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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Last baby- Pink sway (help needed)

    Hi y’all!
    Happy to be here! ( Joined some time ago, but just got around to my intro. I thought I was in a good place, but I’m having doubts.)
    I’m a mama to a 20 mth old boy and will be swaying for a girl here soon for our final babe. I’ve put a lot of my sway into motion over the last 10 months: I’ve lost 45 lbs, became a vegetarian in April of 2020 and really incorporated daily exercise. Oh and I’m diagnosed PCOS, likely to start trials with clomid in February (both continual Metformin and a few rounds clomid were needed for my first pregnancy).
    Still trying to refine my diet.

    At first, I had decidedly opted out of buying a diet plan; I didn’t want to hyper-obsess. I’m not so sure that’s the right choice.
    I honestly just need some camaraderie and perhaps a bit more direction. 😔

    On the fence about some parts of my sway:

    Should I add in a daily baby aspirin?
    I’ve monitored my PH, but is douching the way to go or should I just leave it out?
    Folic acid is “a must” - clearly, but I’m confused about DHA. I’m almost fearful of trying to conceive without it. Being polycystic would a fish oil or an omega supplement throw my sway out of wack? ( I’ve not eaten meat in so long. I wouldn’t want to undo the work I’ve done, but again that doubt creeps up.) From what I’ve read, seaweed is the only viable alternative to a plant based DHA. Anyone try this?

    I intend to head over to the “how we made boys” because I was eating the blue diet to a tee when I conceived my son. 😂

    Something interesting about me: my field of study was embryology at one point, currently a biochemist turned sahm. That said, my husband finds my trust in any of “this” almost amusing; he supports me trying, but is super skeptical. The more I read, the more parallels I see confirming credibility to some theories supported on this site. I figured since it’s my heart’s desire, why not give it my all? Ya know!

    That’s me in a nutshell. Feel free to link some must reads for me since there is a vast amount of information here.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    Tell me more about your vegetarian diet. Sometimes with PCOS we have to take caution not to go overboard with carbs, and some vegetarian diets can be quite carby. I FOR SURE want you on full fat dairy only, no skim or part skim dairy (skim dairy is the devil for PCOS) whole grains only, limited sugar, and 50-60 g protein and fat per day not counting the pro and fat in fruit and veg.

    I no longer recommend aspirin as it doesn't work and some pretty compelling evidence indicates that for anyone who does not need it due to their blood clotting too easily, it actually may cause miscarriage.

    After having seen 123,456,789 pH opposites I no longer believe pH matters at all. I have a full description of the science (or lack thereof) here:

    The DHA is at your discretion. I don't think it will make or break a sway, but neither do I think it's necessary and it is fine to start at conception.

    Everything I do on here is rooted in science. The reason I came to this site to begin with was to get past all the hoodoo and drop the debunked, biologically impossible stuff to see what really remained scientifically. And much to my surprise there really was a pretty decent body of science underlying the notion. I have a couple less-read posts you might like here:

    I'm happy to help with any swaying question, just let me know what you need.
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    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    I naturally don’t eat tons of carbs: no bread, bready things and pasta makes me feel horrible.
    My diet tends to look like:
    Low sugar Yogurt with chia or 2 percent decaf latte by around 11 am. Big salad with vinaigrette for lunch or dinner. I swap the salad out occasionally for eggplant, zucchini, sliced peppers or summer squash which I pan sear with olive oil. I’ve tried to cut out too much salt, just using herbs. I’ve added rice, beans and lentils in the mix, but take my Metformin 30 minutes before and only do this a few times a week. I allow myself berries and some lower sugar fruits, but I save this for my 3:00 snack. I alternate that with a cheese stick, cottage cheese or 1/4 cup unsalted nuts. I fit in a glass of milk somewhere between dinner and bed.
    The only other things I’ve eliminated are caffeine, onions and garlic. I miss all but did so to watch my free T. ( it came back high when we were trying for my little guy; my PCOS I’m sure.)
    My cheats are usually take out ( bean burrito or veggie tacos) or chocolate or other candy. I’m sure this throws my diet off completely. I have tried to avoid these pit falls but I’m so done with cooking.

    And yes! That is just the kind of read I get into... thanx atomic.

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    That looks very solid to me. Just do your best with the goodies and I think you've got a really good plan there, esp. with that Metformin working for you.
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks Atomic! We are going to attempt this weekend. Fingers crossed.
    (I will report that I requested a testosterone / blood panel from my endocrinologist last week before I started the clomid. . Since being on a vegetarian, LE, I have gone from high testosterone to low testosterone. It’s lower than it was with meds to correct prior to pregnancy 1; this blows my mind. My endocrinologist was so shocked she had her NP call to make sure I tested on the right cycle day. )

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  7. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Wow that is AMAZING! Great news and thank you for letting me know that!
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    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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