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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    TTC a girl after 3 boys

    Hi all,

    Husband and I are hoping to start ttc a girl soon. We have 3 boys DS 1 is 8 took 9 months tc.
    DS 2 we weren’t trying for, I got pregnant after coming of the pill. DS3 is 2 and I got my coil out in September 17 and was pregnant by November. With DS3 I was going to start swaying but I got my O day wrong and ended up having unprotected sex, on top, having an O on ovulation day😂 so am a bit nervous this time😬.
    I’m 31 husband is 36. I’m overweight and have a bad diet consisting of a lot of sugar and salt, husband would be of normal weight with ok diet. I have ordered calcium and magnesium supplements as I definitely don’t believe I’m getting enough from my diet. We’d both have alcohol maybe once a month. I’d sometimes smoke after having a few drinks but that’d be it.
    I’ve an app on my phone that I use to track my period and I’m fairly regular and would get my period always around 14 days after it says I’m due to ovulate and I’d notice some cm around that time as well.
    Also I’ve had some stainjng on my underwear where the cm would have bleached my underwear and supposedly this means I’ve a low pH? Currently trying to source a pH tester.
    Think that’s my whole story any advice is more than welcome.
    Dee xxx

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Calcium and magnesium are fine if you believe in them but please be sure you're not taking the additional vitamin D that is sometimes recommended. Vitamin D sways blue. Many of us got our boys taking cal-mag and gave them up to get our girls (myself included) but I understand it's hard to give up on that stuff. Just avoid that Vit. D.

    What diet are you planning on following?? Since you have some weight to spare it's best to avoid the very high carb type diets like the standard LE Diet and the IG Diet. We have an alternate diet that may be better for you and you can find that here: (there are two diets either of which would be better for you than anything with lots of white carbs in it.)

    The apps are unreliable when swaying because people often find their cycle changes. It's fine to use them as a helper but you'll want to also do OPK to be sure you know when your surge is happening.

    Bleaching on underwear IS NOT caused by the pH of your cervical mucus. It is caused by small amounts of leaking urine (which all women have esp. after having kids) and tells you nothing at all to do with swaying. I know the claims made on sway sites but they are not true. Both boy moms and girl moms alike have this and it means nothing. We have not found testing pH to be helpful (many of us got pH opposites, to such extent it can't be telling us anything useful at all) and most of us have moved on past that. I got my 4th boy testing pH constantly and it never went up till after I was already pregnant. With my girl I didn't even bother to test!

    I know it's a bit frustrating when you show up here and we do things differently, but we base our info on the best and newest science rather than continuing to do things that have been debunked for many years. Whenever you have a question or something seems confusing, please ask! It's what I'm here for.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you so much for your help. The cal mag I had ordered did contain Vit D so best avoid that so. I normally don’t drink milk or yoghurt so perhaps that will be a better way of getting calcium at least by upping my consumption of them.
    I hadn’t any one diet in particular was just working off whatever seemed to appear in a few so today for my dinner I had a small bowl of white pasta with plain chicken breast and a bit of mozzarella on top to give it flavor. By looking at the diet you linked I should prob change over to brown rice and pasta though I think. What about drinking cranberry juice would that be bad for blood sugars? Will sit down and properly look through the diet plan tomorrow

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    yes I would definitely change over to brown rice and pasta.

    Full fat dairy only, no skim and part skim. It's better to have dairy only within the limits of the LE Diet and NOT have those huge amounts some sway diets call for. Many of us got our boys doing those type of sway diets.

    Cranberry juice IS bad for blood sugar and it doesn't sway anyway. Cranberry juice is not concentrated enough to affect your body; only cranberry supplements can possibly be concentrated enough to have any medicinal effect. And we tested cranberry supplements and found them not to work anyway (plus they have some side effects that are really concerning!) So with cranberry juice, you're adding nutrients and raising your blood sugar for something that adds nothing to your sway anyway so we don't recommend them.
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