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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Last chance for a girl after 4 boys

    I have 5 kids. The first 3 were from first marriage, girl then 2 boys. I got my tubes tied and then later ended up divorced and remarried. We went and got a reversal done and have had 2 boys. We decided to try one more time for a girl. I have no idea where to start with swaying pink. Will myo-inositol help? Folic acid? I track ovulation with temping, opks and cm and have done this for about 8 years so I know my cycle pretty well. I exercise regularly, cardio and strength and have lost 40 lbs since March but could still lose some more. We got pg in November surprisingly but sadly it didn’t stick so now the baby fever is in high gear and seeing pink everywhere!

    I just need help with where to start. I don’t have a lot of time since I’m an older mama.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I only give myoinositol to people who have moderate to severe pcos or more than 30 lbs to lose. Since you do have a history of carrying more weight I'd be ok with giving it a try for you if you'd like - you may have some insulin resistance that the myo might help with. If you'd like to add it in I'd be ok with that.

    keep up the exercise, focus more on cardio and let the strength training go for now.

    I would suggest this type of sway diet: Better for your sway and for egg quality.

    Everyone takes folic not because of how it sways but because it's the only supplement proven to prevent birth defects when taken prior to conception.

    Let me know how else I can help!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Jan 2019
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    Thank you so much! I’ll let ya know how things go and will be hanging around to learn more ❤️

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