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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    TTC Girl - Newbie

    Hi everyone
    I知 finally posting on here after watching all the threads for a while now! Me and my hubby have two gorgeous boys (6 & 8) and we all really want to complete our family with a little girl. We went to Cyprus last year for gender selection which was successful but I had an ectopic pregnancy. Can't go through the whole process again so will be trying to sway naturally ideally in August. I was planning on doing the following to sway:
    LE diet including skip breakfast, drink lots of coffee (which I didn稚 do with boys) and Diet Coke.
    I weigh less than 8 stone so was going to start the diet at the beginning of August with a view to ttc at very end of August as I think I値l lose weight quickly. Do you think I should start diet sooner or do you think a shock to the body thinking times are suddenly hard would be good?
    I知 taking folic acid and b12 - getting hubby on olive leaf extract starting when not sure?
    We were going to do 14 day abstain (released every few days with boys - hubby is 41 but doctor in Cyprus said he luckily has amazingly healthy sperm and we are both very fertile which I believe sways blue)
    Planning on dtd only once when we get a positive opk
    Other things; girl spell, pink baby outfit under bed, rose quartz bracelet, I致e moved my cycle with progesterone pills from the doctor so I知 now due to ovulate when the moon is new and not full (which is when I conceived my boys).
    Getting nervous now😳
    Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you x

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    I would like you to start diet 12 weeks before you plan to TTC. While we originally speculated about shocking our bodies, it's become very apparent over time that longer on diet is better. You will need to eat upper limits of calories while keeping in protein and fat limits to be sure you don't lose too much weight.

    why are you taking B12?

    PLEASE do not have your 41 year old husband do 14 days of abstain. A doctor cannot see DNA damage inside sperm, a man can have what appears to be normal healthy sperm with DNA damage. This is not open for a debate - abstain does not work and is worth no level of risk (even though the risks are small) because it does nothing! Why take even a 1 in 1000 chance for something that doesn't even help your sway???

    Please don't be surprised if your ovulation changes again. O Day does change while swaying and I hope you're not terribly disappointed if yours does switch back to be in line with the full moon. It happens quite regularly. just be prepared that it might occur.

    Everything else looking great, let me know if you have any more questions.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks Atomic for your reply!
    I will start the diet straight away. I have been taking B12 for a while along with B6 as i heard together they may help sway pink - i dropped the B6 as my periods were getting so light and i was worried. I've carried on taking the B12 as i heard that it may help with morning sickness which i was hospitalised with during both my boys pregnancies. I can stop taking it if you think that's best - does it sway?
    Do you recommend frequent release for hubby instead of the abstinence?
    Also one last question - just wondered why Licourice Root has been debunked and replaced with OLE?
    Thank you so much for helping! x

  4. #4
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    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Both B6 and B12 sway strongly blue and as you already noticed B6 can also mess up the cycle hugely. I cannot understand why other sites still recommend it as that's been known for the better part of a decade. :/ Please wean off rather than just dropping cold turkey.

    That having been said when on LE Diet many do notice a shorter lighter period so don't be too alarmed when that happens.

    FR is fine if hubby can keep up with it, or do regular release every 2-4 days plus one attempt.

    Licorice root was not replaced with OLE. OLE is a replacement for cranberry because some evidence indicates it is better than cranberry (I'm not totally convinced OLE does a whole lot - but the fact is, cranberry doesn't work anyway!!) Licorice was dropped because it got absolutely abysmal results for us - 38% !!!!! That means that of the couples taking it, 62% got BOYS even with great pink sways. PLEASE NO LICORICE it clearly doesn't work and may even sway blue.
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Ahh that makes sense! Thank you! x

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  7. #6
    Dream Newbie

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    Can i have some help please? Since starting the LE diet a few weeks ago i have ovulated much earlier this month than i was expecting and can feel period twinges already. I usually have a 29 day cycle without fail! CD 1 was 14th June and i ovulated on the 24th instead of 29th. Expecting my period to start 12th July but these twinges are definately telling me it's on its way soon. It may not be the diet and just that suddenly for some reason my hormones are out of balance? I don't know? Just wanted some advice on whether this is okay for swaying girl and i wondered if i should take Saw Palmetto as it lengthens cycles and ladies have used it previously to sway girl i think? Or should i just go with the flo so to speak!
    Thanks in advance x

  8. #7
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    Well, let's see if your period actually comes early. Many times people think their period is coming early and it doesn't.

    If you ovulated on June 24 it is perfectly normal to get your period on July 6th. That is an 11 day LP and is not uncommon. You can get pregnant with that length LP. And if it's the 7th that's 12 days and is normal! Your LP is simply tacked onto whenever you ovulated. So if you ovulate early, you'll get your period early too. If you ovulate late, your period will come late.

    PLEASE do not take saw palmetto. That is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It nearly always makes things worse rather than better (a very few people with severe PCOS can be helped by it but they too are better off just correcting their PCOS with diet and exercise).

    How did you determine when ovulation occurred?

    We find changes in cycle to be de rigeur with swaying. It is very likely part of how swaying works and you can still get pregnant with a cycle as you've described (10 day FP, 11 day LP) if in fact that is what actually even happens. Plus there's no saying that will happen next month just because it did this month, entirely possible to have your cycle be totally normal after that.

    CAn you tell me about your intake of cals and fat?
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  9. #8
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks for the reply Atomic. No period as yet so hopefully my cycle isn’t as messed up as I thought - not sure what the pains were though �� I had ewcm earlier than expected so started using the ovulation test strips and sure enough I had a dark line on the 23rd so presume I ovulated on the 24th. As you mentioned in a previous post maybe it’s my body trying to get back to ovulating during full moon (I took progesterone to change this a few months back). I’m probably having the 1200-1500 calories a day with mostly white rice, pasta, chicken, white fish veggies for dinners and salads and crackers with low fat cheese for lunch, 3 coffees a day , 2 diet cokes and lots of Evian. I haven’t been tracking exact fat and protein sorry but i don’t feel it’s a lot and I have lost weight (around 5lbs so far). I am only taking folic acid as sups. I really miss red meat, tomatoes and potatoes as this was what I ate for dinner with my boys!! I’m also drinking half a bottle of Prosecco most nights. If there is anything you think I should change I would love to hear - I really am grateful for your help and this amazing site! x
    Last edited by Sally001; July 6th, 2019 at 06:42 AM.

  10. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Well, the thing is the reason I want you to track is NOT to avoid getting too much, but to be sure you're getting enough. When people don't track they often cut back too far (particularly on fat and calories) and that can really mess up the cycle.

    What's your BMI? We may need you to hold steady now and not lose any more. At 8 stone and losing 5 lbs you are almost certainly underweight unless you're quite short so until we get this ironed out, no more weight loss. I think you will likely need more like 1500-1800 cals.

    There is no reason to be off tomatoes and potatoes. That is a myth. My daughter is like 30% potato, LOL. I have a full explanation as to why that is, here

    OPK are great but they are not totally reliable. Let's wait and see when your period comes and see what's really happening with your cycle.

    Those period like cramps can happen for all sorts of reasons, even pregnancy.
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