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Thread: Hoping for pink

  1. #1
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    Hoping for pink

    Hi, I am new here and after browsing for several hours decided to ask for your help. I have a wonderful boy and would like to try for a girl next, however I am not so sure how to define my sway plan because of several things. First, I am from Bulgaria and here I do not have at my disposal the "assisting factors", such as Rephresh or even vaginal ph testers. I am also a bit concerned to switch on an LE diet (which seems to be the most ofthen chosen sway method) as several years ago I lost my period for 2 years after a similar, a bit more severe diet (may have carried myself away a bit then, though) and my body does not react well to decreasing nutrition. I don't eat much in general anyway so I'm not sure if I can decrease food further...anyway what I've done so far - I started skipping breakfast and have a cup of yoghurt around 10 am instead, I eat at lunch and sometimes a small dinnner, I cut the potatoes, tomatoes and bananas completely, also the red meats, don't drink coffee or tea, or alcohol for that matter. I started taking supps- cranberry, folic acid, magnesium and calcium, increased the milk products.
    We missed January for various reasons already, but I'm hopeful to start in Feb. I am planning to attempt every day after my next period with a cutoff 3-2 days prior to ovulation if I manage to pinpoint it correctly, rather than try the abstain method- we had to postpone the baby making for 6 months and now I grow impatient already I'm thinking of applying all the "tricks" with shallow penetration, no O, hot showers for dh, etc., will see how it works I only did not quite get if we can attempt every day or the daily principle applies only for release of dh...
    I would be very grateful if you share your opinion on how am I doing so far and what else could I include/enhance, etc. I would also appreciate to know the main effects and ingredients of Rephresh in order to seek a replacement here. Thanks a lot!
    Last edited by Chocolatina; January 9th, 2018 at 12:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    We have hardly used pH testers at all and I really don't like them. i got a boy testing my pH constantly and I dropped all that to get a girl. So you do not need to get a pH tester.

    RepHresh has really not worked well and we are largely giving up on it.

    We would still do LE Diet but just have you eat at much higher levels of calories. So I'd have you on 1800-2000 calories a day, 50-60 g protein, 50-60 g fat, and be sure you are having one serving full fat dairy daily. Dairy probably does not sway pink, it may even sway blue when eaten to excess, so you can have dairy within the limits of the diet but do not treat it as a free, all you can eat food because that may undermine your sway.

    You do not need to cut potatoes, tomatoes, and bananas. That is NOT LE Diet. That is leftover from the old mineral diets and has never been proven to work. You have to get a minimum 2500 mg potassium per day regardless of sway diets because that is the amount your body needs to function, and getting less than your body needs can be dangerous so be sure you are eating at least that amount. It will not sway blue, that is just the amount your body needs to function.

    We have good results with coffee and alcohol for pink sways. You don't have to use them if you don't want to of course, but I know some sites say they sway blue, but they do not because we get overwhelmingly girls with them.

    PLEASE do not attempt every day with cutoffs. We have had much, much better success rates with just one attempt. It is fine to drop the abstain, just have him "do what he does" or do a release every 2-4 days for good sperm quality but keep that one attempt!!

    Shallow penetration has really cut odds of conception hugely. I really don't recommend that since it's never been proven to help anyway.
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  4. #3
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    Thank you so much! Regarding the calories, I don't believe I eat more than 1800 regardless of swaying, so there would be no change...? I don't drink coffee in general, so what would be the substitute here? I may not be able to convince dh for a one-attempt-per-month baby making plan as he is a major non-beleiver of swaying and thinks that the best is just to try as often as possible but I will try for instance 2- 3 actual attempts with 3-4 days interval, with a last attempt 2-3 days prior to ovulation. Would that go along with the girl sway? If there's some other attempt plan that's proven to have a higher rate success,I would love to hear it. Thank you again!

  5. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    A lot of times people think that, but then they start eating 1500 calories and weight flies off. I think you should always start off higher than you think you'll need just to see what happens. If weight loss does not happen (or you even gain weight) then you'll know to eat fewer calories. You do NOT need to pick a calorie intake before you even begin and stick to it indefinitely, it's fine to adjust as you go.

    If you don't drink coffee that's fine, just leave it out.

    What I'd have you do in that case is yeah just have unprotected sex every 4 days (so Monday Thursday, not those days per se but in that pattern). This has been good odds of pink for us and is just an easy effortless way of being in with one attempt. I would NOT do a cutoff because timing doesn't work anyway. If you MUST do one, that's up to you, of course, but I don't want you doing a lot of stressing over what day your e4d attempt will fall on. And you should keep going with the attempts even after you have what you think will be your cutoff. The thing is, if your ovulation is delayed, with a cutoff you miss the month (since you can't know when you will ovulate 3 days in advance!) and so if you keep having attempts, you'll at least be in with an attempt every month that passes.
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  7. #5
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    Thank you so much again! It happened this month indeed- the delayed O, I am surprised as it has always been regular but I guess the diet had some influence. Anyway we had an attempt the day prior to when I thought I would ovulate but I did some opk anyway and it came out negative. So now I am still waiting for a positive opk and a new attempt which will be on the e4d scheme anyway. So what I wanted to ask is wheter there have been any recent updates on the success rate of e4d for girl sway. What I found in the threads was from 4-5 months ago, so I was hoping there would be any further info on it...?

  8. #6
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    It's been effective, I'm not yet ready to say that it is as good as one attempt. I am just not sure yet.
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  9. #7
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    Thanks again for the responses (especially considering how many you are submitting in all the threads daily). I will be waiting for my next cycle as it didn't work out this month and I have been reviewing the statistics. So there are some things I would like to ask (if it isn't too much of course)- what is the latest info about the orgasms and also the use of pepermint tea (heh putting it that way I made it sound as they are related ) I've read somewhere that the big O is a huge no-no when ttc a girl, but since there are so many myths already crashed here, I was just wondering...and what would be better for a pink sway- refraining from an orgasm or J&D?

  10. #8
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I can't tell what is better, no orgasm or J and D. I do have a thread on orgasms here but the truth is we honestly don't know how all these things work well enough to compare them one to each other.

    Peppermint tea has not been reliable and has really messed up people's cycles, delaying or stopping ovulation. I am barely using it any more, only for those who insist upon it.
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