 1300mg 2x day
    P5P (b6) pinch every other day
    Methylb12 250mcg sublingual approx 2x week
    Spirulina powder 1tsp day (great for milk supply)
    Fennel tea

    DH has been taking
    B complex
    Herbal adaptogen formula (I think he should drop this as my gut says will sway blue).

    DS1 was IUGR so they had me on high dose of calcium plus baby aspirin during the preg. I feel that I should drop both cal and mag for girl sway.
    2013 2017 2018 2019 2020 2023

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    ok please bump this for me, it's longer than I thought it was going to be and want to give it my best effort!
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  7. #7
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    Thank you atomic sagebrush.

    Along with vitex for me, would you suggest licorice for DH? He certainly has a high drive normally.

    Diet is a tricky one for me as I have a lot of digestive issues and prone to stress over perfection as well, so I'm hoping to cover the other bases as well as I can and not fixate too much on LE if that makes sense?
    2013 2017 2018 2019 2020 2023

  8. #8
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwimaz View Post
    Thanks so much!

    Yes my sister is a shettles believer she has 3 DS and 2 DD but her DDs were 1st & last, could've bn a multitude of factors.

    My DS1 was 1 attempt but DS2 was after daily BD for a week. The last BD was 0-5 by my FF chart and 0-6 by the dating scan. I know this is accurate also cz DH flew out of town after the last BD. We were TTA using FAM while the Met shortened my cycles. Can't believe the stats on this! I have a close friend with a DS3 conceived the same way. We both experienced GD due to the shettles theory. I totally don't believe in it now. My Mum got me by insemination right on O.

    However, this whole experience has me paranoid we are too fertile to produce a DD!

    My cycle is trying to return but hasn't yet. I was going to give up night nursing for a bottle of ebm or formula. Is vitex still recommended?
    If you're interested I do have the full case against timing here: It is totally fine if you want to use it, I just really want you to do one attempt with it and only a 2-3 day cutoff because even though you got lucky before I don't want to count on that working a second time. For reasons we don't understand that one attempt has really worked.

    Don't worry about being too fertile, many of us have gotten boys very very easily (myself included) and then got a girl anyway. I have 4 boys all conceived first month or two and then got a girl!

    Re vitex - I'd try giving up the night feed first before the vitex. While I do think it can work for people (and did seem to work for me one time to restore ovulation) it seemed to cause more trouble than it was worth and hasn't reliably swayed pink anyway. But if you want to use it there's more in these two threads
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  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwimaz View Post
    Thank you atomic sagebrush.

    Along with vitex for me, would you suggest licorice for DH? He certainly has a high drive normally.

    Diet is a tricky one for me as I have a lot of digestive issues and prone to stress over perfection as well, so I'm hoping to cover the other bases as well as I can and not fixate too much on LE if that makes sense?
    Licorice has gotten weirdly low results of late. I'm really not sure why, on paper it should sway pink and we did get good results from it in the earlier days of the site but it's just fallen off the last few years. I don't think it is swaying blue, I think it's because only the very most fertile couples are using it and they may be more set for blue anyway. So I leave that one up to you - if you think he can benefit from it that's fine. directions here

    Diet has gotten great results - both for PCOS and for swaying. I always recommend diet even if you can't do it to the furthest extent, at least make a few changes. If you're doing Metformin again that may really help!
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwimaz View Post
    The supps I'm on (some nearly finished & due to preg & bfing):

    Tresos prenatal (methylated) half a caplet
    Calcium 400mg
    Magnesium 200mg
    Chromium 200mcg in AM (met in PM)
    Zinc 15mg (was low before DS2)
    Prescription iron (nearly finished)
    Vit C 1300mg 2x day
    P5P (b6) pinch every other day
    Methylb12 250mcg sublingual approx 2x week
    Spirulina powder 1tsp day (great for milk supply)
    Fennel tea

    DH has been taking
    B complex
    Herbal adaptogen formula (I think he should drop this as my gut says will sway blue).

    DS1 was IUGR so they had me on high dose of calcium plus baby aspirin during the preg. I feel that I should drop both cal and mag for girl sway.
    For sway I'd drop DHA and prenatal (or reduce to 2 -3x a week if you prefer) I'd drop B6 and B12 as well - don't DROP them, just wean off.

    I'd have you continue iodine. I often use that for swayers both pink and blue. Take folate 1200-1600 per day.

    Continue iron, zinc 3x a week to be sure you don't get any deficiency

    Chromium, calcium, magnesium at your discretion. I got boys with cal-mag so it was very easy to give them up and I got a girl once I did. But totally up to you.

    For the sake of safety - I want you off the Vit. C and spirulina. Wean off the Vit. C but the spirulina needs to go immediately. While I know some swear by it, some pretty convincing evidence has linked algae to motor neuron diseases like ALS and I cannot recommend anyone use it in anything more than occasional dietary amounts (like in green juice now and then, but not daily as a supplement). And this is not contamination in the algae, it's naturally occurring toxins the algaes make themselves to deter predators. I am concerned this could harm you in the long term or could even come out in your milk since no one has studied that so my suggestion is to stop taking that. As for the Vit. C - 1000 mg has been used to induce miscarriage (abortion) and so I cannot recommend anyone taking more than 500 mg. Not safe at that intake when trying to conceive.

    Fennel tea - we don't know how it sways but I have seen at least a couple people get girls while drinking it for their milk so I'm ok with you continuing that in dietary amounts 2-3 times a week.

    Whenever possible I do like hubbies to give up their supplements (wean off). If he's willing to take fiber and/or drink soy milk and soy foods 12-48 oz a day it may help but it's probably not worth fighting over.

    I would consider giving him olive leaf extract 500-1000 mg a day (we have had some trouble finding lower doses of OLE in some countries but if you can find that amount, give him that. if you find a liquid OLE instead give him the dose on the bottle) Start this right away and continue till BFP and then gradually wean off by spacing doses further and further out.
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