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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    TTC a girl, have 2 boys (5 & 1.5)

    Hi, I'm almost 32, my DH is turning 34 in Sept. I have 2 boys (born May 2013 and October 2016). We conceived DS1 the first month trying and DS2 in two months of trying. I'm just dipping my toes in to the pool of gender swaying and oh my, it's a lot of info! Would appreciate any help on where to start. We're ideally looking to get pregnant in the next 6 months or so.

    Also, how do I get those cute pics on the bottom of forum posts that say how many kids I have etc.?

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Eastern Washington State, USA
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    Hi and welcome! I know it seems like a lot but that's because this is a compilation of ALL the swaying info. You don't need to read all of it, but it's here if you want to (like having a big shelf of encyclopedias!)

    What we have found (we track our results differently than other sites, which allows us to better see the success rates of any one individual tactic) is that the things that actually work are pretty few and most of what is recommended by other sites does not do anything at all for swaying and dramatically cuts odds of conception.

    What works:

    LE Diet longer than 12 weeks plus fiber, coffee, alcohol, and of course everyone must take folic acid or folate; DO NOT take prenatals, multivitamins, cranberry, meal replacer shakes, highly fortified foods, or probiotics. If you MUST take cal-mag, that's up to you but be sure you're not taking any added Vitamin D with it. None of the herbs and baby aspirin have worked and all had lots of side effects so we're phasing those out except for people who really want to use them.

    Cardio exercise 6 weeks or more 4-7 days per week, 60 minutes a day

    Skipping breakfast and losing a bit of weight may help, also eat only 3 meals a day (some prefer 2 but most do fine on 3) instead of snacking all day every day.

    One attempt in the fertile window O-3 through O Day to start. Timing/frequency patterns don't work but some choose to try them, that's fine but be sure you drop them before adding attempts. Only add attempts after you've dropped all the sway tactics that don't work and cut odds of conception. Jellies and douches have not been effective and cut odds of conception to nothing, be sure to drop them before adding attempts.

    Clomid or Femara if you can get them have been great sway tactics for us (and are also the only reliable way to boost chances of twins, although we've had more than our fair share of twins even among pink swayers not using them)

    For DH:

    Smoking, and jogging/biking have been proven effective in studies. Olive Leaf Extract and soy milk ~may~ help.

    Hubby does not need to do diet but if he were to cut back on meat or go vegetarian/vegan it will only help.

    He should drop his nutrient supps if he's willing and fiber for him may help a little too.

    Things like shallow release, hot bath, tighty whiteys have never been proven to help and they do all cut odds of conception. Drop these before one attempt.
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    To change your signature, click on your user name, then on "view profile". You will see a tiny pencil icon by your name. Click that and it will take you to the editor. Then click "edit signature" (don't just write in the box for the signature, it won't save, you actually have to click "edit signature".

    To add the icons (as far as I know) you need to actually know the little HTML thingies to can find these by clicking the smiley face at the top of the post and clicking on them, and seeing what appears when you hit "insert smiley" The HTML code will appear in your post, which are a few letters or a word surrounded by a colon, and then you make a note of that and you can write the same thing in your signature. So for boys you could (there are lots of options, but this is an easy one) write : DS : (only put the colons right next to the DS!) and it will look like this for a girl you could write : DD : or : princess : with the colons right next to the words and get the following or

    There are lots of fun little icons you can put up
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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