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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    New here, TTC in July for a girl

    Hi all!

    I'm new here. I'm going to start TTC in July and I'm dreaming of a girl. I've started doing research and stumbled on this forum which was an abundance of new information.

    Anyway, just saying hi. I'll continue browsing and reading before asking too many questions!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome! Let me know how I can help!!
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Hi and welcome! Let me know how I can help!!
    Thank you! You seem to have a plethora of knowledge; I've enjoyed reading all of your posts!

    I've read a few books (Taking Control of Your Fertility and It Starts With The Egg) so I'm putting all of that information to use in terms of supporting a good try at TTC (I'm actually a single mom by choice, so I will be doing ICI at home for the first few tries).

    For gender swaying to a girl, I was originally reading mostly about timing ovulation (Shettles method, which is know is controversial/not backed up), PH balance of the vagina (acidic for girls, alkaline for boys), orgasm vs not (yes = supports boys via higher alkalinity, no = supports girls via lower alkalinity, and then the obvious: diet -- high levels of calcium/magnesium/protein and lower levels of sodium/potassium, but this forum and knowledge has obviously challenged everything I previously read.

    I think my plan as of now is to keep my sodium intake as low as possible and allow myself to feel hunger (this quarantine has me eating more!) between meals.

    I've looked over these:

    ... as well as both "How we made girls" and "How we made boys".

    To be honest, I hate exercise LOL. I'll continue being lazy, especially during quarantine haha! If you have any other suggestions or best resources for me to look over, I'll happily do so! I have about 6 weeks until my ovulation when I'll TTC.

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    So just to make sure you've read the definitive posts on those things:

    The case against timing is here:

    The case against pH is here:

    The orgasm thread is here:

    And our main diet threads are here:

    Here (the FAQ):

    And here (a second FAQ that focuses more on why the mineral diets don't work):

    While I know it's super irritating when our advice doesn't mesh with the other sites, the reason why is because a lot of us, including me, got opposites doing things that old-school way and so much of it just didn't make any sense we decided to look at newer evidence rather than doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. We've been doing this for 10 years now and are getting better results than ever with our approach, and many of us got girls after many boys in a row with the old school methods.

    So long story short, please ask, ask, ask any questions you have and I am happy to explain everything. There's always a reason why we don't agree with the other sites and I will answer every question asked.

    Keeping sodium low, for example, is not going to help your sway any. It's fine if you want to do it, but I would not rely on it for swaying. I got my girl eating tons of sodium after getting my 4th boy limiting it.

    It's totally fine not to exercise if you just don't want to. You can pick and choose any sway tactics you want to use, totally your call to make! Just let me know how I can help!
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    I'm still reading through everything you sent (thank you!), though I'm curious. The post against PH and the orgasm thread seem to contradict each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Is is ok to have the BIG O when swaying pink? And do you have to have 17 in succession or else your blue sway will fail? Let's find out.

    The WHY?

    The traditional view on female orgasms for swaying, is that for blue you should have a lot, as many as is humanly possible, esp. at the time of your attempt, because the natural lubricants that your body produces when aroused are alkaline and also because female orgasm raises testosterone and may even raise MALE testosterone and sperm count for your partner. And for pink, orgasms should be avoided like the plague so your testosterone, your partner’s testosterone, and his sperm count stay low, and also so you have little/no alkaline lubricant fluids to potentially help out either Y sperm or higher sperm numbers (depending on what theory of swaying you ascribe to).

    Nutshell version:

    Pink swayers – avoid orgasms both with attempt and as much as possible for as long as possible beforehand, they may raise your T, may raise your pH, may raise your partner’s T, may cause him to ejaculate higher numbers of sperm than he otherwise would, and may make it so more of those sperm survive to sway blue.

    Blue swayers – have regular orgasms, with intercourse is best because they will help increase your T and pH, your partner’s T, and his sperm count. Having at least one orgasm with an attempt may make it easier for more sperm to survive to make it to the egg.


    To recap, the traditional sway recommendations for female orgasm:

    Pink swayers – avoid orgasms both with attempt and as much as possible for as long as possible beforehand. They may raise your T, may raise your pH, may raise your partner’s T, may cause him to ejaculate higher numbers of sperm than he otherwise would, and may make it so more of those sperm survive to sway blue.

    Blue swayers – have regular orgasms, with intercourse is best because they will help increase your T and pH, your partner’s T, and his sperm count. Having at least one orgasm with an attempt may make it easier for more sperm to survive to make it to the egg.
    This is NO MAGIC BULLET – you can get boys without female orgasm and girls with female orgasm. There ARE no magic bullets.

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Some people still believe in that old school stuff so I tend to explain things in light of commonly held beliefs. I can't go to the mat thoroughly debunking/explaining every detail in every post I write or no one would want to read them. I try to make everything accessible for people who read everything but also for people who may only read that one thread, who DO still believe in pH.
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