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  1. #31
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    Thank you, I now think we will skip this cycle as I have a scan scheduled for a suspected hernia and wouldn't want to fall pregnant as I have no idea whether you can sustain a pregancy and give birth with no risks if you have a hernia...

    I was tracking cal,proteins and fats and kept to the limits (or close to them) as an average in a if I would eat 4000cal and 3times the allowance of protein in one day (��) I would eat far less (or nothing) the day or days after or before that, so in a week I would average almost what it should.
    But I had some days when I slipped and just let go as couldn't recover.

    I had to give up legumes and beans, nuts and seeds, dairy I do eat but nowhere near how much I would want, all the meat, eggs etc...Fruits are restricted too, trying to stick more to vegetables...I don't think this diet is easy. �� But that's just me, I am a foodie ��

    Thank you for all the advice, I will come back and update once I have my BFP! hoping no more questions now haha
    Last edited by Mrs.C.; September 13th, 2020 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #32
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    oh no I'm sorry to hear that

    That is not how the LE Diet is done. There are not averages over a week. You need to stick in the limits every day. Having 4000 cals one day and no cals the next day is not going to work for your sway (because every time you have a lot of nutrients your body just holds on to everything) or for keeping you ovulating (because eating nothing, even if it's only a few times a week, feels like starvation and your body thinks it is not a good time to conceive.)

    You can have legumes and beans, nuts and seeds, dairy, eggs, fruits, even as long as you stick in the limits. The limits are all that counts. Some people refuse to do the limits, and for THEM only, they may want to choose various foods. But anyone in the limits has freedom in the limits to eat all those things.
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  3. #33
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    oh well, then it seems I haven't done any diet at all after all, as that's the best I could 🤷*♀️

    I know everything is allowed, within the limits, but you are allowed so little of those foods if you want to stay within the limits that really is not worth it, as I feel I have an empty stomach all the time. I would rather fill myself on loads of veggies than eating just 30g of chicken.
    Oh well...maybe this is not for me after all.

  4. #34
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    As long as you've changed your diet in a more pink friendly way, it can still help, but I am just trying to get you your best chance at a girl and also make sure you stay healthy.

    But you can have BOTH loads of veggies and the chicken. Low carb veggies are free and unlimited, so have as much as you want, no need to count them. Eat TONS of veggies, they're great! And then you can have the chicken TOO. You don't have to pick one or the other.
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  5. #35
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    Sorry, yes, I know you have everyone's best interests at heart!

    So even if I failed diet-wise, I wanted to ask about exercising...I took up running about 2-3 times a week for 1h and 10min, so around 13km. However, I did this for my mental health but I thought running was supposed to make you loose muscle. I have a 6pack now �� I don't like it.
    I also gave up dancing/zumba as that sculpted my ab too and ended up with it anyway!
    I am also sooooo hungry after running and it is usually then that I tend to go over board with food. I am thinking giving it up as so many people have success as coach potato!
    (By the way, it was someone's successful sway on here with doing a lot of exercise and eating more because of it and then average it out over the next days that made me think it was all right)

    Also, I still plan the one attempt (as long as my scan says I can ttc) but so many ladies seem to have success with 2-3 days cut off!! (albeit just the one) it can't be all coincidence. My concern is I will end up not pregnant at all as was doing that for a few months without knowing before having my son and never got pregnant...

    So sorry for all the questions, is just that as we don't have that bfp it gives me a feeling I am still doing something.
    Last edited by Mrs.C.; September 28th, 2020 at 02:46 AM.

  6. #36
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    No need to apologize at all! I just want you to have your best sway while staying healthy.

    You didn't fail dietwise. Whenever you make changes in a pink friendly way you still are helping your chances. Exercise is a GREAT pink sway. You have NOT added muscle. You simply lost the fat that was covering your muscle. Women do not lose fat without losing muscle. your muscle is actually smaller, it is just that you can better see iut now.

    PLEASE PLEASE do not go couch potato. Couch potato has by far worse results than exercise.

    If you are exercising, in many cases you have to eat more to compensate for that. But I don't want you figuring out how many calories you burned. I want you to simply let your weight loss be your guide. If you are losing too much weight, eat more. If you are under BMI 21, eat more. DO NOT calculate the amount of calories you supposedly burned from exercise and then eat that many more calories. That isn't at all reliable and makes you think about your food intake too much. So yes, if someone was exercising a lot, they likely had to eat more, but that wasn't the problem I have with eating more to compensate for exercise, it's more about doing the constant thinking about your food intake all the time.

    Yes, it can all be coincidence. First of all, most people have no idea when they actually ovulate and are guessing about when they had sex in relation to their ovulation. Studies have shown that even experts cannot tell the day they ovulated even with charting, any better than one out of 3 times. Additionally, the vast majority of babies, boy or girl, are conceived O-2, O-1, or O Day. A small number more on O-3, and then a tiny amount O-4. But scientists using modern technology to accurately pinpoint ovulation (which the studies that supposedly support cutoffs for pink do NOT do) have proven that 50-50 boys and girls are conceived every day of the fertile window. So if most babies are conceived on a 3 day time period, well, of course you are going to find lots of girls conceived O-2. But you will also find lots of girls conceived O-1 and O Day. I got 3 of 4 boys conceived with cutoffs (the other was a sneak attack) and then my daughter very late at night between O-1 and O Day - technically on O Day (and my ovulation was confirmed by ultrasound). Since people can't know without either a blood test or ultrasound when they actually ovulated, the Internet is full of people who think they had a girl with cutoff timing or a boy on ovulation, but the truth is they don't know that and neither do you.

    Cutoffs do really reduce your chance of conception. O-3 is a very challenging day to conceive with because sperm doesn't live that long many times, and if you're swaying it is even harder to conceive with O-3. O-2 is a better chance, but O-1 will be best for most people. O Day is often too late.
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  7. #37
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    Thank you for this summary of cut off dates and conceiving! I read somewhere on here that you said it's the frequency that's more important is that right? Less/once for girls is more successful?

  8. #38
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    ahhh thank you!
    yes, if I'm honest, all I have been doing all this time was thinking about calorie intake and limits 🙈

    I know after a couple of weeks you're supposed to just know, but I never do, I always have to still weigh stuff!!
    I never figured out calories burned through exercise, but when I run the apps are doing it for me. I never relied on eating more because of it but I felt I need more anyway haha. Like the app would show 800cal and I felt like eating far more than that.
    My BMI is 18.3, don't know how that is as I eat so much!

    I think it all makes sense with the cut off days, is just that since looking into swaying seems like everyone's success is more and more with this, but you are right I guess. Plus, I will already do just one attempt and the diet as best as I can (think I'll stop counting now though as is so consuming) and then it's already been a few months, I don't want to go trying for months on end on top of it all (assuming the abdominal scan on Monday shows everything ok and lets us ttc)

    Thank you so so much for not getting bored coming back again and again to reply to my questions!

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarahrose View Post
    Thank you for this summary of cut off dates and conceiving! I read somewhere on here that you said it's the frequency that's more important is that right? Less/once for girls is more successful?
    What we call frequency is different than number of attempts, so just in the interest of clarity I'll say that frequency - which is the frequency that your husband ejaculates prior to attempt - has not seemed to add anything to our success rates.

    Number of attempts HAS seemed to sway. One attempt has been successful for pink. 2 attepts was less successful than one but better than 3. 3 attempts was terrible, getting only about 43% girls even with great pink sways. 4 attempts seemed better than 3, but not as good as two - but that is likely because people who had 4+ attempts were counting attempts that were prior to the fertile window.

    So I would strongly suggest starting with one attempt and seeing if you can get pregnant that way. At most we'd ever want to have 2 attempts in the fertile window. (e4d plus one more attempt does count as just 2 attempts, and there's a big complicated explanation for this if you want to hear it) But start with one, then try e4d, then e4d plus one more at pos OPK.
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  10. #40
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    Since you're already quite thin you have a lot more leeway on diet mistakes than other people. But please don't lose any more weight. So if you start exercising more again you are going to have to eat some more, but let your weight be your guideline rather than an equation about how many calories you burned.

    If you want to start off with timing that's your choice always, I just wanted to explain how yes, it can actually be coincidence, and then when scientists study it and eliminate the coincidence, it doesn't really work. But to start with you can absolutely use timing, jsut be sure you drop it before adding attempts.
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