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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    You can still get pregnant with an abstain though.

    You should attempt TODAY. Attempt on O Day is actually quite a lot lower than the day before O Day.

    Hot bath is at your discretion. I wouldn't do it, but that's because I don't think it does anthing for swaying. If it's something you wanted to do then you may want to give it a month - who knows, you may get pregnant that way.

    1200 MCG is NOT too much folic acid even if you're not on the diet. That is ok.
    Thanks! we actually attempted CD12 but really late like midnight as was concerned we wouldn't be able to next day with little one. It was very shallow though, would it be worth another attempt today? as OH was out when it happened and not much did get in I'm afraid��and did J&D pretty soon after and really well.

    so this month I am not holding much hope, but it's kinda ok, we're not in a hurry as my boy is still quite young (12months) and sleeping poorly ��

    When you say it has been lower on do you mean chances of a girl or conception in general?
    Thanks again x
    Last edited by Mrs.C.; August 29th, 2020 at 03:00 AM.

  2. #22
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    It's your call - for best chance of pink, stick with the attempt you've had, for best chance of conception have another attempt.

    Are you doing shallow for swaying?

    I mean less chance of conception. Timing does not sway - 50-50 boys and girls are conceived every cycle day.
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  3. #23
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    in the end we didn't go with another attempt this month, just had to accept it will now have to wait until next cycle...

    yes, we tried shallow for swaying but abstain and shallow don't work well with my OH as things went wrong obviously 🙈
    he did manage to go in sort of half way through (sorry for all the TMI!!!&#128584 but it meant no big O. for me (if only that would sway!)
    Do you think we still have a chance?
    when is the best time for the one attempt?
    I test with clearblue digital and get a smiley peak fertility on CD12 and CD13 which is usually ovulation day and negative outside these days.

  4. #24
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    Shallow release has never been shown to sway and is based on that notion of X being hardy and long lived, and that has been completely debunked. Plus, it cuts odds of conception massively (I often have people who go on and on as I try every trick to help them conceive and then I find out they were doing shallow all that time. Once I have them drop it, they get pregnant right away.)

    You do still have a chance though, there's always a chance!

    I have people have their attempt at the first positive/solid peak because that's a good time to conceive with one attempt.
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  5. #25
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    Can I just ask what can I still do in the 2ww?
    I assume diet, exercise&folic acid are fine.
    What about other supplements?
    I believe Ca&Mg should be fine, but CoEnz Q10 probably not?
    Are Ca&Mg ok to take in the 2ww?
    And does my OH need to take a break from OLE at some point?
    Thank you!

  6. #26
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    Everything all month till BFP and then gradually wean off anything you intend to stop (and yes you wean off coq10 at BFP)

    Hubby doesn't need a break from OLE> Hve him take it daily till BFP and then gradually wean off.
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  7. #27
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    Can I just please ask, when it comes to teas, you mentioned everything up to 3 times a week to make sure it doesn't sway...
    I caved and had about 3 mugs of green tea in a day. Only one day. I know the green tea swayed blue, but went off the diet anyway for a almost a week now. I think I actually put some of the weight back, as lost 3kg.

    I am planning in skipping next month's cycle, to give me more time on the diet... As up until now I was constantly on and off it. Think it will be 5-6 weeks which I know is not a lot but hoping some of it I've done so far has helped too. This baby will be a lot in the making too, but I now have my son to focus on and things are definitely easier to cope with than when I was trying for him.
    Do you think the diet helps even if you don't follow it constantly? I found it hard to keep to the limits and still lost weight. Every couple of weeks I dropped it (either around AF or holiday etc). Does it still work in this case?

    Thank you!

  8. #28
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    Why did you go off the diet? Just because? Sometimes people go off and on diet in the 2ww and I don't want you guys to do that. I would much rather see you relax on diet and keep going with most of it, even if it's not so strict, than give up totally. So just let me know how I can help with that.

    a small amount of green tea, even all in one day like that, is no biggie.

    You need to do diet constantly, yes, but it may not need to be so STRICT as you're possibly making it. can you tell me more about what you were eating?? I think you may have been being too restrictive and setting yourself up for failure. The LE Diet is meant to be easy, and if you find you can't stick to it easily, then there's something amiss and we need to figure out what that is.
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  9. #29
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    Thanks for your reply!

    I don't think I was that strict, I just have bad habits ��
    I struggled all my life either with being close to anorexia in my teens or compulsive eating in my twenties. Since I was a child I've formed this habit of all or nothing so I tend to go long periods without food if busy with work for example or tend to have all of the day's calories in one go, at one meal. So if I have more meals in a day, as you would, I always eat big meals as that's what I am used to.
    I so far kinda took advantage of my fast metabolism and I always ate a lot so sticking to 2000cal a day seems hard.
    I really don't know what to eat to feel full AND stick within the limits so I tend to repeat a lot.
    I eat a lot of bread, I could live on bread alone, I was never really into pasta and rice but started eating them now and most days is soups and veggie pasta, bread and cheese (as can't give these up), fruits...I am also lucky as I love veggies and fruits.
    I don't really eat much meat as it is, so when I really feel down with the diet I tend to sin with either pastries or sweets or nuts/nut butters (peanut butter, almond, cashew etc) which are highly calorific and full of fats (and proteins for the nuts).
    I tried eating from family's meals, but only smaller portions but is such hard work keeping track of calories, proteins and fats within the recipes, weighing stuff all the time..and you achieve the limits with just a tiny portion, seems it's not worth it! better stick to the same boring things I know the nutritional facts for.
    And I don't purposely go off the diet in the 2ww (I only had 1 of those so far and it was not really a 2ww as our attempt was a fail), but I am hungrier around my period and find comfort in food.

    So should I skip next month's cycle and give myself a little more time on the diet? I am just worried that I'll always fail, no matter how much time I try to delay it and start afresh.
    Last edited by Mrs.C.; September 11th, 2020 at 04:41 PM.

  10. #30
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    It sounds to me like you're eating the right types of foods. Were you tracking protein and fat too or just calories?

    Quite a few people do go up even as high as 2200-2500, 65 g protein and fat so if you're having trouble eating less, you can try that. Still better than eating MORE if that makes sense.

    You only need to track for a week or two. After that you should have the hang of it and can stop tracking.

    I would likely not skip the month based on what you've told me.
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