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  1. #11
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    Oh whoops I missed a question here: I would skip apple juice as it's mostly pure sugar, but yes orange and pineapple juice are great for blue.
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leannes392 View Post
    Should i do egg whites or baking soda finger ?? When i get positive opk? xx
    I don't like either of those things. Baking soda finger doesn't work because pH doesn't work and you can read why that is here: Plus, it really cuts odds of conception because sperm is not meant to swim through baking soda to get to the egg!

    Egg whites are not only going to cut odds of conception for the same reason baking soda does (it may be ~slighly~ better for sperm than BSF, but just because egg whites are slimy like EWCM, they are NOT even remotely chemically identical) but worse, egg whites are dangerous. They can cause an overgrowth of bacteria and other microbes in your vagina that can grow up into your uterus (in fact, they're so good at growing microbes that they are used to grow vaccines in!) and possibly cause miscarriage. Plus, eggs are proven to have salmonella in them (which is why no one should ever eat raw eggs anymore, so many of them now have salmonella) and salmonella is 100% proven to cause miscarriage in animals and we also know it can grow in the human uterus. Obviously people have used it and gotten away with it, but it's too big a risk for something that doesn't even work and cuts odds of conception as well!
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  3. #13
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    Oh LOL you got the men's Centrum over 50! Sorry I just thought that was the women's Centrum!
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  4. #14
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    Sorry its my fault with all the questions! Thanks for taking your time to reply to me! Would my sway still work this month or would you leave it?
    My diets been ok lots of meat veg more or less everyday, just thinking i may add a bowl cereal around 7pm will this help? Iv also gone 8st6 to 9st exactly!

    Is this enough when coming to dtd unprotected 12 hours after first +opk then again the next morning and night then stop until af comes or not? we have been releasing protected every 2 days

    Going to be using cheap opk from amazon until get +opk then go onto clear blue smiley ones with the two most fertile days, would the first smiley i get do i dtd 12 hours after this or the same night? Im using fmu xx
    Last edited by Leannes392; October 9th, 2018 at 05:48 AM.

  5. #15
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    Since you're gaining weight I would consider trying this month. It's your call to make, of course, but the people who gain a lot of weight very rapidly have seemed to end up with more opposites so my inclination is to try this month.

    I ALWAYS ate cereal at night with my boys, except my 4th which was my swaying oposite. I got my girl without having that bedtime cereal snack.

    I can't ever say what's "enough" but that's what many have done. I would consider having at least one more attempt the following day after that in case of delayed O.

    You don't have to wait till 12 hours after the first positive. I'd have attempt just whenever that night. No benefit to waiting exactly 12 hours later, thats debunked.
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  6. #16
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    Ah ok thank you!!! Iv also been trying to have cereal bars for breakfast! Would this sway blue?? So dtd the night of positive o, the morning and night after? And next day?xx

    And is it true dh drink red bull or coffee an hour before dtd xx
    Last edited by Leannes392; October 9th, 2018 at 04:24 PM.

  7. #17
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    Yes cereal bars are great!

    Re DTD - yes that's exactly right and if you can get in that next day attempt after the first three, even better.

    I personlly do not believe Red Bull or coffee does anything at all for a blue sway and i"ve found when men drink it, esp. for that nighttime attempt, they end up unable to sleep for a really long time afterwards which makes them tired and then unable to complete the later attempts. So it's not something I personally recommend
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  8. #18
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    Great ! Thankyou going to give it ago asoon as we get +opk how long should i give it imbetween propper atempts and protected dtd?? For sperm to be ok? Blue sway we have dtd protected and now have 3 days for o so aiming not to do it again until then does this sound ok?
    Also for the attempts is there a certain position such as doggie as its deep penetration better for boy?
    Should i put legs hips up ect for half hour? Or just stay laying flat? xx

    Ahh got up this morning -opk but light pink bleeding ? Cervix is high read up online and apparently it can be when eggs released! Iv never ever had this before! Have i missed my chance, going to do another opk at around 7pm incase its turned positive if it has would me dtd last night effect the sway.. thanks and sorry for overload questions xx
    Last edited by Leannes392; October 11th, 2018 at 10:15 AM.

  9. #19
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    You don't have to give it ANY time. I know they say that on other sites but that's bad information. What you want to avoid for blue is long periods of abstain before your attempts, and then many days (7-10) of back to back BD OUT of the fertile window. Once you are in the fertile window you should have as many attempts as you possibly can because all the sperm in the fertile window can stay alive to meet the egg. But 2 BD on two consecutive days (so like u have protected BD on Oct. 20 and then oh-oh you get positive OPK on Oct. 21...well, that's not an oh-oh at all because 2 bd in a row can't affect sperm negatively anyway. It takes 7-10 days in a row to do that. So you'd just proceed with the normal plan and all would be well. People just make things overly complicated by trying to have a certain number of days of abstain before their attempts. It's impossible to do for 80% of people and it just adds stress that you guys do not need!

    Lay flat or prop hips, your discretion.

    Have you been checking your cervix?? Sometimes that can trigger bleeding around ovulation. I doubt this is coming from ovulation, 9 times out of ten this type of bleeding comes from the cervix (which is soft and open and is easily injured at this point in the cycle.).
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  10. #20
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    Ok thanks hun!! Im so glad i found this site!! Iv only checked today after the bleed to see what its doing but i suppose it could be from dtd last night..
    Is there any best positions for boy sway??xx

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