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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Jul 2021
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    Hello! About to start pink way, how do I kick the sugar habit?!

    I’ve been planning my girl sway using this fantastic resource. Thank you to Atomic and all those who share their experiences.

    I plan TTC in November and want to give myself a nice solid 3 months of swaying. I have always found it so difficult to give up sugar and often find myself mindlessly eating. It’s like my body has some way of disengaging from my brain and will just go for the sweet stuff!!

    Does anyone have any tips on how to kick the habit? I have managed only one month without chocolate and cakes in the past! Perhaps contributed to my lovely little boys ...

    Also wondered about exercise. If I’m losing weight and not putting on muscle is that sufficient? Most days I walk 12500 steps pushing the two boys on the buggy and I live in a super hilly area. Then 4/5 times per week I’ll run for about 30 mins. So none of this adds up to 60 mins in one go.

    Thanks so much!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    So question - do you plan to be on the alternate LE Diet?? Because the standard one you can continue having some sugar.

    The reason I ask is that some people have misunderstandings of what the LE Diet is and make it way harder on themselves than need be, so wanted to get that squared away first!

    The reason why we use 60 minutes as our guideline with the exercise is that after about 45 minutes your body will stop burning off carbs and start burning off stores of fat as fuel. Something about this process sways pink in a big way. But if you're really truly doing that amount of exercise (walking that many steps while pushing a double stroller in less than 60 minutes is INCREDIBLE) and then running 4-5 days a week will very likely suffice as long as you're eating lower protein and not gaining weight.
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