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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    Why is it easier to conceive boy over girl??

    I have noticed that it seems like women can easily have a boy after 2 or 3 girls, with no swaying- in fact, they tend to have a boy after 2-3 girls. unless their husband works in a field that causes low sperm count. But, typically, women with 2-3 boys tend to go on to have boys (without swaying- obv swaying changes things). Why is it that its more common to see a family of four boys vs four girls? What is the common factor that tends to differentiate those with all girls vs all boys?

    Also, what about women who had 2 girls after having 2 boys, without swaying? Do they have lower t than women who go on to have two more boys? Or those who had two girls who go on to have two boys afterwards?

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    yes, some stats seem to indicate that it's ~slightly~ statistically more likely to have a boy after 2-3 girls than a girl after 2-3 boys. (I talk about it in this thread It's only about 4% difference though.

    From numbers alone this makes some sense - it's believed that there are 140-160 boys conceived for every 100 girls but more boys are lost and the gender ratio is about 105/106 to 100 girls at birth (I know there is a study that claims differently but that study had some very big issues with it) But statistically it isn't as it "should" be in terms of just math - there really are more families with all boys than there "should" be and fewer with all girls.

    And the lame and unsatisfying answer to why this is, is, we don't know. No one studies this stuff, most of this is pieced together from grad student projects and animal research. Even the "testosterone" stuff has practically NO real hard evidence in support of it.

    There are many factors that seem to come into play (as we discussed some in your other thread). Diet, exercise, weight, medical history, underlying genetics (NOT direct genetics in that some people "only make boys", that's not really a thing, but for instance height and muscle mass are somewhat genetically influenced and may affect gender, with taller people having more sons), whatever the male brings to the table (sperm count, sperm health, having a lot of heat/pressure on the testicles, and diet seem to have some influence). Even weird things like socioeconomic status and education level seem to be correlated with gender of child (and I'll get into this more in your other post). And then there's personality/dominance issues which I talk about at length in this thread.

    So I cannot tell you why people have boys and then girls (not only 2 and 2, but like the Duggars who have a long run of boys and then a long run of girls longer than any of us have). We just don't know, and when I speculate I find that people end up taking my speculations as gospel truth and then stop just doing the stuff that actually WORKS!

    Swaying is like an iceberg; the stuff we "see" above the water is tiny compared to the stuff that may be swaying underneath. The egg that became us started its journey of development all the way back inside your GRANDMOTHER's body when your mom was developing in her womb. So at the end of the day all we can say is that a lot of stuff comes into play, much of it we can't know, it's fun to guess about, but just do what has worked for most people most of the time rather than getting too hung up on the whys and wherefores.
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  3. #3
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    Do you have any information on sperm health? Like I said I’m helping a family member write her 20 page essay on factors that affect gender ratios and was wondering if you knew any books she could read that discuss the studies and information you provide on your site? Thanks!!

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  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    no, this has really been a very long process of piecing this all together using various studies on Google Scholar, along with tidbits I read in this book, that book, the other book, LOL. To be honest at this point I don't always remember specifically without doing a lot of digging where I read things. I have kept a notebook where I write down things I read but not always the source.
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