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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Apr 2018
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    New and trying to sway girl. Have questions.

    Hello! I am currently 31; 5”2’; and about 130lbs. We currently have 1 boy. I have a twin loss (mono mono twins) and we did not know the sex. We really want a girl and are trying to sway this time around. In the past my dr was speculating I had some insulin resistance /PCOS and/or anovulatory. I conceived our son on pregnitude (200mcg folic acid and 2000 mcg myo-inositol) and flinstones complete vitamin. (Prenatals make me sick). When we conceived the twins it was much easier. This go round my cycles are regular and more normal than they have ever been. I am taking pregnitude. I have looked at the LE diet and implementing that. I have also read about folic acid, Sudafed/Zyrtec, baby aspirin, and fiber. I am also drinking crystal light water.

    Fiber: psyllium husk (1 tsp? How many times a day?)
    Baby aspirin: just from and to o right? 1 a day
    Sudafed/Zyrtec: a couple hours before bd? (I have Sudafed around already due to sinuses)
    Folic acid: all I can find at our local Walmart is spring valley 400 mcg heart health. It has only that listed under amount per serving but under other ingredients it has: cellulose, calcium carbonate, ceoscarmellose, maltodextrin; contains: silica, vegetable magnesium.
    Is this ok for folic acid? Also I took 2 yesterday one around lunch and one at night. I could not sleep at all last night. I can take just in morning but I am curious about the dosage. I don’t want my heart racing all the time and I need sleep.

    Last question about my husband: he drinks ALOT of soda/pop. I mean it is his water. Will that affect us swaying pink?

    Thank you for the site and all the hard work. I will appreciate any advice or insight you can give me. Thank you!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Eastern Washington State, USA
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    AGH my post disappeared, I hate it when that happens! I'll try to rewrite it but it's not going to be as good, sorry

    I want you on this diet instead

    Baby aspirin is only under suggestion by a doctor. We odn't use it for swaying much any more as it's not safe enough for my liking and hasn't worked anyway. If you did take it, you're taking it wrong anyway - you must not go off and on it, you need to take it all month and wean off at BFP by gradually spacing doses further and further out till down to one per week, then drop.

    Psyllium - use dosing guideline on bottle, minimum amount, only with foods containing fat or fat soluble nutrents A, D, E If not eating fat don't use the fiber

    Sudafed is not safe and been linked to strokes in young women. Skip it. Zyrtec is fine, doesn't work but isn't harmful, just do one 4-6 hours before attempt

    There are no other ingredients but folic?? nothing for 'heart health"?? The other ingredients you list are just for formulating the pill

    Just take 2 per day in addition to your pregnitude one in the morning and one at lunch

    Don't worry about your husband's pop drinking. No evidence indicates that sways blue and I've seen enough people doing this and getting girls to even suspect it may sway pink

    Let me know if I missed anything, it's challenging to redo a post, I always miss something obvious!
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