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Thread: New here

  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    New here

    I'm new here and wanting to sway boy. I'm also open to sperm sorting, but not IVF due to moral issues. I am new to this and have no idea how to even go about this or what is out there. I'm in the United states (OH) and I have never heard of sperm sorting. Reading up on this, it seems like a great option

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi again, and welcome!

    Unfortunately, the sperm sorting available in the US really doesn't work very well at all. The Ericsson method, for example has been proven to make 50-50 X and Y sperm and while the clinics claim that these sorted sperm go on to make more XY or XX, it's all very sketchy.

    Other clinics have various methods of sperm sorting which are by far less proven than Ericsson (which isn't proven, LOL) but the results they quote are misleading. They will list incredible results on their site, but if you read the fine print it is ONLY if you then use the sperm sorted sperm to do IVF/PGD with. So be sure if you're investigating a clinic, and they say "100% success rate" that you look closer since it is with IVF.

    These sperm sorting methods claim between 60-75 (I find the 75% to be overly high compared to what people have actually gotten) % depending on the data they use. This is also very much in line with what we get with swaying and worse, they really are not outstanding ways to conceive. So people often end up spending thousands of dollars (the better part of an IVF round, which actually DOES work) only to end up pregnant after several tries with an opposites.

    The only method of sperm sorting that has ever been actually proven to work is called Microsort, and even Microsort was not 100% successful at sorting. Microsort yielded around 85-92% sperm sorts (meaning that there would be 85%-90% X or Y sperm) that was then used to perform IUI. Unfortunately, this method harmed the sperm and made them tired/weak, so many people did not conceive with Microsort. The FDA decided not to approve it for use in the US because of this. When Microsort was being tested, I personally saw dozens of people do hundreds of MS cycles and only two of them ever got pregnant. Of those two, one got a boy with 92% X sperm!!

    If you need to use IUI to conceive anyway then adding sperm sort may make some sense. For people who don't, it's a huge expense for a dramatically lower chance of conception and no guarantee. I WISH it worked, I'd recommend it, but it just doesn't and people end up out the same amount of money they'd spend on IVF and have to give up with no baby or even an opposite.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Hi again, and welcome!

    Unfortunately, the sperm sorting available in the US really doesn't work very well at all. The Ericsson method, for example has been proven to make 50-50 X and Y sperm and while the clinics claim that these sorted sperm go on to make more XY or XX, it's all very sketchy.

    Other clinics have various methods of sperm sorting which are by far less proven than Ericsson (which isn't proven, LOL) but the results they quote are misleading. They will list incredible results on their site, but if you read the fine print it is ONLY if you then use the sperm sorted sperm to do IVF/PGD with. So be sure if you're investigating a clinic, and they say "100% success rate" that you look closer since it is with IVF.

    These sperm sorting methods claim between 60-75 (I find the 75% to be overly high compared to what people have actually gotten) % depending on the data they use. This is also very much in line with what we get with swaying and worse, they really are not outstanding ways to conceive. So people often end up spending thousands of dollars (the better part of an IVF round, which actually DOES work) only to end up pregnant after several tries with an opposites.

    The only method of sperm sorting that has ever been actually proven to work is called Microsort, and even Microsort was not 100% successful at sorting. Microsort yielded around 85-92% sperm sorts (meaning that there would be 85%-90% X or Y sperm) that was then used to perform IUI. Unfortunately, this method harmed the sperm and made them tired/weak, so many people did not conceive with Microsort. The FDA decided not to approve it for use in the US because of this. When Microsort was being tested, I personally saw dozens of people do hundreds of MS cycles and only two of them ever got pregnant. Of those two, one got a boy with 92% X sperm!!

    If you need to use IUI to conceive anyway then adding sperm sort may make some sense. For people who don't, it's a huge expense for a dramatically lower chance of conception and no guarantee. I WISH it worked, I'd recommend it, but it just doesn't and people end up out the same amount of money they'd spend on IVF and have to give up with no baby or even an opposite.
    Is it available anywhere outside the untied states?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Yes Microsort in Mexico but I think it may be only along with IVF. (also, just to reiterate what I wrote above - in hundreds of rounds of MS I saw two people get pregnant and of those two one of them still had an opposite even with 92% of the desired gender's sperm. It just didn't work with IUI and so that's why the FDA did not approve it.)

    I think the sperm sorting is available elsewhere but it has the same problems as all sperm sorting - may not work, lowers odds of conception hugely.
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